Social and Political Sciences

Academic year
Subject Area
Sociology/Economics/Geography/Political Sciences/Earth Sciences/Mechanical Engineering
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Not available.

Learning Outcomes

It is intended to provide students with the assimilation and deepening of the main lines of social organization, based on socio-economic inequalities and how they are organized at national level. The program is divided into the following topics: 1) the process of industrialization and society "dual" (agriculture / industry), 2) the emergence of the working class as a class, 3) the state organization/institutions: the corporatist welfare state, 4) the middle class in Portugal: realities and subjectivities, 5) State and politics in contemporary Portuguese democracy.

Work Placement(s)



- Social structures and institutions

- Society and politics: community and society, structure and action

- The process of Industrialization, the market and the social contract

- State and political institutions: the political community and the welfare state

- The structures of class, stratification and social mobility. The advent of the middle class.

- Specificities of Portuguese society: tradition, parochialism and corporatism

- Promises and contradictions of democratic Portugal since April 25,1974

- Movements and institutions: ruptures and reforms

- The middle class in Portugal: realities and subjectivities;

- Labour, employment and trade unionism in a situation of crisis and austerity.

Assessment Methods

Other: 100.0%


-  Burawoy, M. (2010), "A quern pertence a falsa consciencia?", in O Marxismo Encontra Bourdieu. Campinas Editora da Unicamp

-  Estanque, E. (2012), "O Estado social em causa ", in Silva, F. Carreira da (org.) Atitudes Perante o Estado e as Politicas Sociais. Lisboa: ICS.

-  Estanque, E., (2003), "O efeito classe media",in Cabral, M. Villaverde, J. Vala e A. Freire (orgs.), Desigualdades Sociais e Percepgoes de Justiga. Lisboa: ICS

-  Estanque, E., 1999, "Acgao Colectiva, Comunidade e Movimentos Sociai", Revista Critica de Ciencias Sociais, n°55, Coimbra, CES

■ Estanque, E., 1999,2009, "Trabalho e Sindicallsmo - os impactos da crise", Revista Flnisterra, vol. 65/66,

-  Monteiro, Nuno: Pinto, Antonio Costa (2004) "A identidade nacionalportuguesa", in Pinto, Antonio Costa, Portugal Contemporaneo. Lisboa: D. Quixote

-  Reis, Jose (2009) "Economia Impura", in Ensaios de Economia Impura. Coimbra: Almedina

Sen, Amartya (2011), "A justiga e o mundo", in Uma Ideia de Justiga. Coimbra: Almedina