Bachelor's Degree in Modern Languages
The work developed by a student during one academic year, according to the indicative plan of the course and on a full time basis, totals 60 ECTS.
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits English 1 01011455 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 3 01011477 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 5 01011499 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 2 01011466 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 4 01011488 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 6 01011507 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 Anglo-Irish Studies 01011401 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary North American Literature 01011560 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Elizabethan Literature 01011554 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 English (post) Colonial Culture 01011387 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 English and the Study of Language 01011518 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Immigration in the United States of America 01019898 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Pragmatics and Discourse 01019969 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 The American Century 01011593 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 American Histories 01011440 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Anglo-Canadian Studies 01011412 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary English History and Culture 01011434 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary English Literature 01011546 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Contemporary Feminisms Issues 01011619 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Exploring English Grammar 01011423 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Language, Culture and Society 01011535 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Narrative in English Literature 01011582 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 North American Literature from the Civil War to World War II 01011571 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Poetics and Creative Writing 01011608 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Rules - Complementary concentration area: 30 ECTS in academic fields different from the area of specialization but that offer the student a coherent education that is tied to the area of specialization. It is possible for the complementary concentration area to be in the same department but not the same program. In the case of the complementary concentration being in an area outside of FLUC, the classes can be chosen from those offered by various faculties as long as they are academically coherent.
- General education area: 24 ECTS that ensure a better preparation in areas different from the area of specialization, or that serve as a basis for other courses, such as foreign languages. They can be taken at any time during the academic path starting with the 2nd semester. It is possible for a student to use some or all general education credits to increase the number of ECTS in the area of specialization, which means that the total ECTS can reach 132, falling to the student to decide (i) whether to increase the area of specialization with ECTS allocated to general education; and, in that case, (ii) if the student wishes to do so partially or in total. The advisor should advise the student in making this choice.
- Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
Anglo-American Studies
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits English 1 01011455 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 3 01011477 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 5 01011499 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 French 1 01011950 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 3 01011972 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 5 01011994 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 English 2 01011466 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 4 01011488 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 6 01011507 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 French 2 01011961 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 4 01011983 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 6 01012001 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 19th and 20th Century French Literature 01012023 1st Semester Elective * FL 6.0 Anglo-Irish Studies 01011401 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary North American Literature 01011560 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Elizabethan Literature 01011554 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 English (post) Colonial Culture 01011387 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 English and the Study of Language 01011518 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Francophone Cultures 01011945 1st Semester Elective * FC 6.0 French Linguistics 01019920 1st Semester Elective * FL 6.0 Immigration in the United States of America 01019898 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Pragmatics and Discourse 01019969 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 The American Century 01011593 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 17th and 18th century French Literature 01012040 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 American Histories 01011440 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Anglo-Canadian Studies 01011412 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary English History and Culture 01011434 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary English Literature 01011546 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Contemporary Feminisms Issues 01011619 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Exploring English Grammar 01011423 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 French Culture 01011939 2nd Semester Elective * FC 6.0 French Theatre 01012055 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 French-Portuguese Translation 01019975 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 Language, Culture and Society 01011535 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Narrative in English Literature 01011582 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 North American Literature from the Civil War to World War II 01011571 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Poetics and Creative Writing 01011608 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Rules - Complementary concentration area: up to 30 ECTS in academic fields different from the area of specialization but that offer the student a coherent education that is tied to the area of specialization. It is possible for the complementary concentration area to be in the same department but not the same program. In the case of the complementary concentration being in an area outside of FLUC, the classes can be chosen from those offered by various faculties as long as they are academically coherent.
- Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
English and French
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits English 1 01011455 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 3 01011477 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 5 01011499 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 German 1 01011625 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 3 01011647 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 5 01011664 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 English 2 01011466 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 4 01011488 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 6 01011507 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 German 2 01011636 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 4 01011653 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 6 01011670 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 Anglo-Irish Studies 01011401 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary North American Literature 01011560 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Culture of German Speaking Countries 1 01019876 1st Semester Elective * GC 6.0 Culture of German Speaking Countries 2 01019887 1st Semester Elective * GC 6.0 Elizabethan Literature 01011554 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 English (post) Colonial Culture 01011387 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 English and the Study of Language 01011518 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 German Linguistics 1 01011692 1st Semester Elective * GL 6.0 German Linguistics 3 01011715 1st Semester Elective * GL 6.0 Immigration in the United States of America 01019898 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Pragmatics and Discourse 01019969 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 The American Century 01011593 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 American Histories 01011440 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Anglo-Canadian Studies 01011412 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary English History and Culture 01011434 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary English Literature 01011546 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Contemporary Feminisms Issues 01011619 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Exploring English Grammar 01011423 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 German Language Literatures - Classical and Modern Readings 01019942 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German Language Literatures and Comparative Studies 01019931 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German Linguistics 2 01011709 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 German-Language Literatures – Contemporary Issues 01011791 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German-Portuguese Translation 01011752 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 History and Culture in the German-Speaking World – An Introduction 01011763 2nd Semester Elective * GC 6.0 Introduction to Linguistics 01011774 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 Introduction to the Study of Culture of German Speaking Countries 01019903 2nd Semester Elective * GC 6.0 Introduction to the Study of German Language Literatures 01019914 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 Language, Culture and Society 01011535 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Narrative in English Literature 01011582 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 North American Literature from the Civil War to World War II 01011571 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Poetics and Creative Writing 01011608 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Rules - Complementary concentration area: up to 30 ECTS in academic fields different from the area of specialization but that offer the student a coherent education that is tied to the area of specialization. It is possible for the complementary concentration area to be in the same department but not the same program. In the case of the complementary concentration being in an area outside of FLUC, the classes can be chosen from those offered by various faculties as long as they are academically coherent.
- Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
English and German
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits English 1 01011455 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 3 01011477 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 5 01011499 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 Italian 1 01012100 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 3 01012122 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 5 01012144 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 English 2 01011466 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 4 01011488 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 6 01011507 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 Italian 2 01012111 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 4 01012133 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 6 01012156 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Anglo-Irish Studies 01011401 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Classics of Italian Literature 01012066 1st Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Contemporary Italy 01012099 1st Semester Elective * IC 6.0 Contemporary North American Literature 01011560 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Elizabethan Literature 01011554 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 English (post) Colonial Culture 01011387 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 English and the Study of Language 01011518 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Immigration in the United States of America 01019898 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Italian Literature of the Classicism 01012167 1st Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Pragmatics and Discourse 01019969 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 The American Century 01011593 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 American Histories 01011440 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Anglo-Canadian Studies 01011412 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary English History and Culture 01011434 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary English Literature 01011546 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Contemporary Feminisms Issues 01011619 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Exploring English Grammar 01011423 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Foundations of Renaissance 01012189 2nd Semester Elective * IC 6.0 History of the Italian Language 01012077 2nd Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Introduction to Italian Studies 01012088 2nd Semester Elective * IC 6.0 Language, Culture and Society 01011535 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature 01012178 2nd Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Narrative in English Literature 01011582 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 North American Literature from the Civil War to World War II 01011571 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Poetics and Creative Writing 01011608 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Rules - Complementary concentration area: 30 ECTS in academic fields different from the area of specialization but that offer the student a coherent education that is tied to the area of specialization. It is possible for the complementary concentration area to be in the same department but not the same program. In the case of the complementary concentration being in an area outside of FLUC, the classes can be chosen from those offered by various faculties as long as they are academically coherent.
- Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
English and Italian
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits English 1 01011455 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 3 01011477 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 5 01011499 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 Spanish 1 01011827 1st Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 3 01011849 1st Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 5 01011862 1st Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 English 2 01011466 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 4 01011488 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 6 01011507 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 Spanish 2 01011838 2nd Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 4 01011851 2nd Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 6 01011873 2nd Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Anglo-Irish Studies 01011401 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary North American Literature 01011560 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Elizabethan Literature 01011554 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 English (post) Colonial Culture 01011387 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 English and the Study of Language 01011518 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Immigration in the United States of America 01019898 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature 01011906 1st Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Pragmatics and Discourse 01019969 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Spanish Culture 01011805 1st Semester Elective * SC 6.0 Spanish Linguistics 1 01011884 1st Semester Elective * SL 6.0 The American Century 01011593 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 American Histories 01011440 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Anglo-Canadian Studies 01011412 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary English History and Culture 01011434 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary English Literature 01011546 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Contemporary Feminisms Issues 01011619 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Exploring English Grammar 01011423 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Language, Culture and Society 01011535 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Narrative in English Literature 01011582 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 North American Literature from the Civil War to World War II 01011571 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Poetics and Creative Writing 01011608 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Spanish Linguistics 2 01011890 2nd Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Spanish Literature: From Beginnings to the Golden Age 01011917 2nd Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Spanish-American Cultures 01011816 2nd Semester Elective * SC 6.0 Spanish-American Literature 01011928 2nd Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Rules - Complementary concentration area: up to 30 ECTS in academic fields different from the area of specialization but that offer the student a coherent education that is tied to the area of specialization. It is possible for the complementary concentration area to be in the same department but not the same program. In the case of the complementary concentration being in an area outside of FLUC, the classes can be chosen from those offered by various faculties as long as they are academically coherent.
- Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
English and Spanish
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits French 1 01011950 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 3 01011972 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 5 01011994 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 Italian 1 01012100 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 3 01012122 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 5 01012144 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 French 2 01011961 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 4 01011983 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 6 01012001 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 Italian 2 01012111 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 4 01012133 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 6 01012156 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 19th and 20th Century French Literature 01012023 1st Semester Elective * FL 6.0 Classics of Italian Literature 01012066 1st Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Contemporary Italy 01012099 1st Semester Elective * IC 6.0 Francophone Cultures 01011945 1st Semester Elective * FC 6.0 French Linguistics 01019920 1st Semester Elective * FL 6.0 Italian Literature of the Classicism 01012167 1st Semester Elective * IL 6.0 17th and 18th century French Literature 01012040 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 Foundations of Renaissance 01012189 2nd Semester Elective * IC 6.0 French Culture 01011939 2nd Semester Elective * FC 6.0 French Theatre 01012055 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 French-Portuguese Translation 01019975 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 History of the Italian Language 01012077 2nd Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Introduction to Italian Studies 01012088 2nd Semester Elective * IC 6.0 Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature 01012178 2nd Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Rules - Complementary concentration area: 30 ECTS in academic fields different from the area of specialization but that offer the student a coherent education that is tied to the area of specialization. It is possible for the complementary concentration area to be in the same department but not the same program. In the case of the complementary concentration being in an area outside of FLUC, the classes can be chosen from those offered by various faculties as long as they are academically coherent.
- Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
French and Italian
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits French 1 01011950 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 3 01011972 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 5 01011994 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 German 1 01011625 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 3 01011647 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 5 01011664 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 French 2 01011961 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 4 01011983 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 6 01012001 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 German 2 01011636 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 4 01011653 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 6 01011670 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 19th and 20th Century French Literature 01012023 1st Semester Elective * FL 6.0 Culture of German Speaking Countries 1 01019876 1st Semester Elective * GC 6.0 Culture of German Speaking Countries 2 01019887 1st Semester Elective * GC 6.0 Francophone Cultures 01011945 1st Semester Elective * FC 6.0 French Linguistics 01019920 1st Semester Elective * FL 6.0 German Linguistics 1 01011692 1st Semester Elective * GL 6.0 German Linguistics 3 01011715 1st Semester Elective * GL 6.0 17th and 18th century French Literature 01012040 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 French Culture 01011939 2nd Semester Elective * FC 6.0 French Theatre 01012055 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 French-Portuguese Translation 01019975 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 German Language Literatures - Classical and Modern Readings 01019942 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German Language Literatures and Comparative Studies 01019931 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German Linguistics 2 01011709 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 German-Language Literatures – Contemporary Issues 01011791 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German-Portuguese Translation 01011752 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 Introduction to Linguistics 01011774 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 Introduction to the Study of Culture of German Speaking Countries 01019903 2nd Semester Elective * GC 6.0 Introduction to the Study of German Language Literatures 01019914 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 Rules - Complementary concentration area: 30 ECTS in academic fields different from the area of specialization but that offer the student a coherent education that is tied to the area of specialization. It is possible for the complementary concentration area to be in the same department but not the same program. In the case of the complementary concentration being in an area outside of FLUC, the classes can be chosen from those offered by various faculties as long as they are academically coherent.
- Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
German and French
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits German 1 01011625 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 3 01011647 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 5 01011664 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 Italian 1 01012100 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 3 01012122 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 5 01012144 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 German 2 01011636 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 4 01011653 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 6 01011670 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 Italian 2 01012111 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 4 01012133 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 6 01012156 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Classics of Italian Literature 01012066 1st Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Contemporary Italy 01012099 1st Semester Elective * IC 6.0 Culture of German Speaking Countries 1 01019876 1st Semester Elective * GC 6.0 Culture of German Speaking Countries 2 01019887 1st Semester Elective * GC 6.0 German Linguistics 1 01011692 1st Semester Elective * GL 6.0 German Linguistics 3 01011715 1st Semester Elective * GL 6.0 Italian Literature of the Classicism 01012167 1st Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Foundations of Renaissance 01012189 2nd Semester Elective * IC 6.0 German Language Literatures - Classical and Modern Readings 01019942 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German Language Literatures and Comparative Studies 01019931 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German Linguistics 2 01011709 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 German-Language Literatures – Contemporary Issues 01011791 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German-Portuguese Translation 01011752 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 History of the Italian Language 01012077 2nd Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Introduction to Italian Studies 01012088 2nd Semester Elective * IC 6.0 Introduction to Linguistics 01011774 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 Introduction to the Study of Culture of German Speaking Countries 01019903 2nd Semester Elective * GC 6.0 Introduction to the Study of German Language Literatures 01019914 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature 01012178 2nd Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Rules - Complementary concentration area: 30 ECTS in academic fields different from the area of specialization but that offer the student a coherent education that is tied to the area of specialization. It is possible for the complementary concentration area to be in the same department but not the same program. In the case of the complementary concentration being in an area outside of FLUC, the classes can be chosen from those offered by various faculties as long as they are academically coherent.
- Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
German and Italian
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits French 1 01011950 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 3 01011972 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 5 01011994 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 Modern and Postmodern Portuguese Literature 01012331 1st Semester Compulsory PLL 6.0 Portuguese Semantics 01012413 1st Semester Compulsory PL 6.0 French 2 01011961 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 4 01011983 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 6 01012001 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 Portuguese Literature of the Renaissance 01012342 2nd Semester Compulsory PLL 6.0 Portuguese Syntax 01012424 2nd Semester Compulsory PL 6.0 19th and 20th Century French Literature 01012023 1st Semester Elective * FL 6.0 African Cultures 01012221 1st Semester Elective * PLC 6.0 Angolan and Mozambican Literatures 01012375 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Critical Issues in Brazilian Literature 01012402 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Francophone Cultures 01011945 1st Semester Elective * FC 6.0 French Linguistics 01019920 1st Semester Elective * FL 6.0 Introduction to Linguistic Studies 01012285 1st Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Introduction to Literary Studies 01012296 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Literature and other Arts 01012314 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Culture 01012195 1st Semester Elective * PLC 6.0 Portuguese Literature from the Baroque to Neoclassicism 01012320 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Morphology 01012397 1st Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Studies on Eça de Queiroz 01012257 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 17th and 18th century French Literature 01012040 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 Brazilian Literature 01012303 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 French Culture 01011939 2nd Semester Elective * FC 6.0 French Theatre 01012055 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 French-Portuguese Translation 01019975 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 History of the Portuguese Language 01012279 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Literary Theory 01012430 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Literatures of São Tomé, Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau 01012386 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Literature from Romanticism to Fin-de-Siècle 01012358 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Medieval Literature 01012369 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Phonetics and Phonology 01012268 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Studies on Camoes 01012232 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Studies on Fernando Pessoa 01012243 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Varieties of Portuguese 01012441 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Rules - Complementary concentration area: up to 30 ECTS in academic fields different from the area of specialization but that offer the student a coherent education that is tied to the area of specialization. It is possible for the complementary concentration area to be in the same department but not the same program. In the case of the complementary concentration being in an area outside of FLUC, the classes can be chosen from those offered by various faculties as long as they are academically coherent.
- Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
Portuguese and French
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits German 1 01011625 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 3 01011647 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 5 01011664 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 Modern and Postmodern Portuguese Literature 01012331 1st Semester Compulsory PLL 6.0 Portuguese Semantics 01012413 1st Semester Compulsory PL 6.0 German 2 01011636 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 4 01011653 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 6 01011670 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 Portuguese Literature of the Renaissance 01012342 2nd Semester Compulsory PLL 6.0 Portuguese Syntax 01012424 2nd Semester Compulsory PL 6.0 African Cultures 01012221 1st Semester Elective * PLC 6.0 Angolan and Mozambican Literatures 01012375 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Critical Issues in Brazilian Literature 01012402 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Culture of German Speaking Countries 1 01019876 1st Semester Elective * GC 6.0 Culture of German Speaking Countries 2 01019887 1st Semester Elective * GC 6.0 German Linguistics 1 01011692 1st Semester Elective * GL 6.0 German Linguistics 3 01011715 1st Semester Elective * GL 6.0 Introduction to Linguistic Studies 01012285 1st Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Introduction to Literary Studies 01012296 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Literature and other Arts 01012314 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Culture 01012195 1st Semester Elective * PLC 6.0 Portuguese Literature from the Baroque to Neoclassicism 01012320 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Morphology 01012397 1st Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Studies on Eça de Queiroz 01012257 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Brazilian Literature 01012303 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 German Language Literatures - Classical and Modern Readings 01019942 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German Language Literatures and Comparative Studies 01019931 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German Linguistics 2 01011709 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 German-Language Literatures – Contemporary Issues 01011791 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German-Portuguese Translation 01011752 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 History of the Portuguese Language 01012279 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Introduction to Linguistics 01011774 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 Introduction to the Study of Culture of German Speaking Countries 01019903 2nd Semester Elective * GC 6.0 Introduction to the Study of German Language Literatures 01019914 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 Literary Theory 01012430 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Literatures of São Tomé, Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau 01012386 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Literature from Romanticism to Fin-de-Siècle 01012358 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Medieval Literature 01012369 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Phonetics and Phonology 01012268 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Studies on Camoes 01012232 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Studies on Fernando Pessoa 01012243 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Varieties of Portuguese 01012441 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Rules - Complementary concentration area: up to 30 ECTS in academic fields different from the area of specialization but that offer the student a coherent education that is tied to the area of specialization. It is possible for the complementary concentration area to be in the same department but not the same program. In the case of the complementary concentration being in an area outside of FLUC, the classes can be chosen from those offered by various faculties as long as they are academically coherent.
- Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
Portuguese and German
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits English 1 01011455 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 3 01011477 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 5 01011499 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 Modern and Postmodern Portuguese Literature 01012331 1st Semester Compulsory PLL 6.0 Portuguese Semantics 01012413 1st Semester Compulsory PL 6.0 English 2 01011466 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 4 01011488 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 6 01011507 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 Portuguese Literature of the Renaissance 01012342 2nd Semester Compulsory PLL 6.0 Portuguese Syntax 01012424 2nd Semester Compulsory PL 6.0 African Cultures 01012221 1st Semester Elective * PLC 6.0 Anglo-Irish Studies 01011401 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Angolan and Mozambican Literatures 01012375 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Contemporary North American Literature 01011560 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Critical Issues in Brazilian Literature 01012402 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Elizabethan Literature 01011554 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 English (post) Colonial Culture 01011387 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 English and the Study of Language 01011518 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Immigration in the United States of America 01019898 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Introduction to Linguistic Studies 01012285 1st Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Introduction to Literary Studies 01012296 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Literature and other Arts 01012314 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Culture 01012195 1st Semester Elective * PLC 6.0 Portuguese Literature from the Baroque to Neoclassicism 01012320 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Morphology 01012397 1st Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Pragmatics and Discourse 01019969 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Studies on Eça de Queiroz 01012257 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 The American Century 01011593 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 American Histories 01011440 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Anglo-Canadian Studies 01011412 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Brazilian Literature 01012303 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Contemporary English History and Culture 01011434 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary English Literature 01011546 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Contemporary Feminisms Issues 01011619 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Exploring English Grammar 01011423 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 History of the Portuguese Language 01012279 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Language, Culture and Society 01011535 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Literary Theory 01012430 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Literatures of São Tomé, Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau 01012386 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Narrative in English Literature 01011582 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 North American Literature from the Civil War to World War II 01011571 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Poetics and Creative Writing 01011608 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Portuguese Literature from Romanticism to Fin-de-Siècle 01012358 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Medieval Literature 01012369 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Phonetics and Phonology 01012268 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Studies on Camoes 01012232 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Studies on Fernando Pessoa 01012243 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Varieties of Portuguese 01012441 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Rules - Complementary concentration area: up to 30 ECTS in academic fields different from the area of specialization but that offer the student a coherent education that is tied to the area of specialization. It is possible for the complementary concentration area to be in the same department but not the same program. In the case of the complementary concentration being in an area outside of FLUC, the classes can be chosen from those offered by various faculties as long as they are academically coherent.
- Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
Portuguese and Inglês
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits Italian 1 01012100 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 3 01012122 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 5 01012144 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Modern and Postmodern Portuguese Literature 01012331 1st Semester Compulsory PLL 6.0 Portuguese Semantics 01012413 1st Semester Compulsory PL 6.0 Italian 2 01012111 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 4 01012133 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 6 01012156 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Portuguese Literature of the Renaissance 01012342 2nd Semester Compulsory PLL 6.0 Portuguese Syntax 01012424 2nd Semester Compulsory PL 6.0 African Cultures 01012221 1st Semester Elective * PLC 6.0 Angolan and Mozambican Literatures 01012375 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Classics of Italian Literature 01012066 1st Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Contemporary Italy 01012099 1st Semester Elective * IC 6.0 Critical Issues in Brazilian Literature 01012402 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Introduction to Linguistic Studies 01012285 1st Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Introduction to Literary Studies 01012296 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Italian Literature of the Classicism 01012167 1st Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Literature and other Arts 01012314 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Culture 01012195 1st Semester Elective * PLC 6.0 Portuguese Literature from the Baroque to Neoclassicism 01012320 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Morphology 01012397 1st Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Studies on Eça de Queiroz 01012257 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Brazilian Literature 01012303 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Foundations of Renaissance 01012189 2nd Semester Elective * IC 6.0 History of the Italian Language 01012077 2nd Semester Elective * IL 6.0 History of the Portuguese Language 01012279 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Introduction to Italian Studies 01012088 2nd Semester Elective * IC 6.0 Literary Theory 01012430 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Literatures of São Tomé, Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau 01012386 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature 01012178 2nd Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Portuguese Literature from Romanticism to Fin-de-Siècle 01012358 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Medieval Literature 01012369 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Phonetics and Phonology 01012268 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Studies on Camoes 01012232 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Studies on Fernando Pessoa 01012243 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Varieties of Portuguese 01012441 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Rules - Complementary concentration area: 30 ECTS in academic fields different from the area of specialization but that offer the student a coherent education that is tied to the area of specialization. It is possible for the complementary concentration area to be in the same department but not the same program. In the case of the complementary concentration being in an area outside of FLUC, the classes can be chosen from those offered by various faculties as long as they are academically coherent.
- Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
Portuguese and Italian
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits Modern and Postmodern Portuguese Literature 01012331 1st Semester Compulsory PLL 6.0 Portuguese Semantics 01012413 1st Semester Compulsory PL 6.0 Spanish 1 01011827 1st Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 3 01011849 1st Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 5 01011862 1st Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Portuguese Literature of the Renaissance 01012342 2nd Semester Compulsory PLL 6.0 Portuguese Syntax 01012424 2nd Semester Compulsory PL 6.0 Spanish 2 01011838 2nd Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 4 01011851 2nd Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 6 01011873 2nd Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 African Cultures 01012221 1st Semester Elective * PLC 6.0 Angolan and Mozambican Literatures 01012375 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Critical Issues in Brazilian Literature 01012402 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Introduction to Linguistic Studies 01012285 1st Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Introduction to Literary Studies 01012296 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Literature and other Arts 01012314 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature 01011906 1st Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Portuguese Culture 01012195 1st Semester Elective * PLC 6.0 Portuguese Literature from the Baroque to Neoclassicism 01012320 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Morphology 01012397 1st Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Spanish Culture 01011805 1st Semester Elective * SC 6.0 Spanish Linguistics 1 01011884 1st Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Studies on Eça de Queiroz 01012257 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Brazilian Literature 01012303 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 History of the Portuguese Language 01012279 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Literary Theory 01012430 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Literatures of São Tomé, Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau 01012386 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Literature from Romanticism to Fin-de-Siècle 01012358 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Medieval Literature 01012369 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Phonetics and Phonology 01012268 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Spanish Linguistics 2 01011890 2nd Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Spanish Literature: From Beginnings to the Golden Age 01011917 2nd Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Spanish-American Cultures 01011816 2nd Semester Elective * SC 6.0 Spanish-American Literature 01011928 2nd Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Studies on Camoes 01012232 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Studies on Fernando Pessoa 01012243 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Varieties of Portuguese 01012441 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Rules - Complementary concentration area: up to 30 ECTS in academic fields different from the area of specialization but that offer the student a coherent education that is tied to the area of specialization. It is possible for the complementary concentration area to be in the same department but not the same program. In the case of the complementary concentration being in an area outside of FLUC, the classes can be chosen from those offered by various faculties as long as they are academically coherent.
- Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
Portuguese and Spanish
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits Italian 1 01012100 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 3 01012122 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 5 01012144 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Spanish 1 01011827 1st Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 3 01011849 1st Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 5 01011862 1st Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Italian 2 01012111 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 4 01012133 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 6 01012156 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Spanish 2 01011838 2nd Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 4 01011851 2nd Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 6 01011873 2nd Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Classics of Italian Literature 01012066 1st Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Contemporary Italy 01012099 1st Semester Elective * IC 6.0 Italian Literature of the Classicism 01012167 1st Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature 01011906 1st Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Spanish Culture 01011805 1st Semester Elective * SC 6.0 Spanish Linguistics 1 01011884 1st Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Foundations of Renaissance 01012189 2nd Semester Elective * IC 6.0 History of the Italian Language 01012077 2nd Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Introduction to Italian Studies 01012088 2nd Semester Elective * IC 6.0 Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature 01012178 2nd Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Spanish Linguistics 2 01011890 2nd Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Spanish Literature: From Beginnings to the Golden Age 01011917 2nd Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Spanish-American Cultures 01011816 2nd Semester Elective * SC 6.0 Spanish-American Literature 01011928 2nd Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Rules - Complementary concentration area: 30 ECTS in academic fields different from the area of specialization but that offer the student a coherent education that is tied to the area of specialization. It is possible for the complementary concentration area to be in the same department but not the same program. In the case of the complementary concentration being in an area outside of FLUC, the classes can be chosen from those offered by various faculties as long as they are academically coherent.
Spanish and Italian
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits English 1 01011455 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 3 01011477 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 5 01011499 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 2 01011466 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 4 01011488 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 6 01011507 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 Anglo-Irish Studies 01011401 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary North American Literature 01011560 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Elizabethan Literature 01011554 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 English (post) Colonial Culture 01011387 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 English and the Study of Language 01011518 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Immigration in the United States of America 01019898 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Pragmatics and Discourse 01019969 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 The American Century 01011593 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 American Histories 01011440 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Anglo-Canadian Studies 01011412 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary English History and Culture 01011434 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary English Literature 01011546 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Contemporary Feminisms Issues 01011619 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Exploring English Grammar 01011423 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Language, Culture and Society 01011535 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Narrative in English Literature 01011582 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 North American Literature from the Civil War to World War II 01011571 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Poetics and Creative Writing 01011608 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Rules - Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
- General education area: 24 ECTS that ensure a better preparation in areas different from the area of specialization, or that serve as a basis for other courses, such as foreign languages. They can be taken at any time during the academic path starting with the 2nd semester. It is possible for a student to use some or all general education credits to increase the number of ECTS in the area of specialization, which means that the total ECTS can reach 132, falling to the student to decide (i) whether to increase the area of specialization with ECTS allocated to general education; and, in that case, (ii) if the student wishes to do so partially or in total. The advisor should advise the student in making this choice.
Anglo-American Studies With Minor
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits English 1 01011455 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 3 01011477 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 5 01011499 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 French 1 01011950 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 3 01011972 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 5 01011994 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 English 2 01011466 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 4 01011488 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 6 01011507 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 French 2 01011961 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 4 01011983 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 6 01012001 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 19th and 20th Century French Literature 01012023 1st Semester Elective * FL 6.0 Anglo-Irish Studies 01011401 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary North American Literature 01011560 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Elizabethan Literature 01011554 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 English (post) Colonial Culture 01011387 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 English and the Study of Language 01011518 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Francophone Cultures 01011945 1st Semester Elective * FC 6.0 French Linguistics 01019920 1st Semester Elective * FL 6.0 Immigration in the United States of America 01019898 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Pragmatics and Discourse 01019969 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 The American Century 01011593 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 17th and 18th century French Literature 01012040 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 American Histories 01011440 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Anglo-Canadian Studies 01011412 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary English History and Culture 01011434 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary English Literature 01011546 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Contemporary Feminisms Issues 01011619 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Exploring English Grammar 01011423 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 French Culture 01011939 2nd Semester Elective * FC 6.0 French Theatre 01012055 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 French-Portuguese Translation 01019975 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 Language, Culture and Society 01011535 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Narrative in English Literature 01011582 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 North American Literature from the Civil War to World War II 01011571 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Poetics and Creative Writing 01011608 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Rules - Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
English and French With Minor
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits English 1 01011455 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 3 01011477 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 5 01011499 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 German 1 01011625 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 3 01011647 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 5 01011664 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 English 2 01011466 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 4 01011488 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 6 01011507 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 German 2 01011636 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 4 01011653 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 6 01011670 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 Anglo-Irish Studies 01011401 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary North American Literature 01011560 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Culture of German Speaking Countries 1 01019876 1st Semester Elective * GC 6.0 Culture of German Speaking Countries 2 01019887 1st Semester Elective * GC 6.0 Elizabethan Literature 01011554 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 English (post) Colonial Culture 01011387 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 English and the Study of Language 01011518 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 German Linguistics 1 01011692 1st Semester Elective * GL 6.0 German Linguistics 3 01011715 1st Semester Elective * GL 6.0 Immigration in the United States of America 01019898 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Pragmatics and Discourse 01019969 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 The American Century 01011593 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 American Histories 01011440 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Anglo-Canadian Studies 01011412 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary English History and Culture 01011434 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary English Literature 01011546 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Contemporary Feminisms Issues 01011619 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Exploring English Grammar 01011423 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 German Language Literatures - Classical and Modern Readings 01019942 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German Language Literatures and Comparative Studies 01019931 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German Linguistics 2 01011709 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 German-Language Literatures – Contemporary Issues 01011791 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German-Portuguese Translation 01011752 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 Introduction to Linguistics 01011774 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 Introduction to the Study of Culture of German Speaking Countries 01019903 2nd Semester Elective * GC 6.0 Introduction to the Study of German Language Literatures 01019914 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 Language, Culture and Society 01011535 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Narrative in English Literature 01011582 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 North American Literature from the Civil War to World War II 01011571 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Poetics and Creative Writing 01011608 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Rules - Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
English and German With Minor
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits English 1 01011455 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 3 01011477 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 5 01011499 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 Italian 1 01012100 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 3 01012122 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 5 01012144 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 English 2 01011466 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 4 01011488 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 6 01011507 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 Italian 2 01012111 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 4 01012133 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 6 01012156 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Anglo-Irish Studies 01011401 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Classics of Italian Literature 01012066 1st Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Contemporary Italy 01012099 1st Semester Elective * IC 6.0 Contemporary North American Literature 01011560 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Elizabethan Literature 01011554 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 English (post) Colonial Culture 01011387 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 English and the Study of Language 01011518 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Immigration in the United States of America 01019898 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Italian Literature of the Classicism 01012167 1st Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Pragmatics and Discourse 01019969 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 The American Century 01011593 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 American Histories 01011440 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Anglo-Canadian Studies 01011412 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary English History and Culture 01011434 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary English Literature 01011546 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Contemporary Feminisms Issues 01011619 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Exploring English Grammar 01011423 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Foundations of Renaissance 01012189 2nd Semester Elective * IC 6.0 History of the Italian Language 01012077 2nd Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Introduction to Italian Studies 01012088 2nd Semester Elective * IC 6.0 Language, Culture and Society 01011535 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature 01012178 2nd Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Narrative in English Literature 01011582 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 North American Literature from the Civil War to World War II 01011571 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Poetics and Creative Writing 01011608 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Rules - Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
