Master in Computational Biology

The work developed by a student during one academic year, according to the indicative plan of the course and on a full time basis, totals 60 ECTS.

Study Programme

Option Rule
Course unit title Year Regime Type Subject area ECTS credits
Applied OMICs 1 1st Semester Compulsory BCOMP 6.0
Bioinformatics 1 1st Semester Compulsory INF 6.0
Biological Big Data Analytics 1 1st Semester Compulsory BCOMP 6.0
Computational Drug Discovery 1 2nd Semester Compulsory QUI 6.0
Machine Learning in Biology 1 2nd Semester Compulsory INF 6.0
Molecular Systems Biology 1 2nd Semester Compulsory BCOMP 6.0
Quantitative Modeling in Biology 1 2nd Semester Compulsory BCOMP 6.0
Complements of Mathematical Analysis 1 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0
Computacional Methods in Biology 1 1st Semester Elective * MNUM 6.0
Molecular and Celular Biology 1 1st Semester Elective * BIO 6.0
Complex Systems 1 2nd Semester Elective * INF 6.0
Computational Visualization 1 2nd Semester Elective * INF 6.0
Diagnosis and Self-Regulation Algorithms 1 2nd Semester Elective * INF 6.0
Evolutionary Computation 1 2nd Semester Elective * INF 6.0
Introduction to Metabolism 1 2nd Semester Elective * BIO 6.0
Modeling and Simulation 1 2nd Semester Elective * QUI 6.0
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1 2nd Semester Elective * MNUM 6.0
Numerical Optimization 1 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0
Option Rule
Course unit title Year Regime Type Subject area ECTS credits
Dissertation 2 Annual Compulsory BCOMP 44.0
Scientific Writing 2 2nd Semester Compulsory GC 4.0
Biology of Reproduction 2 1st Semester Elective * BIO 6.0
Biomedical NMR and Molecular Imaging 2 1st Semester Elective * BIO 6.0
Cellular Regulation 2 1st Semester Elective * BIO 6.0
Molecular Biotechnology 2 1st Semester Elective * BIO 6.0
Molecular and Cell Neurobiology 2 1st Semester Elective * BIO 6.0
Neuronal Circuits and Behavior 2 1st Semester Elective * BIO 6.0
Toxicity and Disease 2 1st Semester Elective * BIO 6.0
Course unit title Year Regime Type Subject area ECTS credits
Artificial Intelligence Semestrial Elective * INF 6.0
Chemometrics Semestrial Elective * QUI 6.0
Heuristic Methods Semestrial Elective * INF 6.0
Innovation and Technology Entrepreneurship Semestrial Elective * MAN 6.0
Mathematical Methods in Physics and Biology Semestrial Elective * MAT 6.0
Parallel Computing Semestrial Elective * MNUM 6.0
Sampling and Surveys Semestrial Elective * MAT 6.0
Stochastic Processes and Calculus Semestrial Elective * MAT 6.0
Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics 1st Semester Elective * QUI 6.0
Clinical Computing and Telehealth Systems 1st Semester Elective * INF 6.0
Human physiology principles 1st Semester Elective * BIO 6.0

The optional course units are offered on a yearly basis, depending on the availability of the Organic Unit