Sociology of Work and Employment

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Once this is an optional course unit for different graduations, it is recommended to the students a transposition to the field of sociology of the main topics concerning the world of labour

Teaching Methods

The teaching of this subject is in personal contact. The classes have a theoretical-practical status, based on the contextualization of themes and problems related to the labour relations field. A prior reading of the texts under discussion is crucial so that each student can contribute to a dynamic debate in class. Since the curricular unit works in periodic evaluation (see below evaluation methods), it is expected a strong attendance to the classes, because only in this way can be reinforced the participation component.

Learning Outcomes

Understanding history of work and labour relations, including its contraditions and centrality in western societies;

Specífic goals to be aware of:

- Salaried work since 1st Industrial Revolution; andcraft and ofices;

- Models of organization os work: Taylorism and mass prodution;

- Fordism and post-fordism: regulation and conflict management; toyotism

Sistemic skills:

Understanding new challenges toward employment field and labour rights; recent trends on work segmentation and impacts of new tecnologies for 21st western democracies and labour models.

Cognitiv skills (readings and reflection), methodological (combining theoretical and empirical processes), analític skills and dicussion on the topics of this program);

Intersubjective skills: individual and group participation in the sessions.

Work Placement(s)



1. Labour and work concepts. 2. Work as punishment and as oportunity and creation. 3. Models of organizing industry and work. 4. Taylorism, fordism, toyotism. 5. Labour regulation and global markets. 6. Conflict and social dialogue in the world of labour. 7. The role of technology and innovation. 8. Digital work and distant work. 9. New trends on labour markets: flexibilization, instability and precariousness. 10. Trade unionism and new challenges for the working class.     

Assessment Methods

Periodic or by final exam as given in the course information: 100.0%


ANTUNES, Ricardo (2013), Os Sentidos do Trabalho. Coimbra, Almedina.

BURAWOY, Michael (2014), Marxismo Sociológico: quatro países, quatro décadas, quatro grandes transformações e uma tradição crítica. São Paulo: Alameda.

CROUCH, Colin (2013), Making Capitalism Fit for Society. London: Polity Press.

ESTANQUE, E.; COSTA, Hermes A (2018), “Trabalho e desigualdades no século XXI: velhas e novas linhas de análise”, Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, nº Esp. – Edição comemorativa dos 40 anos, pp. 261-290.

FERREIRA, A. Casimiro (2012), A Sociedade da Austeridade e Direito do Trabalho de Exceção. Porto: Vida Económica.

HYMAN, Richard (2002), “Europeização ou erosão das relações laborais?”, Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 62, pp. 7-32.

REIS, José (coord.) (2014), A Economia Política do Retrocesso. Coimbra: Almedina.

STANDING, Guy (2014), O Precariado. A nova classe perigosa. Queluz de Baixo: Presença.