English and Italian With Minor
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits English 1 01011455 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 3 01011477 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 5 01011499 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 Spanish 1 01011827 1st Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 3 01011849 1st Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 5 01011862 1st Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 English 2 01011466 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 4 01011488 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 6 01011507 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 Spanish 2 01011838 2nd Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 4 01011851 2nd Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 6 01011873 2nd Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Anglo-Irish Studies 01011401 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary North American Literature 01011560 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Elizabethan Literature 01011554 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 English (post) Colonial Culture 01011387 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 English and the Study of Language 01011518 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Immigration in the United States of America 01019898 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature 01011906 1st Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Pragmatics and Discourse 01019969 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Spanish Culture 01011805 1st Semester Elective * SC 6.0 Spanish Linguistics 1 01011884 1st Semester Elective * SL 6.0 The American Century 01011593 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 American Histories 01011440 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Anglo-Canadian Studies 01011412 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary English History and Culture 01011434 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary English Literature 01011546 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Contemporary Feminisms Issues 01011619 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Exploring English Grammar 01011423 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Language, Culture and Society 01011535 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Narrative in English Literature 01011582 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 North American Literature from the Civil War to World War II 01011571 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Poetics and Creative Writing 01011608 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Spanish Linguistics 2 01011890 2nd Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Spanish Literature: From Beginnings to the Golden Age 01011917 2nd Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Spanish-American Cultures 01011816 2nd Semester Elective * SC 6.0 Spanish-American Literature 01011928 2nd Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Rules - Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
English and Spanish With Minor
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits French 1 01011950 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 3 01011972 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 5 01011994 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 Italian 1 01012100 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 3 01012122 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 5 01012144 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 French 2 01011961 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 4 01011983 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 6 01012001 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 Italian 2 01012111 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 4 01012133 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 6 01012156 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 19th and 20th Century French Literature 01012023 1st Semester Elective * FL 6.0 Classics of Italian Literature 01012066 1st Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Contemporary Italy 01012099 1st Semester Elective * IC 6.0 Francophone Cultures 01011945 1st Semester Elective * FC 6.0 French Linguistics 01019920 1st Semester Elective * FL 6.0 Italian Literature of the Classicism 01012167 1st Semester Elective * IL 6.0 17th and 18th century French Literature 01012040 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 Foundations of Renaissance 01012189 2nd Semester Elective * IC 6.0 French Culture 01011939 2nd Semester Elective * FC 6.0 French Theatre 01012055 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 French-Portuguese Translation 01019975 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 History of the Italian Language 01012077 2nd Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Introduction to Italian Studies 01012088 2nd Semester Elective * IC 6.0 Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature 01012178 2nd Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Rules - Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
French and Italian With Minor
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits French 1 01011950 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 3 01011972 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 5 01011994 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 German 1 01011625 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 3 01011647 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 5 01011664 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 French 2 01011961 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 4 01011983 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 6 01012001 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 German 2 01011636 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 4 01011653 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 6 01011670 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 19th and 20th Century French Literature 01012023 1st Semester Elective * FL 6.0 Culture of German Speaking Countries 1 01019876 1st Semester Elective * GC 6.0 Culture of German Speaking Countries 2 01019887 1st Semester Elective * GC 6.0 Francophone Cultures 01011945 1st Semester Elective * FC 6.0 French Linguistics 01019920 1st Semester Elective * FL 6.0 German Linguistics 1 01011692 1st Semester Elective * GL 6.0 German Linguistics 3 01011715 1st Semester Elective * GL 6.0 17th and 18th century French Literature 01012040 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 French Culture 01011939 2nd Semester Elective * FC 6.0 French Theatre 01012055 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 French-Portuguese Translation 01019975 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 German Language Literatures - Classical and Modern Readings 01019942 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German Language Literatures and Comparative Studies 01019931 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German Linguistics 2 01011709 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 German-Language Literatures – Contemporary Issues 01011791 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German-Portuguese Translation 01011752 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 Introduction to Linguistics 01011774 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 Introduction to the Study of Culture of German Speaking Countries 01019903 2nd Semester Elective * GC 6.0 Introduction to the Study of German Language Literatures 01019914 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 Rules - Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
German and French With Minor
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits German 1 01011625 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 3 01011647 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 5 01011664 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 Italian 1 01012100 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 3 01012122 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 5 01012144 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 German 2 01011636 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 4 01011653 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 6 01011670 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 Italian 2 01012111 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 4 01012133 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 6 01012156 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Classics of Italian Literature 01012066 1st Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Contemporary Italy 01012099 1st Semester Elective * IC 6.0 Culture of German Speaking Countries 1 01019876 1st Semester Elective * GC 6.0 Culture of German Speaking Countries 2 01019887 1st Semester Elective * GC 6.0 German Linguistics 1 01011692 1st Semester Elective * GL 6.0 German Linguistics 3 01011715 1st Semester Elective * GL 6.0 Italian Literature of the Classicism 01012167 1st Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Foundations of Renaissance 01012189 2nd Semester Elective * IC 6.0 German Language Literatures - Classical and Modern Readings 01019942 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German Language Literatures and Comparative Studies 01019931 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German Linguistics 2 01011709 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 German-Language Literatures – Contemporary Issues 01011791 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German-Portuguese Translation 01011752 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 History of the Italian Language 01012077 2nd Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Introduction to Italian Studies 01012088 2nd Semester Elective * IC 6.0 Introduction to Linguistics 01011774 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 Introduction to the Study of Culture of German Speaking Countries 01019903 2nd Semester Elective * GC 6.0 Introduction to the Study of German Language Literatures 01019914 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature 01012178 2nd Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Rules - Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
German and Italian With Minor
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits French 1 01011950 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 3 01011972 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 5 01011994 1st Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 Modern and Postmodern Portuguese Literature 01012331 1st Semester Compulsory PLL 6.0 Portuguese Semantics 01012413 1st Semester Compulsory PL 6.0 French 2 01011961 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 4 01011983 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 French 6 01012001 2nd Semester Compulsory FL 6.0 Portuguese Literature of the Renaissance 01012342 2nd Semester Compulsory PLL 6.0 Portuguese Syntax 01012424 2nd Semester Compulsory PL 6.0 19th and 20th Century French Literature 01012023 1st Semester Elective * FL 6.0 African Cultures 01012221 1st Semester Elective * PLC 6.0 Angolan and Mozambican Literatures 01012375 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Critical Issues in Brazilian Literature 01012402 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Francophone Cultures 01011945 1st Semester Elective * FC 6.0 French Linguistics 01019920 1st Semester Elective * FL 6.0 Introduction to Linguistic Studies 01012285 1st Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Introduction to Literary Studies 01012296 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Literature and other Arts 01012314 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Culture 01012195 1st Semester Elective * PLC 6.0 Portuguese Literature from the Baroque to Neoclassicism 01012320 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Morphology 01012397 1st Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Studies on Eça de Queiroz 01012257 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 17th and 18th century French Literature 01012040 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 Brazilian Literature 01012303 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 French Culture 01011939 2nd Semester Elective * FC 6.0 French Theatre 01012055 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 French-Portuguese Translation 01019975 2nd Semester Elective * FL 6.0 History of the Portuguese Language 01012279 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Literary Theory 01012430 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Literatures of São Tomé, Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau 01012386 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Literature from Romanticism to Fin-de-Siècle 01012358 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Medieval Literature 01012369 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Phonetics and Phonology 01012268 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Studies on Camoes 01012232 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Studies on Fernando Pessoa 01012243 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Varieties of Portuguese 01012441 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Rules - Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
Portuguese and French With Minor
