Master in Medical Physics

The work developed by a student during one academic year, according to the indicative plan of the course and on a full time basis, totals 60 ECTS.

Study Programme

Course unit title Year Regime Type Subject area ECTS credits
Anatomy and Physiology 1 1st Semester Compulsory CB 6.0
Foundations of Molecular and Cell Biology of Cancer and Radiobiology 1 1st Semester Compulsory CB 3.0
Image Processing and Analysis 1 1st Semester Compulsory FM 6.0
Interaction of Radiation with Matter 1 1st Semester Compulsory FM 6.0
Medical Imaging: NMR and Ultrasonography 1 1st Semester Compulsory FM 3.0
Statisticals Methods and Simulation 1 1st Semester Compulsory FM 6.0
Fundaments of Medical Physics in Radiotherapy 1 2nd Semester Compulsory FM 6.0
Physics of Nuclear Medicine 1 2nd Semester Compulsory FM 6.0
Physics of Radiology 1 2nd Semester Compulsory FM 6.0
Radiation Protection and Safety in Hospital Environment 1 2nd Semester Compulsory FM 6.0
Elements of Nuclear and Particle Physics 1 2nd Semester Elective * FM 6.0
Optoelectronic Instrumentation 1 2nd Semester Elective * ENG 6.0
Pattern Recognition 1 2nd Semester Elective * INF 6.0
Quality Management 1 2nd Semester Elective * ENG 6.0
Risk Theory 1 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0
Course unit title Year Regime Type Subject area ECTS credits
Dissertation in Medical Physics 2 Annual Compulsory FM 48.0
Metrology 2 1st Semester Compulsory ENG 6.0
Clinical Computing and Telehealth Systems 2 1st Semester Elective * INF 6.0
Databases and Information Analysis 2 1st Semester Elective * INF 6.0
Decision Analysis 2 1st Semester Elective * ENG 6.0
Elements of Atomic and Nuclear Physics 2 1st Semester Elective * FM 6.0
Fundamentals of Operational Research 2 1st Semester Elective * EG 6.0
Information Systems Management 2 1st Semester Elective * INF 6.0
Information Systems in Health 2 1st Semester Elective * INF 6.0
Machine Learning 2 1st Semester Elective * INF 6.0
Numerical Optimization 2 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0
Quality Planning and Assessment 2 1st Semester Elective * EG 6.0
Stochastic Processes and Calculus 2 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0
System Modelling and Analysis 2 1st Semester Elective * INF 6.0

The optional course units are offered on a yearly basis, depending on the availability of the Organic Unit