PhD in Law

The work developed by a student during one academic year, according to the indicative plan of the course and on a full time basis, totals 60 ECTS.


Business Law Sciences – PhD with course option

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
General Seminar 1 03220013 1st Semester Compulsory LAW 15.0
Ancillary contracts 1 03012358 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Breach of contract 1 03220475 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Competition Law 1 03012476 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Constitution, policy and accountability 1 03220551 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Contracts lasting 1 03014936 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Contracts of relationship 1 03220497 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal law and constitution 1 03220584 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal procedural law 1 03012369 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal procedural law and constitution 1 03220590 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Effects or consequences of liability - controversial aspects 1 03014871 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Encoding and legal culture 1 03220469 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Fiducia 1 03012342 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Financial System 1 03012402 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Fundamentals of liability: evolution and current situation 1 03014860 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
General contract terms 1 03220486 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
History of Portuguese Law 1 03220431 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Industrial property law 1 03220527 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Intellectual Property and Competition 1 03012375 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International European and Global Responsibility 1 03220573 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International Trade 1 03220516 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International contracts and arbitration 1 03220549 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Law and Literature - from the new hermeneutics to deconstruction, from communitarist narrativism to the jurisprudence of principles 1 03220442 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Legal argument - from theoria to praxis 1 03220458 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Management and Accountability 1 03220562 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Nomos, Repúblic and Constitution 1 03020854 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Penal Law and Mutual Recognition in the European Union 1 03016247 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Reform of liability in Europe I. European Projects 1 03012386 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Reform of liability in Europe II. National Projects 1 03012397 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Roman Law 1 03220420 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The Evidence in Criminal Proceedings 1 03013590 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The civil and European integration 1 03220505 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The responsibility in societies 1 03220538 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Tolerance, Human Rights and Juridicity 1 03020860 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Computer Law 1 03016264 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Constitution and criminal law 1 03015282 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Crisis, Public Administration, Citizenship 1 03016208 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Financial System: between risk and uncertainty. Social, legal and economic challenges in a globalized world 1 03016180 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Governance in Commercial Companies 1 03019245 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Industrial Property in Case Law 1 03015328 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the Books and Law in Action in Strict Liability 1 03011269 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Medical Liability 1 03020187 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Medical Liability (civil and criminal) 1 03016236 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Public and private enforcement of Competition Law 1 03015339 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Risks and Challenges of Civil Procedure in the 21st Century 1 03016281 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
SME governance 1 03016137 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Social Challenges and Risk regarding Principles of Tort Law 1 03016115 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Issue of Alternatives to the Law 1 03016225 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Social and Economic Rights on the Booksand in Action 1 03015293 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Transnational Penal Law 1 03016253 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Business innovation 1 03016163 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Company law Case-law 1 03015345 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Evidence in the Law as Judgment and as Narrative: Dogmatic and Methodological Perspectives 1 03016090 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Groups and Inter-Business Cooperation 1 03019283 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Health Public Law 1 03016219 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Human Rights in Globalization 1 03016174 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Humanization of International Law 1 03016148 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International and European Family Law - Comparative Perspectives on Current Issues 1 03021564 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International and European Family Law - Comparative Perspectives on Current Issues 1 03022884 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International trade; economic, legal and social challenges in a globalized world 1 03016109 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Internationalization of SME 1 03016307 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in Action in Arbitration 1 03015350 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in action in long-term and relational contrats 1 03015271 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in action through international courts 1 03015317 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the books and Law in action in the Regulatory State 1 03015306 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Penal Law and Mutual Recognition in the European Union 1 03016270 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
SME financing: risk and transparency 1 03016126 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Social Sustainability and Citizenship 1 03016191 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Roman Origins of the Portuguese and Brazilian Law of Obligations 1 03015520 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Tolerance and Law 1 03016318 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Trademarks and Patents in the European Union 1 03019250 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Uncertainty and tort law: causation and damages 1 03016152 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis Project in Business Law Sciences 2 03023055 Annual Compulsory COR 60.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis in Business Law Sciences 3 03018161 MULTIANNUAL Compulsory COR 180.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
New Directions for Civil Procedure 03007710 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the Books and Law in Action in the Law of Damage 03011518 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Principles and Hard Cases 03019261 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Risks and Challenges in Civil Justice in the 21st Century 03019272 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0

