Advanced Specialization Course in Technologies for Plant Biomass Valorization

Study Programme

Course unit title Year Regime Type Subject area ECTS credits
Biorefinery and Biomass Chemical Conversion 1 1st Semester Compulsory CE 6.0
Chemistry and Morphology of Plant Biomass 1 1st Semester Compulsory CE 6.0
Pretreatment and Fractionation Processes of Biomass 1 2nd Semester Compulsory CE 6.0
Advanced Characterisation of Materials 1 1st Semester Elective * CE 6.0
Bioenergies 1 1st Semester Elective * CE 6.0
Biotechnological Processes for Biomass Conversion 1 1st Semester Elective * CE 6.0
Biorefinery Processes Assessment 1 2nd Semester Elective * CE 6.0
Green Chemistry and Sustainability 1 2nd Semester Elective * CE 6.0
Inovation and Intrepreneurship 1 2nd Semester Elective * CS/O 6.0
Polymers and Composites from Renewable Resources 1 2nd Semester Elective * CE 6.0
Pulp Production Processes 1 2nd Semester Elective * CE 6.0

The optional course units are offered on a yearly basis, depending on the availability of the Organic Unit