Cooperation for Development I

Academic year
Subject Area
Political Science – International Relations
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

      Knowledge of English as the main bibliographical references supporting this curricular unit are in English.

Teaching Methods

Teaching methodologies include both lecture-style and participative sessions as well as sessions where students are expected to participate as a group in the classroom. Each session has both more descriptive and more participative moments, addressing the theoretical-conceptual evolution of development aid policies. Tutorials are focused on the presentation of arguments in the classroom regarding specific questions associated with development aid models of intervention.

Learning Outcomes

Overall objectives

This course aims to familiarize students with development aid politics.

Specific objectives and competencies

- to identify and understand development theories and associated concepts and strategies underlying different development aid models

- to understand and critically analyse development aid policies of multilateral (universal and regional), bilateral and non-governmental actors

Generic competencies

Critical analysis and summarising capacities; oral and written skills; ability to work in a group.

Work Placement(s)



This course includes the introduction and analysis of development aid policies tracking their theoretical-conceptual evolution and the role of the actors involved. Consequently, the sessions include discussions and analysis since the Marshall Plan post-Second World War, including the debt crisis and structural adjustment plans, the Washington Consensus, the donors’ conditionality, human development and human security, and the Millenium Development Goals. The development aid policies of different actors are also analysed: multilateral actors (United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, European Union, Organization for the Economic Cooperation and Development, regional banks for development), bilateral actors (Portugal, developed countries, developing countries) as well as private ones, such as the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation.

Head Lecturer(s)

Paula Duarte Lopes

Assessment Methods

Continuous Assessment
In group: critical analysis of the most recente UN Development Program Human Development Report : 30.0%
Individual: 3 tests : 30.0%
report on a country’s position regarding the Millenium Development Goals: 40.0%

Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%


AID and political conditionality. Ed. Olav Stokke. London : Frank Cass ; Geneva : EADI, 1995. [BP 327 AID]

BROWNE, Stephen - Aid and influence : do donors help or hinder?. London : Earthscan, 2007. [BP 327 BRO]

CULPEPER, Roy - Titans or behemoths?. London : Intermediate Technology Publications, 1995. [BP 339.7 CUL]

LANCASTER, Carol - Foreign aid : diplomacy, development, domestic politics. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2007. [BP 330.3 LAN]

PALLEY, Thomas - The fallacy of the revised Bretton Woods hypothesis : why today’s system is unsustainable and suggestions for a replacement. [Em linha].Amherst : University of Massachusetts, Political Economy Research Institute, 2006. [Consult. 30 Abr. 2013]. Disponível em WWW:<URL:>.