Business Law Sciences – PhD without course option

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis in Entrepreneurial Legal Studies 1 03012781 MULTIANNUAL Compulsory COR 300.0

Civil Law – PhD with course option

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
General Seminar 1 03220013 1st Semester Compulsory LAW 15.0
Ancillary contracts 1 03012358 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Breach of contract 1 03220475 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Competition Law 1 03012476 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Constitution, policy and accountability 1 03220551 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Contracts of relationship 1 03220497 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal law and constitution 1 03220584 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal procedural law 1 03012369 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal procedural law and constitution 1 03220590 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Encoding and legal culture 1 03220469 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Fiducia 1 03012342 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Financial System 1 03012402 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
General contract terms 1 03220486 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
History of Portuguese Law 1 03220431 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Industrial property law 1 03220527 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Intellectual Property and Competition 1 03012375 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International European and Global Responsibility 1 03220573 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International Trade 1 03220516 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International contracts and arbitration 1 03220549 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Law and Literature - from the new hermeneutics to deconstruction, from communitarist narrativism to the jurisprudence of principles 1 03220442 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Legal argument - from theoria to praxis 1 03220458 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Management and Accountability 1 03220562 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
New Directions for Civil Procedure 1 03007710 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Nomos, Repúblic and Constitution 1 03020854 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Penal Law and Mutual Recognition in the European Union 1 03016247 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Reform of liability in Europe I. European Projects 1 03012386 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Roman Law 1 03220420 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The Evidence in Criminal Proceedings 1 03013590 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The civil and European integration 1 03220505 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The responsibility in societies 1 03220538 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Tolerance, Human Rights and Juridicity 1 03020860 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Computer Law 1 03016264 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Constitution and criminal law 1 03015282 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Contracts lasting 1 03014936 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Crisis, Public Administration, Citizenship 1 03016208 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Financial System: between risk and uncertainty. Social, legal and economic challenges in a globalized world 1 03016180 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Fundamentals of liability: evolution and current situation 1 03014860 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Industrial Property in Case Law 1 03015328 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Medical Liability 1 03020187 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Medical Liability (civil and criminal) 1 03016236 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Public and private enforcement of Competition Law 1 03015339 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Risks and Challenges of Civil Procedure in the 21st Century 1 03016281 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
SME governance 1 03016137 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Social Challenges and Risk regarding Principles of Tort Law 1 03016115 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Issue of Alternatives to the Law 1 03016225 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Social and Economic Rights on the Booksand in Action 1 03015293 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Transnational Penal Law 1 03016253 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Business innovation 1 03016163 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Company law Case-law 1 03015345 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Effects or consequences of liability - controversial aspects 1 03014871 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Evidence in the Law as Judgment and as Narrative: Dogmatic and Methodological Perspectives 1 03016090 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Health Public Law 1 03016219 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Human Rights in Globalization 1 03016174 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Humanization of International Law 1 03016148 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International and European Family Law - Comparative Perspectives on Current Issues 1 03021564 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International and European Family Law - Comparative Perspectives on Current Issues 1 03022884 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International trade; economic, legal and social challenges in a globalized world 1 03016109 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Internationalization of SME 1 03016307 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in Action in Arbitration 1 03015350 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in action in long-term and relational contrats 1 03015271 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in action through international courts 1 03015317 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the Books and Law in Action in Strict Liability 1 03011269 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the Books and Law in Action in the Law of Damage 1 03011518 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the books and Law in action in the Regulatory State 1 03015306 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Penal Law and Mutual Recognition in the European Union 1 03016270 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
SME financing: risk and transparency 1 03016126 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Social Sustainability and Citizenship 1 03016191 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Roman Origins of the Portuguese and Brazilian Law of Obligations 1 03015520 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Tolerance and Law 1 03016318 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Uncertainty and tort law: causation and damages 1 03016152 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis Project in Civil Law 2 03023077 Annual Compulsory CIVIL 60.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis in Civil Law 3 03018117 MULTIANNUAL Compulsory CIVIL 180.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Reform of liability in Europe II. National Projects 03012397 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Governance in Commercial Companies 03019245 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Risks and Challenges in Civil Justice in the 21st Century 03019272 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Groups and Inter-Business Cooperation 03019283 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Principles and Hard Cases 03019261 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Trademarks and Patents in the European Union 03019250 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0

