Advanced Course in Refining, Petrochemistry and Chemistry Engineering

Study Programme

Course unit title Year Regime Type Subject area ECTS credits
Advanced Separation Systems 1 1st QUARTERIAL Compulsory EQ 6.0
Industrial Catalysis and Chemical Reactors 1 1st QUARTERIAL Compulsory EQ 6.0
Environmental and Energy Management 1 2nd QUARTERIAL Compulsory EQ 6.0
Systems and Processes Engineering 1 2nd QUARTERIAL Compulsory EQ 6.0
Complementary Industrial Skills 1 3rd QUARTERIAL Elective * CC 6.0
Oil Refinery and Renewable Fuels 1 3rd QUARTERIAL Elective * EQ 6.0
Polymer Science and Technology 1 3rd QUARTERIAL Elective * EQ 6.0
Process Control and Supervision 1 3rd QUARTERIAL Elective * EQ 6.0
  • Students may choose a curricular unit from any of the universities participating in this program (or a national or foreign teaching or research institution with an agreement with the participating universities), with at least 6 ECTS. This choice is subject to the approval of the course coordinators. For the purposes of this study plan, the chosen curricular unit will provide 6 ECTS.

The optional course units are offered on a yearly basis, depending on the availability of the Organic Unit