Bachelor's Degree in Sociology

The work developed by a student during one academic year, according to the indicative plan of the course and on a full time basis, totals 60 ECTS.

Common Core

Course unit title Year Regime Type Subject area ECTS credits
Contemporary Portuguese Society 1 1st Semester Compulsory SOC 6.0
Information Sources for Social Sciences 1 1st Semester Compulsory SOC 6.0
Introduction to Sociology 1 1st Semester Compulsory SOC 6.0
Laboratory of Applied Sociology 1 1st Semester Compulsory SOC 6.0
Research Methodology 1 1st Semester Compulsory SOC 6.0
Classical Sociological Thought and Modernity 1 2nd Semester Compulsory SOC 6.0
Gender and Society 1 2nd Semester Compulsory SOC 6.0
History of the Contemporary World 1 2nd Semester Compulsory HIST 6.0
Introduction to Economics 1 2nd Semester Compulsory ECON 6.0
Qualitative Techniques of Sociological Research 1 2nd Semester Compulsory SOC 6.0
Course unit title Year Regime Type Subject area ECTS credits
Mathematic and Statistics for Social Sciences 2 1st Semester Compulsory MAT 6.0
Qualitative Data Analysis 2 1st Semester Compulsory SOC 6.0
Quantitative Techniques of Sociological Research 2 1st Semester Compulsory EST 6.0
Social Classes and Stratification 2 1st Semester Compulsory SOC 6.0
Sociological Theories 2 1st Semester Compulsory SOC 6.0
Inequalities and Social Movements 2 2nd Semester Compulsory SOC 6.0
Power, Politics and Governance 2 2nd Semester Compulsory SOC 6.0
Quantitative Data Analysis 2 2nd Semester Compulsory SOC 6.0
Social Projects’ Management and Evaluation 2 2nd Semester Compulsory SOC 6.0
Topics in Contemporary Sociology 2 2nd Semester Compulsory SOC 6.0

Areas of expertise


Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Applied Sociology 3 01018139 2nd Semester Compulsory SOC 6.0
Banking Economics 3 01621810 Semestrial Elective * ECON 6.0
Bussiness Strategy 3 01010096 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Cities, space and urban life 3 01019390 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Climate Change and Society 3 01021762 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Communication and Media 3 01019426 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Contemporary History of Portugal 3 01621116 Semestrial Elective * HIST 6.0
Contemporary Humanitarian Action 3 01016307 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Cooperation for Development I 3 01620472 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Cooperation for Development II 3 01620483 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics 3 01010120 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Corporations Law 3 01008720 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Creation, Art and Culture 3 01019448 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Criminal Sociology 3 01019415 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Data Manipulation and Statistica Operations with R 3 01009093 Semestrial Elective * EST 6.0
Discourses and Practices in the EU (e-learning) 3 01017353 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Economic Controversies 3 01016084 Semestrial Elective * ECON 6.0
Economics and Social Security Policies 3 01015801 Semestrial Elective * ECON 6.0
Economics of European Integration 3 01021032 Semestrial Elective * ECON 6.0
Economy and Society 3 01019409 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Environmental Economics 3 01621832 Semestrial Elective * ECON 6.0
Ethics Responsibility & Sustainability 3 01020854 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
European Economy Seminar 3 01620439 Semestrial Elective * ECON 6.0
European Organisations 3 01620686 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
European Social Policies 3 01016439 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Everyday Life and Identities 3 01019452 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Fear and Affection in International Relations 3 01021773 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Health Economics 3 01621821 Semestrial Elective * ECON 6.0
Human Rights 3 01620513 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Innovation and Knowledge Management 3 01019521 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
International Contracts 3 01620270 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
International Law 3 01008821 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
International Negotiation 3 01620675 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
International Organizations 3 01620697 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
International Political Economics II 3 01620541 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
International Political Economy I 3 01620530 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
International Relations History 3 01020042 Semestrial Elective * HIST 6.0
International Relations Theory I 3 01620757 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
International Relations Theory II 3 01620768 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
International Relations, Feminisms and Masculinities 3 01019510 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
International Water Politics 3 01015823 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Interpretivist International Relations 3 01016445 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Introduction to Management 3 01620115 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Labour Law 3 01620292 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Looking East: EU Instruments and Policies 3 01016073 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Management and People 3 01010103 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Management and People 3 01620346 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Marketing 3 01620148 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Marketing Management 3 01010131 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Marxism(s) in World Politics 3 01017347 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Media, Political Communication and International Relations 3 01019504 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Mobilities and Global Migration 3 01016428 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Multimedia 3 01620406 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Organizational Behavior 3 01015009 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Political Science 3 01620461 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Political Theory I 3 01620732 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Political Theory II 3 01620743 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Politics, Literature and Film 3 01016329 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Population and Family 3 01019437 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Portuguese Economic History 3 01008161 Semestrial Elective * HIST 6.0
Portuguese Economy Seminar 3 01620445 Semestrial Elective * ECON 6.0
Power, Organizations and World Order 3 01020058 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Public Economics 3 01007073 Semestrial Elective * ECON 6.0
Relationship Marketing 3 01010114 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Relationship Marketing 3 01010158 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Sociology of International Relations 3 01006335 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Sociology of Organisations 3 01621336 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Sociology of Work and Employment 3 01621407 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Sociology of the State and of the Democracy 3 01019463 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Technology and International Politics 3 01021918 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Terrorism and Counterterrorism 3 01020288 Semestrial Elective * OA 6.0
Transport Economics 3 01014627 Semestrial Elective * ECON 6.0
China and International Society in Asia 3 01019491 1st Semester Elective * OA 6.0
Geopolitics and Geostrategy 3 01020141 1st Semester Elective * OA 6.0
Political System of the European Union 3 01020102 1st Semester Elective * OA 6.0
Regional Spaces 3 01020130 1st Semester Elective * OA 6.0
  • The fifth semester is composed of optional curricular units. All of the above fulfils the requirements for national or international mobility, for enrolling in curricular units in any scientific area of the University of Coimbra or for taking one of the Minors included in the curricular structure.