Civil Law – PhD without course option

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis in Civil Law 1 03012682 MULTIANNUAL Compulsory CIVIL 300.0

Criminal Law Sciences – PhD with course option

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
General Seminar 1 03220013 1st Semester Compulsory LAW 15.0
Ancillary contracts 1 03012358 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Breach of contract 1 03220475 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Competition Law 1 03012476 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Constitution, policy and accountability 1 03220551 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Contracts lasting 1 03014936 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Contracts of relationship 1 03220497 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal law and constitution 1 03220584 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal procedural law 1 03012369 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal procedural law and constitution 1 03220590 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Effects or consequences of liability - controversial aspects 1 03014871 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Encoding and legal culture 1 03220469 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Fiducia 1 03012342 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Financial System 1 03012402 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Fundamentals of liability: evolution and current situation 1 03014860 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
General contract terms 1 03220486 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
History of Portuguese Law 1 03220431 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Industrial property law 1 03220527 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Intellectual Property and Competition 1 03012375 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International European and Global Responsibility 1 03220573 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International Trade 1 03220516 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International contracts and arbitration 1 03220549 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Law and Literature - from the new hermeneutics to deconstruction, from communitarist narrativism to the jurisprudence of principles 1 03220442 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Legal argument - from theoria to praxis 1 03220458 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Management and Accountability 1 03220562 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
New Directions for Civil Procedure 1 03007710 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Nomos, Repúblic and Constitution 1 03020854 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Penal Law and Mutual Recognition in the European Union 1 03016247 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Reform of liability in Europe I. European Projects 1 03012386 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Reform of liability in Europe II. National Projects 1 03012397 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Roman Law 1 03220420 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The Evidence in Criminal Proceedings 1 03013590 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The civil and European integration 1 03220505 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The responsibility in societies 1 03220538 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Tolerance, Human Rights and Juridicity 1 03020860 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Computer Law 1 03016264 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Constitution and criminal law 1 03015282 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Crisis, Public Administration, Citizenship 1 03016208 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Financial System: between risk and uncertainty. Social, legal and economic challenges in a globalized world 1 03016180 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the Books and Law in Action in Strict Liability 1 03011269 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Medical Liability 1 03020187 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Medical Liability (civil and criminal) 1 03016236 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Public and private enforcement of Competition Law 1 03015339 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Risks and Challenges of Civil Procedure in the 21st Century 1 03016281 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
SME governance 1 03016137 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Social Challenges and Risk regarding Principles of Tort Law 1 03016115 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Issue of Alternatives to the Law 1 03016225 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Social and Economic Rights on the Booksand in Action 1 03015293 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Transnational Penal Law 1 03016253 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Business innovation 1 03016163 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Company law Case-law 1 03015345 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Evidence in the Law as Judgment and as Narrative: Dogmatic and Methodological Perspectives 1 03016090 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Health Public Law 1 03016219 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Human Rights in Globalization 1 03016174 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Humanization of International Law 1 03016148 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International and European Family Law - Comparative Perspectives on Current Issues 1 03021564 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International and European Family Law - Comparative Perspectives on Current Issues 1 03022884 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International trade; economic, legal and social challenges in a globalized world 1 03016109 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Internationalization of SME 1 03016307 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in Action in Arbitration 1 03015350 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in action in long-term and relational contrats 1 03015271 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in action through international courts 1 03015317 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the Books and Law in Action in the Law of Damage 1 03011518 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the books and Law in action in the Regulatory State 1 03015306 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Penal Law and Mutual Recognition in the European Union 1 03016270 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
SME financing: risk and transparency 1 03016126 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Social Sustainability and Citizenship 1 03016191 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Roman Origins of the Portuguese and Brazilian Law of Obligations 1 03015520 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Tolerance and Law 1 03016318 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Uncertainty and tort law: causation and damages 1 03016152 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis Project in Criminal Law Sciences 2 03023099 Annual Compulsory CLSC 60.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis in Criminal Law Sciences 3 03018139 MULTIANNUAL Compulsory CLSC 180.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Governance in Commercial Companies 03019245 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Risks and Challenges in Civil Justice in the 21st Century 03019272 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Trademarks and Patents in the European Union 03019250 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Groups and Inter-Business Cooperation 03019283 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Principles and Hard Cases 03019261 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0

