Monitoring Internships Seminar

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Applicable the general rules of access to the master programme.

Teaching Methods

Under seminar, active methodologies form the basis of teaching methods. The initiative of the students will be required both within and outside of the classroom. The activities to develop include: Discussion of bibliography on approach, integration, research and learning strategies in organizations; Bibliography and survey data on the contexts and issues to explore in internships/projects; Definition, presentation and discussion of individual plans/projects.

Learning Outcomes

The objective of this seminar is to deepen knowledge of theoretical, methodological, analytical nature and technical dimensions of professional performance in the context of Sociology. It also aims to prepare the students for the integration in an organization to conduct an internship or project that will serve as a basis for your undergraduate or Professional Project, through the sharing of experiences and discussion of methodologies and strategies.

Throughout the semester, it is expected that the students learn how to: plan a training course or vocational project; activate and handle theoretical and methodological instruments adapted to their work projects; enter an organization, through awareness of the problems of integration on an organized collective; analyze in a reflective way the internship experiences; and draw up a report of the internship.

Work Placement(s)



  1. Introducing the challenges of the Internship/Project
  2. The relationship of training and learning styles-expectations of the trainees and supervisors/es
  3. Approach and integration strategies in an organization – best practices
  4. To characterize an organization-sources, methodologies and dimensions
  5. Case studies
  6. Internship/Project Planning – defining objectives and activities
  7. Applied sociology – Definitions, models, objectives and tools
  8. Rules to write the final report
  9. Case studies

Head Lecturer(s)

Sílvia Margarida Violante Portugal Correia

Assessment Methods

Class participation: 10.0%
Oral presentation : 30.0%
Project: 60.0%


BRYMAN, Alan & Emma Bell, Business research methods. Oxford University Press, 2007. [BP 658 BRY].
BUCHANAN, David; D. BODDY & J. MCCALMAN, “Getting in, getting on, getting out, and getting back”. Doing research in organizations. Ed. A. Bryman. Routledge, 1988. 53-67 [303 DOI].
FENSTERMAKER, Sarah & Nikki Jones, (eds.), Sociologists Backstage: Answers to 10 Questions about What They Do. Routledge, 2011.
PRICE, Jammie, R. STRAUS & J. BREESE, Doing Sociology, Lexington Books, 2009.
REIS, Felipa L., Como elaborar uma dissertação de mestrado. PACTOR, 2010. [BP 001.8 REI].

MIX or match? : New apprentices ‘learning styles and trainers’ preferences for training in workplaces. Roger Harris [et al.] Adelaide: Nat Centre Vocat Educ Res, 2006. [em linha:].

STEELE, S, AnneMarie SCARISBRICK-HAUSER & William J. HAUSER, Solution-Centered Sociology: Addressing Problems, Sage, 1999. [em linha:].