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits German 1 01011625 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 3 01011647 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 5 01011664 1st Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 Modern and Postmodern Portuguese Literature 01012331 1st Semester Compulsory PLL 6.0 Portuguese Semantics 01012413 1st Semester Compulsory PL 6.0 German 2 01011636 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 4 01011653 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 German 6 01011670 2nd Semester Compulsory GL 6.0 Portuguese Literature of the Renaissance 01012342 2nd Semester Compulsory PLL 6.0 Portuguese Syntax 01012424 2nd Semester Compulsory PL 6.0 African Cultures 01012221 1st Semester Elective * PLC 6.0 Angolan and Mozambican Literatures 01012375 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Critical Issues in Brazilian Literature 01012402 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Culture of German Speaking Countries 1 01019876 1st Semester Elective * GC 6.0 Culture of German Speaking Countries 2 01019887 1st Semester Elective * GC 6.0 German Linguistics 1 01011692 1st Semester Elective * GL 6.0 German Linguistics 3 01011715 1st Semester Elective * GL 6.0 Introduction to Linguistic Studies 01012285 1st Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Introduction to Literary Studies 01012296 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Literature and other Arts 01012314 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Culture 01012195 1st Semester Elective * PLC 6.0 Portuguese Literature from the Baroque to Neoclassicism 01012320 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Morphology 01012397 1st Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Studies on Eça de Queiroz 01012257 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Brazilian Literature 01012303 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 German Language Literatures - Classical and Modern Readings 01019942 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German Language Literatures and Comparative Studies 01019931 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German Linguistics 2 01011709 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 German-Language Literatures – Contemporary Issues 01011791 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 German-Portuguese Translation 01011752 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 History of the Portuguese Language 01012279 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Introduction to Linguistics 01011774 2nd Semester Elective * GL 6.0 Introduction to the Study of Culture of German Speaking Countries 01019903 2nd Semester Elective * GC 6.0 Introduction to the Study of German Language Literatures 01019914 2nd Semester Elective * LG 6.0 Literary Theory 01012430 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Literatures of São Tomé, Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau 01012386 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Literature from Romanticism to Fin-de-Siècle 01012358 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Medieval Literature 01012369 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Phonetics and Phonology 01012268 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Studies on Camoes 01012232 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Studies on Fernando Pessoa 01012243 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Varieties of Portuguese 01012441 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Rules - Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
Portuguese and German With Minor
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits English 1 01011455 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 3 01011477 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 5 01011499 1st Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 Modern and Postmodern Portuguese Literature 01012331 1st Semester Compulsory PLL 6.0 Portuguese Semantics 01012413 1st Semester Compulsory PL 6.0 English 2 01011466 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 4 01011488 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 English 6 01011507 2nd Semester Compulsory LAAS 6.0 Portuguese Literature of the Renaissance 01012342 2nd Semester Compulsory PLL 6.0 Portuguese Syntax 01012424 2nd Semester Compulsory PL 6.0 African Cultures 01012221 1st Semester Elective * PLC 6.0 Anglo-Irish Studies 01011401 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Angolan and Mozambican Literatures 01012375 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Contemporary North American Literature 01011560 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Critical Issues in Brazilian Literature 01012402 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Elizabethan Literature 01011554 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 English (post) Colonial Culture 01011387 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 English and the Study of Language 01011518 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Immigration in the United States of America 01019898 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Introduction to Linguistic Studies 01012285 1st Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Introduction to Literary Studies 01012296 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Literature and other Arts 01012314 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Culture 01012195 1st Semester Elective * PLC 6.0 Portuguese Literature from the Baroque to Neoclassicism 01012320 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Morphology 01012397 1st Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Pragmatics and Discourse 01019969 1st Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Studies on Eça de Queiroz 01012257 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 The American Century 01011593 1st Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 American Histories 01011440 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Anglo-Canadian Studies 01011412 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Brazilian Literature 01012303 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Contemporary English History and Culture 01011434 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Contemporary English Literature 01011546 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Contemporary Feminisms Issues 01011619 2nd Semester Elective * CAAS 6.0 Exploring English Grammar 01011423 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 History of the Portuguese Language 01012279 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Language, Culture and Society 01011535 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Literary Theory 01012430 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Literatures of São Tomé, Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau 01012386 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Narrative in English Literature 01011582 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 North American Literature from the Civil War to World War II 01011571 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Poetics and Creative Writing 01011608 2nd Semester Elective * LAAS 6.0 Portuguese Literature from Romanticism to Fin-de-Siècle 01012358 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Medieval Literature 01012369 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Phonetics and Phonology 01012268 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Studies on Camoes 01012232 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Studies on Fernando Pessoa 01012243 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Varieties of Portuguese 01012441 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Rules - Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
Portuguese and Inglês With Minor
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits Italian 1 01012100 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 3 01012122 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 5 01012144 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Modern and Postmodern Portuguese Literature 01012331 1st Semester Compulsory PLL 6.0 Portuguese Semantics 01012413 1st Semester Compulsory PL 6.0 Italian 2 01012111 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 4 01012133 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 6 01012156 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Portuguese Literature of the Renaissance 01012342 2nd Semester Compulsory PLL 6.0 Portuguese Syntax 01012424 2nd Semester Compulsory PL 6.0 African Cultures 01012221 1st Semester Elective * PLC 6.0 Angolan and Mozambican Literatures 01012375 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Classics of Italian Literature 01012066 1st Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Contemporary Italy 01012099 1st Semester Elective * IC 6.0 Critical Issues in Brazilian Literature 01012402 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Introduction to Linguistic Studies 01012285 1st Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Introduction to Literary Studies 01012296 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Italian Literature of the Classicism 01012167 1st Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Literature and other Arts 01012314 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Culture 01012195 1st Semester Elective * PLC 6.0 Portuguese Literature from the Baroque to Neoclassicism 01012320 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Morphology 01012397 1st Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Studies on Eça de Queiroz 01012257 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Brazilian Literature 01012303 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Foundations of Renaissance 01012189 2nd Semester Elective * IC 6.0 History of the Italian Language 01012077 2nd Semester Elective * IL 6.0 History of the Portuguese Language 01012279 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Introduction to Italian Studies 01012088 2nd Semester Elective * IC 6.0 Literary Theory 01012430 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Literatures of São Tomé, Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau 01012386 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature 01012178 2nd Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Portuguese Literature from Romanticism to Fin-de-Siècle 01012358 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Medieval Literature 01012369 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Phonetics and Phonology 01012268 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Studies on Camoes 01012232 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Studies on Fernando Pessoa 01012243 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Varieties of Portuguese 01012441 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Rules - Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
Portuguese and Italian With Minor
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits Modern and Postmodern Portuguese Literature 01012331 1st Semester Compulsory PLL 6.0 Portuguese Semantics 01012413 1st Semester Compulsory PL 6.0 Spanish 1 01011827 1st Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 3 01011849 1st Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 5 01011862 1st Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Portuguese Literature of the Renaissance 01012342 2nd Semester Compulsory PLL 6.0 Portuguese Syntax 01012424 2nd Semester Compulsory PL 6.0 Spanish 2 01011838 2nd Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 4 01011851 2nd Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 6 01011873 2nd Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 African Cultures 01012221 1st Semester Elective * PLC 6.0 Angolan and Mozambican Literatures 01012375 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Critical Issues in Brazilian Literature 01012402 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Introduction to Linguistic Studies 01012285 1st Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Introduction to Literary Studies 01012296 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Literature and other Arts 01012314 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature 01011906 1st Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Portuguese Culture 01012195 1st Semester Elective * PLC 6.0 Portuguese Literature from the Baroque to Neoclassicism 01012320 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Morphology 01012397 1st Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Spanish Culture 01011805 1st Semester Elective * SC 6.0 Spanish Linguistics 1 01011884 1st Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Studies on Eça de Queiroz 01012257 1st Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Brazilian Literature 01012303 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 History of the Portuguese Language 01012279 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Literary Theory 01012430 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Literatures of São Tomé, Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau 01012386 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Literature from Romanticism to Fin-de-Siècle 01012358 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Medieval Literature 01012369 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Portuguese Phonetics and Phonology 01012268 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Spanish Linguistics 2 01011890 2nd Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Spanish Literature: From Beginnings to the Golden Age 01011917 2nd Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Spanish-American Cultures 01011816 2nd Semester Elective * SC 6.0 Spanish-American Literature 01011928 2nd Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Studies on Camoes 01012232 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Studies on Fernando Pessoa 01012243 2nd Semester Elective * PLL 6.0 Varieties of Portuguese 01012441 2nd Semester Elective * PL 6.0 Rules - Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department
Portuguese and Spanish With Minor
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits Italian 1 01012100 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 3 01012122 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 5 01012144 1st Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Spanish 1 01011827 1st Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 3 01011849 1st Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 5 01011862 1st Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Italian 2 01012111 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 4 01012133 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Italian 6 01012156 2nd Semester Compulsory IL 6.0 Spanish 2 01011838 2nd Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 4 01011851 2nd Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Spanish 6 01011873 2nd Semester Compulsory SL 6.0 Classics of Italian Literature 01012066 1st Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Contemporary Italy 01012099 1st Semester Elective * IC 6.0 Italian Literature of the Classicism 01012167 1st Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature 01011906 1st Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Spanish Culture 01011805 1st Semester Elective * SC 6.0 Spanish Linguistics 1 01011884 1st Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Foundations of Renaissance 01012189 2nd Semester Elective * IC 6.0 History of the Italian Language 01012077 2nd Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Introduction to Italian Studies 01012088 2nd Semester Elective * IC 6.0 Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature 01012178 2nd Semester Elective * IL 6.0 Spanish Linguistics 2 01011890 2nd Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Spanish Literature: From Beginnings to the Golden Age 01011917 2nd Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Spanish-American Cultures 01011816 2nd Semester Elective * SC 6.0 Spanish-American Literature 01011928 2nd Semester Elective * SL 6.0 Rules - Core curriculum area: 18 ECTS as preparation for the transistion from secondary to higher education and which the student is required to register for in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the bachelor's program. The objective is to provide an introduction to the different learning areas offered by the Faculty and supply the students with initial tools to assist them in their university studies. This offer is defined annually by the Academic Board and will include a maximum of 12 classes; the student can only choose two from his department.