Criminal Law Sciences – PhD without course option

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis in Legal and Criminal Science 1 03012725 MULTIANNUAL Compulsory CLSC 300.0

Economic Law Sciences – PhD with course option

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
General Seminar 1 03220013 1st Semester Compulsory LAW 15.0
Ancillary contracts 1 03012358 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Breach of contract 1 03220475 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Competition Law 1 03012476 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Constitution, policy and accountability 1 03220551 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Contracts lasting 1 03014936 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Contracts of relationship 1 03220497 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal law and constitution 1 03220584 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal procedural law 1 03012369 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal procedural law and constitution 1 03220590 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Encoding and legal culture 1 03220469 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Fiducia 1 03012342 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Financial System 1 03012402 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Fundamentals of liability: evolution and current situation 1 03014860 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
General contract terms 1 03220486 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
History of Portuguese Law 1 03220431 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Industrial property law 1 03220527 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Intellectual Property and Competition 1 03012375 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International European and Global Responsibility 1 03220573 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International Trade 1 03220516 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International contracts and arbitration 1 03220549 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Law and Literature - from the new hermeneutics to deconstruction, from communitarist narrativism to the jurisprudence of principles 1 03220442 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Legal argument - from theoria to praxis 1 03220458 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Management and Accountability 1 03220562 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
New Directions for Civil Procedure 1 03007710 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Nomos, Repúblic and Constitution 1 03020854 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Penal Law and Mutual Recognition in the European Union 1 03016247 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Reform of liability in Europe I. European Projects 1 03012386 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Reform of liability in Europe II. National Projects 1 03012397 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Roman Law 1 03220420 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The Evidence in Criminal Proceedings 1 03013590 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The civil and European integration 1 03220505 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The responsibility in societies 1 03220538 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Tolerance, Human Rights and Juridicity 1 03020860 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Computer Law 1 03016264 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Constitution and criminal law 1 03015282 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Crisis, Public Administration, Citizenship 1 03016208 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Effects or consequences of liability - controversial aspects 1 03014871 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Financial System: between risk and uncertainty. Social, legal and economic challenges in a globalized world 1 03016180 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Industrial Property in Case Law 1 03015328 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the Books and Law in Action in Strict Liability 1 03011269 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Medical Liability 1 03020187 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Medical Liability (civil and criminal) 1 03016236 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Public and private enforcement of Competition Law 1 03015339 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Risks and Challenges of Civil Procedure in the 21st Century 1 03016281 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
SME governance 1 03016137 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Social Challenges and Risk regarding Principles of Tort Law 1 03016115 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Issue of Alternatives to the Law 1 03016225 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Social and Economic Rights on the Booksand in Action 1 03015293 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Transnational Penal Law 1 03016253 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Business innovation 1 03016163 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Company law Case-law 1 03015345 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Evidence in the Law as Judgment and as Narrative: Dogmatic and Methodological Perspectives 1 03016090 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Health Public Law 1 03016219 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Human Rights in Globalization 1 03016174 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Humanization of International Law 1 03016148 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International and European Family Law - Comparative Perspectives on Current Issues 1 03021564 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International and European Family Law - Comparative Perspectives on Current Issues 1 03022884 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International trade; economic, legal and social challenges in a globalized world 1 03016109 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Internationalization of SME 1 03016307 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in Action in Arbitration 1 03015350 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in action in long-term and relational contrats 1 03015271 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in action through international courts 1 03015317 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the Books and Law in Action in the Law of Damage 1 03011518 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the books and Law in action in the Regulatory State 1 03015306 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Penal Law and Mutual Recognition in the European Union 1 03016270 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
SME financing: risk and transparency 1 03016126 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Social Sustainability and Citizenship 1 03016191 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Roman Origins of the Portuguese and Brazilian Law of Obligations 1 03015520 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Tolerance and Law 1 03016318 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Uncertainty and tort law: causation and damages 1 03016152 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis Project in Economic Law Sciences 2 03023040 Annual Compulsory ECON 60.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis in Economic Law Sciences 3 03018183 MULTIANNUAL Compulsory ECON 180.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Governance in Commercial Companies 03019245 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Risks and Challenges in Civil Justice in the 21st Century 03019272 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Groups and Inter-Business Cooperation 03019283 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Principles and Hard Cases 03019261 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Trademarks and Patents in the European Union 03019250 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0

