Sociology of International Relations

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

It is recommended as background knowledge competences in the field of general sociology, sociological theories, political sociology and political science.

Teaching Methods

Starting from the concept of active teaching, it is proposed to alternate between oral presentations by the teacher and to encourage reflection by students from the starting materials distributed to the classes.

Learning Outcomes

Overall objectives

This course of Sociology of International Relations seeks to provide theoretical frameworks and analytical tools which enable research and sociological interpretation of phenomena related to the transformation of the international system, particularly those that directly emerge from globalization processes.

Specific objectives and competencies

-identify some of the conceptual dimensions of globalization and identify some of the main perspectives of analysis and theories of the phenomenon

-Debate on some of the economic, social, political and cultural impacts at the global scale under the forms of international regulation. It is given emphasis to the notion of governance as paradigm

-identification of some of the problematic that are part of the global political and social problems, generating a reflection about this concepts.

Generic competencies

Detailed acquisition knowledge about a set of themes that are structural to the realm of international relations.

Work Placement(s)



I: Conceptual Elements

  1. World-Economy, Imperium and globalization

  2. Social-political models of globalization

  3. Security and Globalization

I: Governance

  4. Paradigms conflict on social global governance and the remodeling of the programmatic thinking

  5. The political theory of governance and the international anomie

I: Human Rights

  6. The different generations of rights

  7. The rethoric of Human Rights

  8. Adjudication of human rights

I: Global Justice

  9. Redefining the concept of global justice

10. Global Justice perspectives


II: Diagnosis of Social Geopolitics

1. Risk Society

2. Liquid Society

3. Vulnerability and socioeconomic security



3.1. Liberalization of labour insecurity

3.2. “Real freedom” and globalization

3.3. Enterprises, flexibilization and social dialogue

Head Lecturer(s)

António Manuel Carvalho Casimiro Ferreira

Assessment Methods

Assessment B
Or: final exam – 50%; assignments and participation in class - 50%: 100.0%

Assessment A
Exam: 100.0%


COMISSÃO MUNDIAL SOBRE A DIMENSÃO SOCIAL DA GLOBALIZAÇÃO — Por uma globalização justa : criar oportunidades para todos. Oeiras : Celta Editora, 2005. [BP 339.9 COM]

HELD, David ; MCGREW, Anthony— Globalization/Anti-Globalization. Cambridge : Polity Press, 2002. [BP 327 HEL]

INTRODUCTION. In Global transformations : politics, economics and culture. David Held [et al.]. Cambridge : Polity Press, 1999, p. 1-28. [BP 327 GLO]

SANTOS, Boaventura de Sousa — Uma nova teoria crítica : reinventar o Estado, a democracia e os direitos humanos. In A gramática do tempo : para uma nova cultura política. Porto : Edições Afrontamento, 2006, p. 259-434. [BP 316.334.3 SAN]

WATERS, Malcolm — Globalização. Oeiras : Celta Editora, 1999. [BP 316.7 WAT]

YOUNG, Jock — A sociedade excludente : a exclusão social, criminalidade e diferença na modernidade recente. Rio de Janeiro : Editora Revan/Instituto Carioca de Criminologia, 2003. [BP 316.4 YOU]