International Political Economics II

Academic year
Subject Area
Political Science – International Relations
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

The sessions consist of theoretical-practical classes, with the presentation of the contents by the professor and subsequent discussion and debate; the students have to make oral and/or written presentations on topics that are previously proposed; it will be shown movies/documentaries on issues related to the syllabus, which will be followed by debate and will be a base for the presentation of written works by the students.

Learning Outcomes

General objectives:

The objective is to deepen the knowledge about global governance of the world economy, with emphasis on the International Monetary System (IMS).

 Goals and specific competencies:

1. To understand the importance of the IMS in international relations;

2. To identify and characterize the main phases of the IMS and their differences;

3. To relate the IMS evolution with international institutions;

4. To explain the impact of the policies of international institutions on international monetary relations;

5. To discuss the role of international institutions in the context of globalization which has arisen with the Washington consensus, as well as the effects of the IMF structural adjustment plans;

 Generic skills:

1. To identify, organize, synthesize and present relevant issues of international political economy;

2. To communicate knowledge and opinions on international political economy issues;

3. To learn and to critically reflect on international political economy issues.

Work Placement(s)



1. Basic concepts: currency, monetary system, international monetary system;

2. The current situation as a result of the evolution of monetary systems;

3. The international gold standard: theoretical functioning and historical evolution;

4. The emergence of the Bretton Woods system;

5. The evolution of the Bretton Woods system;

6. The crisis of the international monetary system and the Kingston system;

7. The international monetary system in the 1980s;

8. The structural adjustment programs and the international monetary system;

9. The regional monetary systems: the European Monetary System;

10. The monetary questions in the late 20th century and in the threshold of 21th century.

Head Lecturer(s)

António Manuel Portugal Duarte

Assessment Methods

Mixed regime
Assignments and participation in class: 30.0%
Exam: 70.0%

General regime
Exam: 100.0%


EICHENGREEN, Barry, Exorbitant Privilege, The Rise and Fall of the Dollar, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2011. [BP 338.2 EIC]

EICHENGREEN, Barry, Globalizing Capital: A History of the International Monetary System, 2 edition, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2008. [edição portuguesa de 1999 na FEUC, 339.7 EIC]

FAUGÈRE, Jean-Pierre; VOISIN, Colette, Le système financier et monétaire international - Crises et mutations, 5e édition, Paris, Armand Colin, Collection: Circa, 2005. [edição portuguesa de 1997 na FEUC, 339.7 FAU]

GILPIN, Robert; GILPIN, Jean M. — Global political economy: understanding the international economic order, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2001. [BP 339.9 GIL]

LELART, Michel, Le système monétaire international, Paris, Editions La Découverte, Collection: Repères, n.º 97, 2007. [edição portuguesa de 1997 na FEUC, 339.7 LEL]

PATAT, Jean-Pierr, Histoire de l'Europe monétaire, Paris, Editions La Découverte, Collection: Repères, n°250, 2007