Economic Law Sciences – PhD without course option

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis in Legal and Economic Sciences 1 03012826 MULTIANNUAL Compulsory ECON 300.0

European Union Law – PhD with course option

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
General Seminar 1 03220013 1st Semester Compulsory LAW 15.0
Ancillary contracts 1 03012358 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Breach of contract 1 03220475 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Constitution, policy and accountability 1 03220551 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Contracts lasting 1 03014936 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Contracts of relationship 1 03220497 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal law and constitution 1 03220584 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal procedural law 1 03012369 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal procedural law and constitution 1 03220590 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Effects or consequences of liability - controversial aspects 1 03014871 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Encoding and legal culture 1 03220469 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Fiducia 1 03012342 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Financial System 1 03012402 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Fundamentals of liability: evolution and current situation 1 03014860 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
General contract terms 1 03220486 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
History of Portuguese Law 1 03220431 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Industrial property law 1 03220527 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Intellectual Property and Competition 1 03012375 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International European and Global Responsibility 1 03220573 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International Trade 1 03220516 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International contracts and arbitration 1 03220549 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Law and Literature - from the new hermeneutics to deconstruction, from communitarist narrativism to the jurisprudence of principles 1 03220442 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Legal argument - from theoria to praxis 1 03220458 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Management and Accountability 1 03220562 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
New Directions for Civil Procedure 1 03007710 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Nomos, Repúblic and Constitution 1 03020854 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Penal Law and Mutual Recognition in the European Union 1 03016247 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Reform of liability in Europe II. National Projects 1 03012397 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Risks and Challenges of Civil Procedure in the 21st Century 1 03016281 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Roman Law 1 03220420 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The Evidence in Criminal Proceedings 1 03013590 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The civil and European integration 1 03220505 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The responsibility in societies 1 03220538 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Tolerance, Human Rights and Juridicity 1 03020860 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Competition Law 1 03012476 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Computer Law 1 03016264 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Constitution and criminal law 1 03015282 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Crisis, Public Administration, Citizenship 1 03016208 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Financial System: between risk and uncertainty. Social, legal and economic challenges in a globalized world 1 03016180 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Industrial Property in Case Law 1 03015328 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the Books and Law in Action in Strict Liability 1 03011269 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Medical Liability 1 03020187 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Medical Liability (civil and criminal) 1 03016236 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Public and private enforcement of Competition Law 1 03015339 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
SME governance 1 03016137 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Social Challenges and Risk regarding Principles of Tort Law 1 03016115 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Issue of Alternatives to the Law 1 03016225 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Social and Economic Rights on the Booksand in Action 1 03015293 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Transnational Penal Law 1 03016253 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Business innovation 1 03016163 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Company law Case-law 1 03015345 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Evidence in the Law as Judgment and as Narrative: Dogmatic and Methodological Perspectives 1 03016090 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Health Public Law 1 03016219 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Human Rights in Globalization 1 03016174 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Humanization of International Law 1 03016148 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International and European Family Law - Comparative Perspectives on Current Issues 1 03021564 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International and European Family Law - Comparative Perspectives on Current Issues 1 03022884 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International trade; economic, legal and social challenges in a globalized world 1 03016109 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Internationalization of SME 1 03016307 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in Action in Arbitration 1 03015350 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in action in long-term and relational contrats 1 03015271 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the Books and Law in Action in the Law of Damage 1 03011518 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the books and Law in action in the Regulatory State 1 03015306 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Penal Law and Mutual Recognition in the European Union 1 03016270 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
SME financing: risk and transparency 1 03016126 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Social Sustainability and Citizenship 1 03016191 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Roman Origins of the Portuguese and Brazilian Law of Obligations 1 03015520 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Tolerance and Law 1 03016318 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Uncertainty and tort law: causation and damages 1 03016152 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis Project in European Union Law 2 03023012 Annual Compulsory EU 60.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis in European Union Law 3 03018150 MULTIANNUAL Compulsory EU 180.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Reform of liability in Europe I. European Projects 03012386 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in action through international courts 03015317 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0

European Union Law – PhD without course option

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis in European Union Law 1 03012764 MULTIANNUAL Compulsory EU 300.0

