Elementary law

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Lectures include both theory and examples taken from real-life and court cases. Students will be asked to solve practical cases in which they have to apply the legal knowledge acquired during lectures and will be further encouraged to examine some leading cases and decisions taken by both Portuguese and European courts.

Learning Outcomes

Overall objectives: To acquire a general knowledge of the fundamentals of the Portuguese legal system and to recognise the importance of legal regulation on business activities
Specific objectives:a) to understand the law - principles and rule of law-and its role both on regulation of the society and  the State’s or the market’s organization; b) to understand how the legal regulations is produced; b) to recognize the business owners; c) to know the legal alternatives on business creation and management; d) to describe the legal alternatives to solve the conflicts
Generic competencies: to understand ideas; to make decisions and solve problems; write and oral communication; to express one’s own opinion, critical abilities, to communicate with experts in other fields, capacity of applying knowledge in practice.
Specific competencies: a) to dominate the mains concepts of the law; b) to communicate with the legal experts, c) to solve legal cases, by the application of the legal rules.

Work Placement(s)



1. Law and the social life – the legal order.
2. The Portuguese Constitution and the Democratic State based on the rule of law.
3. The European Union Law.
4. The persons (human and legal persons) and the rights.
5. Contracts and liability.
6. Business law.
7. The State intervention in the economy.
8. The protection of the rights and the resolution of  the conflicts.

Head Lecturer(s)

João António Fernandes Pedroso

Assessment Methods

Two written tests: (40 + 60): 100.0%


AMARAL, Diogo Freitas do – Manual de introdução ao direito. Coimbra : Edições Almedina, Vol. 1 (com a colab. de Ravi Afonso Pereira), 2004.

ASCENSÃO, José de Oliveira — Direito civil : teoria geral. Coimbra : Coimbra Editora, 1997-2002. 3 vol..

ESTUDOS de direito das sociedades. Pedro Maia [et al.]. 11ª ed.. Coimbra :
Edições Almedina, 2013.

JUSTO, António Santos - Introdução ao estudo do direito. 6ª ed.. Coimbra : Coimbra Editora, 2012. 

MACHADO, João Baptista — Introdução ao direito e ao discurso legitimador. 18ª reimp.. Coimbra: Edições Almedina, 2010.

MANUAL de introdução ao direito : saber direito para entender o mercado. Maria Manuel Leitão Marques. [et al.]. Coimbra : Edições Almedina, 2012.

NAMORADO, Rui — Noções gerais de direito. Coimbra : FEUC, 2009. 2 vol..

SILVA, Germano Marques da - Introdução ao estudo do direito. 3ª ed..Lisboa : Universidade Católica Editora. 2009.

SOUSA, Miguel Teixeira – Introdução ao direito. Coimbra : Edições Almedina, 2012.