Spanish and Italian With Minor
- Minor in Tourism Territory and Heritage
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type ECTS credits Archaeological Heritage Management and Tourism 01010971 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Art of Portuguese Influence in the World 01011231 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Cultural Geography and Development 01011286 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Cultural Landscapes and Tourism 01011365 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Data Analysis in Tourism 01011185 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Ecomuseology and Tourism 01011242 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Gastronomic Tourism 01017392 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Geography of Portugal 01011269 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Geography of the Major Tourist Regions 01011168 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Geotourism 01011302 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Inclusive Tourism 01017407 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 01011179 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Information and Communication in Tourism 01017370 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Intangible Heritage and Tourism 01011258 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Marketing and Tourism Promotion 01011203 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Organization and Event Management 01011341 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Political and Developmental Geography 01011313 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Seminar Tourism, Territory and Heritage 01011275 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Tourism Animation 01011330 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Tourism Destination Management 01011359 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Tourism Economics 01011214 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Tourism Planning 01011220 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Tourism System and Competitiveness 01011143 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Tourism and Development 01011324 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Tourism and Leisure Geography 01011196 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Tourism and Security 01017381 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Tourism and Transportation 01011297 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Tourist Itineraries, Heritage and Development 01011157 Semestrial Elective 6.0
- Minor in Anthropology
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type ECTS credits Anthropology of Performance 01002342 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Anthropology of Religion 01015733 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Anthropology of the Body 01002375 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Behavioural Biology 01002268 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Culture and Cognition 01002358 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Ethnography and Fieldwork 01002178 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Evolutionary Anthropology 01002221 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Human Ecology and Adaptation 01002257 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Human Populations Genetics 01002303 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Introduction to Biological Anthropology 01002111 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Introduction to Forensic Anthropology 01002386 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Introduction to Social Anthropology 01002133 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Kinship, Gender and Ethnicity 01002243 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Material Culture and Museology 01002167 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Paleoanthropology 01002195 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Primatology 01002156 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Social Evolution 01002320 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Theory and History of Anthropology I 01015767 Semestrial Elective 6.0
- Minor in Archaeology
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type ECTS credits African Archaeology 01010982 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Analysis of Medieval and Modern Materials 01010907 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Analysis of Pre- and Protohistoric Materials 01010935 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Analysis of Roman Materials 01010946 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Ancient Numismatics 01010960 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Archaeological Heritage Management and Tourism 01010971 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Archaeological Theory 01011011 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Archaeology of Roman Hispania 01011067 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Computer Applications for Archaeology 01011078 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Field Archaeology 01011044 Semestrial Elective 6.0 General Pre-History 01011089 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of Ancient Rome 01011121 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of Islamic Civilization and Al- Andalus 01011132 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Industrial Heritage Archaeology 01010993 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Introduction to Archaeology 01011000 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Laboratory Archaeology 01011056 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Medieval Archaeology in the Iberian Peninsula 01010929 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Mediterranean Archaeology 01011104 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Origins of Complex Societies 01010680 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Pre-historic Archaeology in the Iberian Peninsula 01011022 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Protohistoric Archaeology in the Iberian Peninsula 01011033 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Protohistoric Europe 01011110 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Roman Archaeology 01010918 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Roman Epigraphy 01010954 Semestrial Elective 6.0
- Minor in Artistic Studies
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type ECTS credits Aesthetics 01012545 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Aesthetics and History of Cinema I 01012736 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Aesthetics and History of Cinema II 01012792 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Art and Multimedia 01012660 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Cultural Programming 01012539 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Film Analysis and Criticism 01012528 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of Theater and Spectacle I 01012719 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of Theatre and Spectacle II 01012781 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Introduction to Film Studies 01012708 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Introduction to Music Studies 01012693 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Introduction to Theatre Studies 01012809 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Music Aesthetics and Criticism 01012764 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Music Analysis and Criticism 01021839 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Music Workshop 01012826 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Performance Art 01012725 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Photography Genres 01012770 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Portuguese Cinema 01012671 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Portuguese Music 01012753 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Portuguese Theatre 01021861 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Seminar in Artistic Studies 01012848 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Sound arts in modernity 01021845 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Television Fiction 01021850 Semestrial Elective 6.0 The Body and its Representation in Contemporary Culture 01012682 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Theatre Criticism and Analysis 01012550 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Theatre Workshop 01012837 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Themes in Music History 01021872 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Themes in the History of Cinema 01021883 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Themes in the History of Theatre 01021894 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Western Music and Culture I 01012747 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Western Music and Culture II 01012852 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Workshop of Cinema 01012815 Semestrial Elective 6.0
- Minor in Biology
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type ECTS credits Algae and Fungi 01000615 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Animal Physiology 01000872 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Applied Ecology 01000749 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Biology II 01000738 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Biology of Conservation 01000663 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Biostatistics 01000626 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Cell and Molecular Biology 01000861 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Cellular Phisiology 01000883 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Functional Ecology 01000839 Semestrial Elective 6.0 General Ecology 01000727 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Genetics 01000929 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Limnology 01000971 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Marine Biology and Ecology 01000691 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Metabolism 01000993 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Microbiology 01001033 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Oncobiology 01001044 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Palinology 01001078 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Physiological and Environmental Toxicology 01000894 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Plant Biotecnology 01000751 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Plant Development 01000773 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Plant Diversity 01000806 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Plant Physiology 01000918 Semestrial Elective 6.0
- Minor in Classical Studies
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type ECTS credits Ancient Greece History 01012951 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Classical Reception 01013030 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Greco-Roman Mythology 01013024 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Greek Culture 01012863 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Greek I (Beginners) 01012880 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Greek II (Beginners) 01012891 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Greek III 01012905 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Greek IV 01012916 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Greek Poetry 01013041 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Greek Prose 01013065 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Greek Theater 01013087 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Greek V 01012927 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Greek VI 01012938 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of Classical Antiquity 01010691 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Latin I (Beginners) 01012962 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Latin II (Beginners) 01012973 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Latin III 01012984 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Latin IV 01012990 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Latin Poetry 01013059 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Latin Prose 01013076 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Latin Theater 01013098 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Latin V 01013002 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Latin VI 01013013 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Roman Culture 01012874 Semestrial Elective 6.0
- Minor in European Studies
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type ECTS credits Art, Heritage and Identities in Europe 01013101 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Citizenship and Human Rights 01013112 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Classical Matrices of European Culture 01013222 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Contemporary Economics and Social Relations 01013295 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Diplomatic History 01020014 Semestrial Elective 6.0 European Geography 01013140 Semestrial Elective 6.0 European Political Philosophy 01013134 Semestrial Elective 6.0 European Union Law 01013123 Semestrial Elective 6.0 European Union Politics 01013267 Semestrial Elective 6.0 European Union: Politics and Theorization 01013332 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of Europe 01013166 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of European Integration 01013177 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of the Crisis of the XXth century 01013188 Semestrial Elective 6.0 International Organizations 01013256 Semestrial Elective 6.0 International Relations 01013304 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Introduction to Economics 01013211 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Introduction to Political Science 01013200 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Issues in International Relations 01020020 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Medieval and Modern Matrices of European Culture 01013233 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Migrations and Multi-culturality in Europe 01013244 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Modern History of Europe 01020031 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Modern and Contemporary History of Portugal 01010674 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Negotiation and the European Union 01019997 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Population, Territory and Development in the European Union 01013278 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Portugal and European Integration 01013289 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Portugal in the European Union 01020003 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Research Methods and Practice 01019986 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Seminar in European Studies 01013310 Semestrial Elective 6.0 The European Union as a Global Actor 01013321 Semestrial Elective 6.0 The Ideas of Europe 01013199 Semestrial Elective 6.0
- Minor in Geography
