
Academic year
Subject Area
Political Sciences – International Relations
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Knowledge of techniques and styles of academic writing.

Teaching Methods

The course combines theory and seminars. Students submit information about each of the steps of drafting their research proposals and debate it in class, following the methodological guidelines previously provided.


Learning Outcomes


Overall objectives

Training competences for autonomous research: literature review, research questions, research methods.

Specific objectives

Training competences for the elaboration of research questions and hypotheses and for a rigorous and well-structured literature review. Elaboration of a dissertation project or training report to be presented at the end of the first year.

Generic competencies

Ability to identify and analyze relevant bibliography. Formulation of research questions and structuring of a research proposal suitable for this level of training.


Specific competencies

Literature review; understanding the use of methodologies of analysis and interpretation of different types of primary and secondary sources, interviews and discourse analysis; quantitative methods; and how to make oral presentations during the viva and in conferences, both as presenters and chairs.

Work Placement(s)



Research methodology steps; elaboration and discussion of the different parts of the research project, namely the research question, the theoretical framework and methodological proposal. How to write a research proposal.

Head Lecturer(s)

Pascoal Santos Pereira

Assessment Methods

Periodic or by final exam as given in the course information: 100.0%


Andrade, Maria Margarida (2005), Introdução à metodologia do trabalho científico, 7.ª Ed., São Paulo, Ed. Atlas.

Bell, Judith (2004), Como Realizar um Projecto de Investigação, 3ª Ed. Gradiva, Lisboa.

Creswell, John (2014), Research Design – Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches, Sage, Los Angeles. 

Frada, João José Cúcio (1996), Guia prático para a elaboração e apresentação de trabalhos científicos. Teses, monografias, relatórios, currículos, projectos, 6.ª Ed., Lisboa, Cosmos.

Neuman, Lawrence (2007), Basics of Social Research – Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, 2ª ed., Pearson Education, Boston.

Quivy, Raymond e Campenhoudt, Luc Van (2005), Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais, 4ª Ed., Gradiva. 

Turner, Barry (2006), The Writer's Handbook, Macmillan, Londres.

Willis, Jane (1996), Speeches and Presentations. Preparing and Planning. Using visual aids. Overcoming nerves. Voice control and body languages, Londres, Ed. Ward Lock.