Policies for Energy Market Transformation

Academic year
Subject Area
Economics and Management
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

Regular classes, following the syllabus, using slides presentations.

 Seminars driven by students according to previously assigned themes.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, the students are capable of an informed perspective on the balance between economic and energy efficiencies in the definition of energy public policies and in the praxis of the economic agents. They shall also be capable of  identifying barriers to market transformation for sustainability and of proposing effective measures for circumventing the barriers.

Work Placement(s)



World energy supply and demand - global indicators.

The concept of market transformation (MT). Agents of MT.

Energy policy objectives. Relation between supply and demand options in energy policy.

Electric utilities as agents of market transformation: the Demand-Side Management concept.

Electricity market evolution. Influence of market liberalisation on DSM funding, regulation and praxis.

DSM objectives: strategic, operational, regarding the shape of the load diagram.

Approaches to DSM implementation. Cost-benefit analysis of DSM initiatives.

Integrated resource planning.

MT in liberalised electricity markets: barriers, agents, instruments. The role of regulation.

Public policies towards MT with a possible taxonomy on barriers to MT.

The concept of intelligent efficiency

The rebound effect: definition, types, influence on estimates of MT impact.

Free-ridership: definition, incidence, effect on the estimates of MT programmes impact.

Head Lecturer(s)

Álvaro Filipe Peixoto Cardoso de Oliveira Gomes

Assessment Methods

Research work: 40.0%
Exam: 60.0%


IEA, International Energy Agency, Mind the gap – Quantifying principal-agent problems in energy efficiency, ISBN : 978-92-64-03884--4 – September IEA 2007 .

Swisher, J. N. Barriers and Incentives for Utility Energy Efficiency Programs in Deregulated Markets , Proc. Of the ACEEE 1994 Summer Study, Paper 22, Panel 6, 1994.

Golove, W. H. and J. H. Eto , Market Barriers to Energy Efficiency: A Critical Reappraisal of the Rationale for Public Policies to Promote Energy Efficiency , Energy & Environment Division , Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory , 1996.

WEC, World Energy Council, Energy Efficiency Policies around the World: Review and Evaluation , WEC 2008.

Worrell, E., 2011. Barriers to energy efficiency: International case studies on successful barrier removal. , pp.1–28. Available at: http://www.unido.org/fileadmin/user_media/Services/Research_and_Statistics/WP142011_Ebook.pdf.