Historical Law Sciences – PhD with course option

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
General Seminar 1 03220013 1st Semester Compulsory LAW 15.0
Ancillary contracts 1 03012358 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Breach of contract 1 03220475 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Competition Law 1 03012476 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Constitution, policy and accountability 1 03220551 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Contracts lasting 1 03014936 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Contracts of relationship 1 03220497 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal law and constitution 1 03220584 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal procedural law 1 03012369 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal procedural law and constitution 1 03220590 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Effects or consequences of liability - controversial aspects 1 03014871 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Encoding and legal culture 1 03220469 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Fiducia 1 03012342 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Financial System 1 03012402 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
General contract terms 1 03220486 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
History of Portuguese Law 1 03220431 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Industrial property law 1 03220527 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Intellectual Property and Competition 1 03012375 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International European and Global Responsibility 1 03220573 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International Trade 1 03220516 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International contracts and arbitration 1 03220549 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Law and Literature - from the new hermeneutics to deconstruction, from communitarist narrativism to the jurisprudence of principles 1 03220442 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Legal argument - from theoria to praxis 1 03220458 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Management and Accountability 1 03220562 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
New Directions for Civil Procedure 1 03007710 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Nomos, Repúblic and Constitution 1 03020854 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Penal Law and Mutual Recognition in the European Union 1 03016247 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Reform of liability in Europe I. European Projects 1 03012386 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Reform of liability in Europe II. National Projects 1 03012397 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Roman Law 1 03220420 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The Evidence in Criminal Proceedings 1 03013590 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The civil and European integration 1 03220505 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The responsibility in societies 1 03220538 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Tolerance, Human Rights and Juridicity 1 03020860 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Computer Law 1 03016264 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Constitution and criminal law 1 03015282 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Crisis, Public Administration, Citizenship 1 03016208 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Financial System: between risk and uncertainty. Social, legal and economic challenges in a globalized world 1 03016180 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Industrial Property in Case Law 1 03015328 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the Books and Law in Action in Strict Liability 1 03011269 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Medical Liability 1 03020187 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Medical Liability (civil and criminal) 1 03016236 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Public and private enforcement of Competition Law 1 03015339 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Risks and Challenges of Civil Procedure in the 21st Century 1 03016281 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
SME governance 1 03016137 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Social Challenges and Risk regarding Principles of Tort Law 1 03016115 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Issue of Alternatives to the Law 1 03016225 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Social and Economic Rights on the Booksand in Action 1 03015293 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Transnational Penal Law 1 03016253 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Business innovation 1 03016163 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Company law Case-law 1 03015345 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Evidence in the Law as Judgment and as Narrative: Dogmatic and Methodological Perspectives 1 03016090 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Health Public Law 1 03016219 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Human Rights in Globalization 1 03016174 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Humanization of International Law 1 03016148 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International and European Family Law - Comparative Perspectives on Current Issues 1 03021564 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International and European Family Law - Comparative Perspectives on Current Issues 1 03022884 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International trade; economic, legal and social challenges in a globalized world 1 03016109 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Internationalization of SME 1 03016307 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in Action in Arbitration 1 03015350 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in action in long-term and relational contrats 1 03015271 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in action through international courts 1 03015317 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the Books and Law in Action in the Law of Damage 1 03011518 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the books and Law in action in the Regulatory State 1 03015306 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Penal Law and Mutual Recognition in the European Union 1 03016270 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
SME financing: risk and transparency 1 03016126 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Social Sustainability and Citizenship 1 03016191 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Roman Origins of the Portuguese and Brazilian Law of Obligations 1 03015520 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Tolerance and Law 1 03016318 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Uncertainty and tort law: causation and damages 1 03016152 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis Project in Legal-Historical Sciences 2 03023034 Annual Compulsory HIST 60.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis in Historical Law Sciences 3 03018194 MULTIANNUAL Compulsory HIST 180.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Fundamentals of liability: evolution and current situation 03014860 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Governance in Commercial Companies 03019245 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Risks and Challenges in Civil Justice in the 21st Century 03019272 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Groups and Inter-Business Cooperation 03019283 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Principles and Hard Cases 03019261 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Trademarks and Patents in the European Union 03019250 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0

Historical Law Sciences – PhD without course option

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis in Legal and Historical Sciences 1 03012848 MULTIANNUAL Compulsory HIST 300.0

