Portuguese Economy Seminar

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Knowledge gained by passing the following courses: Macroeconomics, Money and Finance Economics, Growth and Development Economics, International Economics, Statistics, Econometrics.

Some bibliography will be in English so that English skills are advised.

Teaching Methods

The Seminar is a course which involves team dynamics, requiring the active participation of students in their learning process. Classes will be thematic, based on the literature proposed by teachers, and exposure and discussion of topics by students, appropriately oriented. The individual and group presentations occur within the timeframe set at the beginning of the semester.

Learning Outcomes

Overall objectives
Mobilisation and integration of the acquired knowledge in Economics for understanding and critical analysis of the Portuguese economy.

Specific objectives/Specific competencies
1. Characterize the post-War economic trajectory and cycles,and their main determinants,both from internal and external origin.
2. Apply economic theories and models for understanding the evolution of this small economy exposed to globalization and Economic and Monetary European Integration.
3. Critical acknowledgement of the resources,capabilities and main blockages for the economic development of Portugal.
4. Understand the processes at the origin of the debt crisis.

Generic competencies
Development of the following competencies:analysis and synthesis,oral and written communication,teamwork,critical and self-critical abilities,retrieve and analyze information from different sources,autonomous work,apply knowledge in practice,learn and research skills,leadership,concern for quality.

Work Placement(s)



1.  The post-War growth and development of the Portuguese economy: the long-term trend and the economic cycles;

2.  The main economic sectors: manufacturing, energy, services, agro-forestry;

3.  Productivity, competitiveness, standard of living and human development;

4.  Labor market issues, human capital and social cohesion;

5.  International integration in the context of economic globalization;

6.  The participation in European integration, especially in the Economic and Monetary Union;

7.  Structural crisis, debt crisis and the "Memorandum of Understanding."

Assessment Methods

Continuous Assessment
Participation in class: 10.0%
Assignments : 90.0%

Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%


PORTUGAL. Banco de Portugal - A economia portuguesa no contexto da integração económica, financeira e monetária. Lisboa : Banco de Portugal, 2009. [BP 338.2 POR]

PORTUGAL. Banco de Portugal - Boletim Económico [Em linha]. Lisboa : Banco de Portugal, [Consult. 18 Abr. 2013]. Disponível em WWW: <URL: http://www.bportugal.pt >.

CAIXA GERAL DE DEPÓSITOS. Desenvolvimento da economia portuguesa [Em linha]. Lisboa : CGD, 2010. [Consult. 18 Abr. 2013]. Disponível em WWW: <URL: https://www.cgd.pt >.

ECONOMIA portuguesa 20 anos após a adesão. Org. António Romão. Coimbra : Livraria Almedina, 2006. [BP 339.9 ECO]

LOPES, José Silva - A economia portuguesa desde 1960. Lisboa : Gradiva, 1999. [BP 338.2 LOP]

OECD. OECD economic surveys : Portugal. Paris: OECD,2012. [Consult. 18 Abr. 2013]. Disponível em WWW: <URL: http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org >.