Master’s degree in Mathematics
The work developed by a student during one academic year, according to the indicative plan of the course and on a full time basis, totals 60 ECTS.
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits Computational Visualization 1 02021960 1st Semester Compulsory COM 6.0 Mathematical Methods in Physics and Biology 1 02021536 1st Semester Compulsory MAT 6.0 Parallel Computing 1 02003476 1st Semester Compulsory COM 6.0 Advanced Programming 1 02002143 2nd Semester Compulsory COM 6.0 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1 02002220 2nd Semester Compulsory MAT 6.0 Numerical Optimization 1 02002121 2nd Semester Compulsory MAT 6.0 Commutative Algebra 1 02021935 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Differentiable manifolds 1 02021954 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Linear Programming and Combinatorial Optimization 1 02021547 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Optimization Methods in Finance 1 02010527 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Real and Functional Analysis 1 02021519 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Stochastic Processes and Calculus 1 02010497 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Time Series 1 02002168 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Algebraic Geometry 1 02002056 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Algebraic Topology 1 02002286 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Category Theory 1 02002179 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Game Theory 1 01001423 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Groups and their representations 1 02002067 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Mathematics in Finance 1 02002089 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Partial Differential Equations 1 02002044 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Risk Theory 1 02002275 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Sampling and Surveys 1 02021946 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits Dissertation in Applied Analysis and Computing 2 02021592 Annual Compulsory MAT 45.0 Mathematical Modeling 2 02021663 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Research Project in Applied Analysis and Computing 2 02021615 1st Semester Elective * MAT 9.0 Seminar Course in Mathematical Modeling 2 02021652 1st Semester Elective * MAT 3.0 Seminar in Applied Analysis and Computing 2 02021626 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0
Applied Analysis and Computation
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits Commutative Algebra 1 02021935 1st Semester Compulsory MAT 6.0 Differentiable manifolds 1 02021954 1st Semester Compulsory MAT 6.0 Real and Functional Analysis 1 02021519 1st Semester Compulsory MAT 6.0 Stochastic Processes and Calculus 1 02010497 1st Semester Compulsory MAT 6.0 Partial Differential Equations 1 02002044 2nd Semester Compulsory MAT 6.0 Computational Visualization 1 02021960 1st Semester Elective * COM 6.0 Databases 1 01001330 1st Semester Elective * COM 6.0 Linear Programming and Combinatorial Optimization 1 02021547 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Mathematical Logic 1 01001324 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Mathematical Methods in Physics and Biology 1 02021536 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Optimization Methods in Finance 1 02010527 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Parallel Computing 1 02003476 1st Semester Elective * COM 6.0 Time Series 1 02002168 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Topology and Linear Analysis 1 01001302 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits Dissertation in Pure Mathematics 2 02021570 Annual Compulsory MAT 54.0 Seminar in Pure Mathematics 2 02021564 1st Semester Compulsory MAT 6.0 Grupo: Options Group A (min ECTS 6.0)
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits Category Theory 1 02002179 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Groups and their representations 1 02002067 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Grupo: Options Group B (min ECTS 6.0)
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits Algebraic Geometry 1 02002056 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Algebraic Topology 1 02002286 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Grupo: Options Group C (min ECTS 12.0)
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits Advanced Programming 1 02002143 2nd Semester Elective * COM 6.0 Celestial Mechanics 1 01001398 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Game Theory 1 01001423 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Mathematics in Finance 1 02002089 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1 02002220 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Numerical Optimization 1 02002121 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Object-Oriented Programming 1 01001412 2nd Semester Elective * COM 6.0 Risk Theory 1 02002275 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Sampling and Surveys 1 02021946 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0
Pure Mathematics
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits Linear Programming and Combinatorial Optimization 1 02021547 1st Semester Compulsory MAT 6.0 Optimization Methods in Finance 1 02010527 1st Semester Compulsory MAT 6.0 Stochastic Processes and Calculus 1 02010497 1st Semester Compulsory MAT 6.0 Time Series 1 02002168 1st Semester Compulsory MAT 6.0 Mathematics in Finance 1 02002089 2nd Semester Compulsory MAT 6.0 Numerical Optimization 1 02002121 2nd Semester Compulsory MAT 6.0 Sampling and Surveys 1 02021946 2nd Semester Compulsory MAT 6.0 Commutative Algebra 1 02021935 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Computational Visualization 1 02021960 1st Semester Elective * COM 6.0 Databases 1 01001330 1st Semester Elective * COM 6.0 Differentiable manifolds 1 02021954 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Mathematical Logic 1 01001324 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Mathematical Methods in Physics and Biology 1 02021536 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Parallel Computing 1 02003476 1st Semester Elective * COM 6.0 Real and Functional Analysis 1 02021519 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Topology and Linear Analysis 1 01001302 1st Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Advanced Programming 1 02002143 2nd Semester Elective * COM 6.0 Algebraic Geometry 1 02002056 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Algebraic Topology 1 02002286 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Category Theory 1 02002179 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Celestial Mechanics 1 01001398 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Game Theory 1 01001423 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Groups and their representations 1 02002067 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1 02002220 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Object-Oriented Programming 1 01001412 2nd Semester Elective * COM 6.0 Partial Differential Equations 1 02002044 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Risk Theory 1 02002275 2nd Semester Elective * MAT 6.0 Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits Dissertation in Statistics, Optimization and Mathematics in Finance 2 02021553 Annual Compulsory MAT 54.0 Seminar in Statistics, Optimization, and Mathematics in Finance 2 02021581 1st Semester Compulsory MAT 6.0
Statistics, Optimization and Financial Mathematics
The optional course units are offered on a yearly basis, depending on the availability of the Organic Unit