Sociology with Minor

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Applied Sociology 3 01018139 2nd Semester Compulsory SOC 6.0
Cities, space and urban life 3 01019390 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Communication and Media 3 01019426 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Creation, Art and Culture 3 01019448 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Criminal Sociology 3 01019415 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Economy and Society 3 01019409 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
European Social Policies 3 01016439 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Everyday Life and Identities 3 01019452 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Mobilities and Global Migration 3 01016428 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Population and Family 3 01019437 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Sociology of International Relations 3 01006335 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Sociology of Organisations 3 01621336 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Sociology of Work and Employment 3 01621407 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Sociology of the State and of the Democracy 3 01019463 Semestrial Elective * SOC 6.0
Climate Change and Society 3 01021762 2nd Semester Elective * SOC 6.0


Minor in Economy - Sociology
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type ECTS credits
Banking Economics 01621810 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Economic Controversies 01016084 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Economics and Social Security Policies 01015801 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Economics of European Integration 01021032 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Environmental Economics 01621832 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
European Social Policies 01016439 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Health Economics 01621821 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
History of Economic Thought 01021057 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Microeconomics I 01620174 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Portuguese Economy Seminar 01620445 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Principles of Microeconomics 01020860 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Public Economics 01621577 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
R for Economics and Business 01020925 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Transport Economics 01014627 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Minor in International Relations - Sociology
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type ECTS credits
Cooperation for Development I 01620472 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
European Organisations 01620686 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
European Social Policies 01016439 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Geopolitics and Geostrategy 01020141 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
International Negotiation 01620675 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
International Organizations 01620697 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
International Political Economy I 01620530 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
International Relations History 01020042 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
International Relations Theory I 01620757 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Political Science 01620461 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Political System of the European Union 01020102 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Politics, Literature and Film 01016329 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Power, Organizations and World Order 01020058 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Minor in Management - Sociology
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type ECTS credits
Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics 01010120 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Ethics Responsibility & Sustainability 01020854 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
European Social Policies 01016439 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Innovation and Knowledge Management 01019521 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Introduction to Management 01620115 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Management and People 01620346 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Marketing 01620148 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Organizational Behavior 01015009 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Relationship Marketing 01010114 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
Strategic Management 01620073 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0

The optional course units are offered on a yearly basis, depending on the availability of the Organic Unit