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type ECTS credits Advanced Methods of Data Analysis 01014031 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Biogeography 01013864 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Biophysical Bases in Regional and Local Planning 01014871 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 01013870 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Climatology 01013892 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Coastal Environments 01013836 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Data Analysis in Geography 01013847 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Ecomonic Geography 01013948 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Geography of Globalization and Development 01014860 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Geography of Health and Wellbeing 01013915 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Geography of Karst Regions 01013926 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Geography of Risks and Disasters 01013980 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Geography of Transports and Communications 01013937 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Geography of Transports and Mobilities 01020367 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Geography, Risks and Disasters 01020356 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Geomorphology 01014014 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Human Geography of Portugal 01013963 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Hydrology 01014020 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Land Planning and Territory Management 01014042 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Landscape Analysis and Evolution 01013853 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Mountain Environments 01013825 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Physical Geography of Portugal 01013952 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Political and Developmental Geography 01011313 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Remote Sensing and Analysis of the Territory 01013909 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Seminar in Geography 01014058 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Social Geography 01013991 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Synoptic Climatology 01013881 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Urban Geography 01014003 Semestrial Elective 6.0
- Minor in Geological Engineering and Mines
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type ECTS credits General Geology 01003694 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Geological Mapping 01002424 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Geophysical Prospecting 01002441 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Metallic Mineral Resources 01003864 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Mineralogy and petrology 01002402 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Non-Metallic Minerals Resources 01003825 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Rock mechanics 01002430 Semestrial Elective 6.0
- Minor in Geology
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type ECTS credits Environmental Geology and Natural Risks 01003892 Semestrial Elective 6.0 General Geology 01003694 Semestrial Elective 6.0 General Mineralogy and Petrology 01003937 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Geological Mapping I 01003746 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Geology of Portugal 01004003 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Geomorphology 01003782 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Hydrogeology 01003881 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Paleontology 01003735 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Sedimentology 01003754 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Stratigraphy 01003793 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Tectonics 01003853 Semestrial Elective 6.0
- Minor in History
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type ECTS credits Early Modern History of Portugal 01010784 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Historiography and Theory of History 01010845 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of Brazil 01010727 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of Classical Antiquity 01010691 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of Coimbra City 01010883 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of Local Authorities 01010751 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of Portugal in Asia 01010738 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of Portugal in África 01010839 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of Private Life 01010762 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of Religions 01010850 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of Women 01010861 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of the Contemporary Age 01010705 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of the Early Modern Age 01010817 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of the Iberian Peninsula (5th to 11th Centuries) 01010828 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of the Middle Ages 01010806 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of the Portuguese Empire, Colonialism and Postcolonialism 01010894 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of the Present 01010716 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of the University in Portugal 01010872 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Medieval History of Portugal 01010663 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Military History 01010773 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Modern and Contemporary History of Portugal 01010674 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Origins of Complex Societies 01010680 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Paleography and Diplomatics 01010749 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Seminar of History 01010790 Semestrial Elective 6.0
- Minor in History of Art
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type ECTS credits Aesthetics 01012545 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Analysis of the Work of Art 01012476 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Art and Baroque Representation 01012465 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Art and Classical Antiquity 01012618 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Art and Counter Reformation 01012629 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Art and Humanism 01012572 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Art and Modernisms 01012583 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Art and Romanticism 01012498 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Art in the Age of the Cathedrals 01012487 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Art in the Construction of Medieval Europe 01012459 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Art of Portuguese Influence in the World 01011231 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Art, Avant-garde and Globalization 01012635 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Cultural Programming 01012539 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Decorative Arts 01012646 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Heritage and Museology 01012607 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of Classical Antiquity 01010691 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of Religions 01010850 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of Urbanism 01012517 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of the Contemporary Age 01010705 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of the Early Modern Age 01010817 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of the Middle Ages 01010806 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Iconography 01012506 Semestrial Elective 6.0 The Portuguese City 01012654 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Theory and Methods of Art History 01012594 Semestrial Elective 6.0
- Minor in Information Science
- Minor in International Relations - Sociology
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type ECTS credits Cooperation for Development I 01620472 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 European Organisations 01620686 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 European Social Policies 01016439 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 Geopolitics and Geostrategy 01020141 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 International Negotiation 01620675 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 International Organizations 01620697 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 International Political Economy I 01620530 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 International Relations History 01020042 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 International Relations Theory I 01620757 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 Political Science 01620461 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 Political System of the European Union 01020102 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 Politics, Literature and Film 01016329 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 Power, Organizations and World Order 01020058 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
- Minor in Journalism and Communication
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type ECTS credits Broadcast Media 01010444 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Communication Law 01010467 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Deontology of journalism and communication 01010547 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Discourse and Communication 01010422 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Image and Communication 01010570 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Introduction to Multimedia 01010495 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Introduction to Political Communication 01010489 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Journalism Genres 01010478 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Journalism Theories 01010652 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Media Analysis Methods 01021202 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Media History 01010564 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Media and Contemporary Culture 01010525 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Multimedia Journalism 01010581 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Multiplatform Journalism 01021230 Semestrial Elective 6.0 News Production 01010553 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Organizational Communication 01010456 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Portuguese Language 01010519 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Press Office 01021224 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Production lab 01010508 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Project 01010615 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Public Relations 01010626 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Radio journalism 01010592 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Socioeconomy of the media 01010637 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Sociology of communication 01010433 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Television Journalism 01010609 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Theories of Communication 01010536 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Writing Techniques 01010648 Semestrial Elective 6.0
- Minor in Philosophy
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type ECTS credits Aesthetics 01012545 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Ancient Philosophy 01013475 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Contemporary Philosophy 01013357 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Ethics 01013516 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of Logic 01013562 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Medieval Philosophy 01013343 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Modern Philosophy 01013486 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Ontology 01013573 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Philosophical Anthropology 01013497 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Philosophical Hermeneutics 01013551 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Philosophy in Portugal 01013538 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Philosophy of Knowledge 01013527 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Philosophy of Language 01013379 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Philosophy of Science 01013368 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Seminar in Philosophy I 01013469 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Seminar in Philosophy II 01013403 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Social and Political Philosophy 01013549 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Symbolic Logic 01013385 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Topics in Ethics 01013420 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Topics in Hermeneutic Phenomenology 01013396 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Topics in Metaphysics 01013458 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Topics in Philosophical Anthropology 01013414 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Topics in Philosophy of Art 01013431 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Topics in Social and Political Philosophy 01013442 Semestrial Elective 6.0
- Minor in Portuguese
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type ECTS credits African Cultures 01012221 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Angolan and Mozambican Literatures 01012375 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Brazilian Literature 01012303 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Critical Issues in Brazilian Literature 01012402 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Great Authors of Portuguese Language 01021241 Semestrial Elective 6.0 History of the Portuguese Language 01012279 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Introduction to Linguistic Studies 01012285 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Introduction to Literary Studies 01012296 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Introduction to Pragmatics 01021259 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Literary Theory 01012430 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Literature and other Arts 01012314 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Literatures of São Tomé, Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau 01012386 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Modern and Postmodern Portuguese Literature 01012331 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Portuguese Culture 01012195 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Portuguese Literature from Romanticism to Fin-de-Siècle 01012358 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Portuguese Literature from the Baroque to Neoclassicism 01012320 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Portuguese Literature of the Renaissance 01012342 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Portuguese Medieval Literature 01012369 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Portuguese Morphology 01012397 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Portuguese Phonetics and Phonology 01012268 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Portuguese Semantics 01012413 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Portuguese Syntax 01012424 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Studies on Camoes 01012232 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Studies on Eça de Queiroz 01012257 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Studies on Fernando Pessoa 01012243 Semestrial Elective 6.0 Varieties of Portuguese 01012441 Semestrial Elective 6.0
- Minor in Sociology - Economics Management
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type ECTS credits Contemporary Portuguese Society 01018128 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 Contemporary Portuguese Society (Thematic Workshop I) 01621028 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 Gender and Society 01018071 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 Inequalities and Social Movements 01008703 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 Information Sources for Social Sciences 01018060 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 Introduction to Sociology 01008183 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 Mobilities and Global Migration 01016428 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 Social Classes and Stratification 01008676 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 Sociological Theories 01008659 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 Sociology of Culture and Communication 01008758 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 Sociology of Organizations and Work 01008775 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0 Sociology of Power and Administration 01008786 Semestrial Compulsory 6.0
The optional course units are offered on a yearly basis, depending on the availability of the Organic Unit