International Law – PhD with course option

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
General Seminar 1 03220013 1st Semester Compulsory LAW 15.0
Ancillary contracts 1 03012358 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Breach of contract 1 03220475 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Competition Law 1 03012476 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Constitution, policy and accountability 1 03220551 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Contracts lasting 1 03014936 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Contracts of relationship 1 03220497 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal law and constitution 1 03220584 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal procedural law 1 03012369 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal procedural law and constitution 1 03220590 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Effects or consequences of liability - controversial aspects 1 03014871 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Encoding and legal culture 1 03220469 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Fiducia 1 03012342 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Financial System 1 03012402 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Fundamentals of liability: evolution and current situation 1 03014860 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
General contract terms 1 03220486 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
History of Portuguese Law 1 03220431 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Industrial property law 1 03220527 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Intellectual Property and Competition 1 03012375 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International European and Global Responsibility 1 03220573 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International Trade 1 03220516 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International contracts and arbitration 1 03220549 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Law and Literature - from the new hermeneutics to deconstruction, from communitarist narrativism to the jurisprudence of principles 1 03220442 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Legal argument - from theoria to praxis 1 03220458 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Management and Accountability 1 03220562 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
New Directions for Civil Procedure 1 03007710 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Nomos, Repúblic and Constitution 1 03020854 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Penal Law and Mutual Recognition in the European Union 1 03016247 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Reform of liability in Europe I. European Projects 1 03012386 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Reform of liability in Europe II. National Projects 1 03012397 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Roman Law 1 03220420 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The Evidence in Criminal Proceedings 1 03013590 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The civil and European integration 1 03220505 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The responsibility in societies 1 03220538 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Tolerance, Human Rights and Juridicity 1 03020860 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Computer Law 1 03016264 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Constitution and criminal law 1 03015282 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Crisis, Public Administration, Citizenship 1 03016208 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Financial System: between risk and uncertainty. Social, legal and economic challenges in a globalized world 1 03016180 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Human Rights in Globalization 1 03016174 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Industrial Property in Case Law 1 03015328 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Medical Liability 1 03020187 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Medical Liability (civil and criminal) 1 03016236 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Public and private enforcement of Competition Law 1 03015339 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Risks and Challenges of Civil Procedure in the 21st Century 1 03016281 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
SME governance 1 03016137 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Social Challenges and Risk regarding Principles of Tort Law 1 03016115 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Issue of Alternatives to the Law 1 03016225 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Social and Economic Rights on the Booksand in Action 1 03015293 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Transnational Penal Law 1 03016253 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Business innovation 1 03016163 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Company law Case-law 1 03015345 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Evidence in the Law as Judgment and as Narrative: Dogmatic and Methodological Perspectives 1 03016090 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Health Public Law 1 03016219 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Humanization of International Law 1 03016148 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International and European Family Law - Comparative Perspectives on Current Issues 1 03021564 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International and European Family Law - Comparative Perspectives on Current Issues 1 03022884 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International trade; economic, legal and social challenges in a globalized world 1 03016109 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Internationalization of SME 1 03016307 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in Action in Arbitration 1 03015350 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in action in long-term and relational contrats 1 03015271 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in action through international courts 1 03015317 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the Books and Law in Action in Strict Liability 1 03011269 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the Books and Law in Action in the Law of Damage 1 03011518 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the books and Law in action in the Regulatory State 1 03015306 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Penal Law and Mutual Recognition in the European Union 1 03016270 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
SME financing: risk and transparency 1 03016126 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Social Sustainability and Citizenship 1 03016191 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Roman Origins of the Portuguese and Brazilian Law of Obligations 1 03015520 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Tolerance and Law 1 03016318 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Uncertainty and tort law: causation and damages 1 03016152 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis Project in International Law 2 03023001 Annual Compulsory INT 60.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis in International Law 3 03018145 MULTIANNUAL Compulsory INT 180.0

International Law – PhD without course option

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis in International Law 1 03012747 MULTIANNUAL Compulsory INT 300.0

