Contemporary Economic Problems

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
Non Degree Course

Recommended Prerequisites

Ability to read texts in English

Teaching Methods

The teaching methodology is based on lectures and tutorials. The lectures are used for the presentation of the program topics. The presence and active participation of students in the classroom are stimulated by encouraging them to question and discuss the issues examined. Tutorials are dedicated to guiding and monitoring students’ work as well as its presentation and discussion.

Learning Outcomes

This course intends to analyze some of the more relevant contemporary economic problems.

Upon completion of this course students should be able to: acquire knowledge and analytical tools that allow them to understand the main guidelines in the analysis of the current economic problems according to different schools of thought; identify and compare different views on the current economic problems studied and assess them critically; discuss and debate in a reasoned manner different contemporary problems and solutions; collect and analyze relevant information on the topics covered and to summarize ideas; communicate orally and in writing knowledge, reasoning and conclusions accurately and clearly

Work Placement(s)



The syllabus includes the following topics:  1 – Globalization: problems and perspectives; 2 – Development; 3 – The eurozone crisis; 4 – Unemployment; 5 – Pensions: income security in retirement and financing.

Head Lecturer(s)

Maria Clara Papão Franjoso Murteira

Assessment Methods

Continuous Assessment
Students will be asked to write short discussion notes : 20.0%
To present in class a paper on a chosen topic: 20.0%
Present a research work at the end of the semester: 60.0%


MICHALET, Charles-Albert - A sedução das nações ou como atrair os investimentos, Lisboa, Terramar, 2001. [BP 339.9 MIC]

MURTEIRA, Maria Clara - A Economia das Pensões, Coimbra, Angelus Novus, 2011. [331.2 MUR]

RODRIK, Dani – The Globalization Paradox: Democracy and the Future of World Economy, New York, W. W. NORTON, 2012 [339.9 ROD]

SEN, Amartya - O desenvolvimento como liberdade. 1ª ed., Lisboa, Gradiva, 2003. [BP 330.3 SEN]

STOCKHAMMER, Engelbert - The rise of unemployment in Europe: A Keynesian approach, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2004.[BP 331.1 STO]