Portuguese Economic History

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

- Fundamentals of Economics or Political Economy.
- Basic knowledge of the history of Portugal, specially the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
- Skills in reading and writing in Portuguese.


Teaching Methods

Professor oral presentation.
Presentations of written works in class with discussion of topics selected by the students and hetero-evaluation.

Learning Outcomes

Overall objectives

- Provide students’ knowledge on Portuguese Economic History.

- Promote and stimulate knowledge of the main phenomena of the Portuguese Economic History.

Specific objectives

- Identify the structural evolution on the Portuguese economy in the XIX and XXth centuries.

- Identify the main periods of economic expansion and crises.

- To discuss the theoretical problem of the Portuguese economic backwardness.

Generic competencies

- Ability to analysis and synthesis.

Oral and written skills, including vocabulary in a speech from the scientific field of Economic History.

Work Placement(s)



1. Characteristics of the Portuguese economic history

2. Dependence, underdevelopment, growth and backwardness

3. The Ancien Régime economy from Pombal to the Liberal Revolution of 1820

4. The economic structures – permanence and disruption (1820-1851)

5. The Regeneração and the Portuguese integration in the international economy (1851-1890)

6. From the English Ultimatum’s crisis to the Portuguese First Republic (1891-1910)

7. The economic policies of the New State

8. The Portuguese economy behavior during the Estado Novo – periodization, cycles and crises.

9. The changed process in the post II World War – industrialization ant its asymmetries. The Portuguese economic growth

10. The EFTA’s Portuguese affiliation and the transformation of the national economic model

11. The revolutionary process of 1974 ant its reflections for the Portuguese economy. The end of the colonial empire and the transition for an European economic and political integration.

Head Lecturer(s)

Álvaro Francisco Rodrigues Garrido

Assessment Methods

Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%

Continuous Assessment
Participation in class: 20.0%
Individual assignment : 20.0%
Final exam : 60.0%


COSTA, Leonor Freire ; LAINS, Pedro ; MIRANDA, Susana Münch - História económica de Portugal, 1143-2010. 2ª ed.. Lisboa : A Esfera dos Livros, 2011. [BP 330.8 COS]

MATA, Eugénia ; VALÉRIO, Nuno - História económica de Portugal : uma perspectiva global. Lisboa : Editorial Presença, 1994. [BP 946.9 MAT]

MATA, Eugénia ; VALÉRIO, Nuno - The concise economic history of Portugal : a comprehensive guide. Coimbra : Edições Almedina, 2011. [BP 330.1 MAT]*


*Para alunos estrangeiros