Research Seminar

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Research Methods Laboratory.

Teaching Methods

Regular classes are organized in a rather flexible format as to include:

Theoretical lectures by the teacher. Classes devoted to the students’ presentations of their own work in progress (preliminary projects). Collective discussion of technical-methodological options used in a minimum of two conferences to be attended by students along the semester.

Learning Outcomes

The study unit aims at providing assistance in the designing of the MA dissertation.
Providing and commenting on the various means of information available.
Call for and discuss the practical use the context of sociological research.
Acquaintance with oral and written communication techniques.

Generic comp.
Learning how to read and expose in public sociological reports.
Acquire argumentation and expositive skills making use of technically adequate language.
Deal with bibliographic sources and lists.
Research statistical data e preparing their public presentation.

Specific comp.
Prepare research proposals for presentation.
Learning how to organize a “state of the art” of a given topic.
Choose the most adequate methodology for the research to be carried out.
Reading data collected and research findings.
How to produce an executive summary.
Writing short documents, comments and posters.
Use current and adequate software to prepare public presentations.

Work Placement(s)



The current study unit has a broad set of topics concerning issues of scientific methodologies and techniques of communication/presentation of reports:

- Methods of research in social sciences.

- Oral/Written techniques of exposition.

- How to organize a MA thesis.

Head Lecturer(s)

Sílvia Margarida Violante Portugal Correia

Assessment Methods

Participation in class discussions: 15.0%
Mini Tests: 20.0%
Individual presentations: 25.0%
Final Report: 40.0%


CORREIA, A. e MESQUITA, A., Mestrados & Doutoramentos. Lisboa, Vida Económica, 2013.
ECO, U. - Como se faz uma tese em ciências humanas. 13ª ed. Lisboa, Presença, 2007. [BP 001.8 ECO]
Estrela, E.; Soares, M. A. ; Leitão, M. J. - Saber escrever uma tese e outros textos. 4ª ed. Lisboa, D. Quixote, 2006. [BP 001.8 EST]
IDRC-Toolkit for researchers. Disponível em WWW: <URL:>.
Madeira, A. C. ; Abreu, M. M. P. - Comunicar em ciência: como redigir e apresentar trabalhos científicos. Lisboa, Editora Escolar, 2004. [BP 001.8 MAD]
Martins, G. A. ; Theóphilo, C. R. - Metodologia da investigação científica para ciências sociais aplicadas. São Paulo, Atlas, 2009. [BP 303 MAR]
Thiollent, Michel J. M. - Metodologia da pesquisa-ação. 4ª ed.. São Paulo, Cortez e Autores Associados, 1988. [BP 303 THI]