Health Economics

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

At least one semester of Economics and one semester of Statistics.

Teaching Methods

Lecture of fundamental contents for each topic, using audiovisual means. Discussion in small groups or with the large group reflection.

Learning Outcomes

It is important that the future has a degree in economics to understand the specificities, potentials and limitations of the application of economic analysis to the health sector and how this analysis can positively influence, in a context of scarce resources, the choices of individuals and health policy.

The goal of this course is to provide students with the possibility of using basic principles of Economics to critically analyze the health sector. Intended to discuss the areas of health care and policies under an economic perspective. It is also aimed to enhance capacity for analysis and synthesis and instrumental skills, cognitive abilities, methodological fundamentally, develops the capacity for analysis, synthesis, oral and written expression.

Work Placement(s)



Introduction to health economics: specificities of the sector

Performance of a health system

Portuguese health system

Models of health care supply

Efficiency and financing of providers.

Equity in health: definitions and concepts; Equity in the financing and delivery of health care.

Topics of health economic evaluation.

Demand for health and health care. Conceptual elements model (Grossman) and empirical.

Informational problems in the health sector, and the behaviour of agents.

Health insurance: definitions and concepts, moral hazard and adverse selection.

Assessment Methods

Continuous Assessment
3 intermediate tests: 100.0%

Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%


BARROS, Pedro Pita — Economia da saúde : conceitos e comportamentos. 2ª ed.. Coimbra : Edições Almedina, 2009. [BP 614 BAR]

FOLLAND, Sherman ; GOODMAN, Allen C ; STANO, Miron - The economics of health and health care. 6th ed.. Upper Saddle River : Prentice-Hall, 2010. [BP 614 FOL]

METHODS for the economic evaluation of health care programmes. Michael F. Drummond [et al.]. 3rd ed.. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005. [BP 614 MET]

OBSERVATÓRIO PORTUGUÊS DOS SISTEMAS DE SAÚDE. Da depressão da crise para a governação prospectiva da saúde : relatório de Primavera 2011. Coimbra : Mar da Palavra, 2011. [BP 614 OBS]

PHELPS, Charles E. - Health economics. 4th ed.. Boston : Pearson, 2010. [BP 614 PHE]