Labour Law

Academic year
Subject Area
Other areas
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Previous contact with law discourse.

Teaching Methods

The adoption of theoretical-practical classes allows combining expositive moments of the programmatic contents with others in which the students intervene actively in the resolution of practical exercises aimed at consolidating knowledge. Training in the use of the most relevant labour legislation is also privileged. The commentary of news or relevant texts is another approach used.

Lessons are usually accompanied with slides that are later made available to students on the platform. 

Learning Outcomes

Overall objective

- To provide non-legal students with the ability to recognise the role that labour law plays in defining and shaping business decisions related to people's management.


Specific objectives

- To identify themain legal provisions that frame paid employment;

- To identify the legal framework of collective bargaining and unionism;

- To support corporate decision-making on industrial relations.



- To know the fundamental legal framework of labour relations, in force in Portugal;

- To facilitate the understanding of legal jargon and to favour its adequate use;

- To help solve concrete legal problems related to people's management;

- To facilitate the dialogue with legal professionals;

- To better frame business decisions with an impact on labour relations.

Work Placement(s)



I. introduction

1. Labour law: genesis, object and scope

 2. Sources of labour law

II. Collective labor relations

1. The collective bargaining

2. The labour collective actors

3. Labour disputes: the strike.

III. The labour contract

1. Employment contract and related figures

2. Long term employment, temporary work and telework

3. Rights and duties of employees and employers

4. The remuneration

5. The working time

6. The workplace

7. Termination of employment relationship.

Head Lecturer(s)

Catarina Cláudia Ferreira Frade

Assessment Methods

Periodic or by final exam as given in the course information: 100.0%


AMADO, João Leal, Contrato de trabalho - Noções básicas, 3ª ed. reimp. Coimbra: Almedina, 2021.

FERNANDES, António Monteiro, Direito do Trabalho, 21ª ed.. Coimbra: Almedina 2022.

FRADE, Catarina, A cessação do contrato de trabalho reformada [em linha]. Coimbra : FEUC, 2021

LEITÃO, Luís Manuel Teles de Meneses,  Direito do trabalho. 7ª ed.. Coimbra: Almedina, 2021.

MARQUES, Maria Manuel Leitão et al. - Manual de introdução ao Direito. Saber direito para entender o mercado. 4.ª ed. Coimbra: Almedina, 2022.

PORTUGAL. Código do Trabalho (edição actualizada)

PORTUGAL. Constituição da República Portuguesa : actualizada de acordo com a Lei Constitucional n.º 1/2005, de 12 de Agosto

RAMALHO, Maria do Rosário Palma, Tratado de Direito do Trabalho Parte II - Situações Laborais Individuais,8ª ed., Coimbra: Almedina, 2021