Philosophical Law Sciences – PhD with course option

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
General Seminar 1 03220013 1st Semester Compulsory LAW 15.0
Ancillary contracts 1 03012358 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Breach of contract 1 03220475 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Competition Law 1 03012476 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Constitution, policy and accountability 1 03220551 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Contracts lasting 1 03014936 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Contracts of relationship 1 03220497 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal law and constitution 1 03220584 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal procedural law 1 03012369 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal procedural law and constitution 1 03220590 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Effects or consequences of liability - controversial aspects 1 03014871 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Encoding and legal culture 1 03220469 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Fiducia 1 03012342 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Financial System 1 03012402 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Fundamentals of liability: evolution and current situation 1 03014860 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
General contract terms 1 03220486 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
History of Portuguese Law 1 03220431 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Industrial property law 1 03220527 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Intellectual Property and Competition 1 03012375 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International European and Global Responsibility 1 03220573 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International Trade 1 03220516 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International contracts and arbitration 1 03220549 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Law and Literature - from the new hermeneutics to deconstruction, from communitarist narrativism to the jurisprudence of principles 1 03220442 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Legal argument - from theoria to praxis 1 03220458 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Management and Accountability 1 03220562 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
New Directions for Civil Procedure 1 03007710 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Nomos, Repúblic and Constitution 1 03020854 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Penal Law and Mutual Recognition in the European Union 1 03016247 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Reform of liability in Europe I. European Projects 1 03012386 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Reform of liability in Europe II. National Projects 1 03012397 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Roman Law 1 03220420 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The Evidence in Criminal Proceedings 1 03013590 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The civil and European integration 1 03220505 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The responsibility in societies 1 03220538 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Tolerance, Human Rights and Juridicity 1 03020860 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Computer Law 1 03016264 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Constitution and criminal law 1 03015282 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Crisis, Public Administration, Citizenship 1 03016208 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Financial System: between risk and uncertainty. Social, legal and economic challenges in a globalized world 1 03016180 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Industrial Property in Case Law 1 03015328 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the Books and Law in Action in Strict Liability 1 03011269 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Medical Liability 1 03020187 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Medical Liability (civil and criminal) 1 03016236 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Public and private enforcement of Competition Law 1 03015339 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Risks and Challenges of Civil Procedure in the 21st Century 1 03016281 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
SME governance 1 03016137 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Social Challenges and Risk regarding Principles of Tort Law 1 03016115 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Issue of Alternatives to the Law 1 03016225 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Social and Economic Rights on the Booksand in Action 1 03015293 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Transnational Penal Law 1 03016253 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Business innovation 1 03016163 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Company law Case-law 1 03015345 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Evidence in the Law as Judgment and as Narrative: Dogmatic and Methodological Perspectives 1 03016090 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Health Public Law 1 03016219 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Human Rights in Globalization 1 03016174 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Humanization of International Law 1 03016148 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International and European Family Law - Comparative Perspectives on Current Issues 1 03021564 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International and European Family Law - Comparative Perspectives on Current Issues 1 03022884 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International trade; economic, legal and social challenges in a globalized world 1 03016109 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Internationalization of SME 1 03016307 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in Action in Arbitration 1 03015350 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in action in long-term and relational contrats 1 03015271 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in action through international courts 1 03015317 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the Books and Law in Action in the Law of Damage 1 03011518 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the books and Law in action in the Regulatory State 1 03015306 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Penal Law and Mutual Recognition in the European Union 1 03016270 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Principles and Hard Cases 1 03019261 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
SME financing: risk and transparency 1 03016126 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Social Sustainability and Citizenship 1 03016191 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Roman Origins of the Portuguese and Brazilian Law of Obligations 1 03015520 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Tolerance and Law 1 03016318 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Uncertainty and tort law: causation and damages 1 03016152 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis Project in Philosophical Law Sciences 2 03023023 Annual Compulsory FIL 60.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis in Philosophical Law Sciences 3 03018205 MULTIANNUAL Compulsory FIL 180.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Governance in Commercial Companies 03019245 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Risks and Challenges in Civil Justice in the 21st Century 03019272 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Groups and Inter-Business Cooperation 03019283 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Trademarks and Patents in the European Union 03019250 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0

Philosophical Law Sciences – PhD without course option

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis in Legal and Philosophical Sciences 1 03012863 MULTIANNUAL Compulsory FIL 300.0

Procedure Law Sciences – PhD with course option

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
General Seminar 1 03220013 1st Semester Compulsory LAW 15.0
Ancillary contracts 1 03012358 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Breach of contract 1 03220475 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Competition Law 1 03012476 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Constitution, policy and accountability 1 03220551 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Contracts lasting 1 03014936 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Contracts of relationship 1 03220497 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal law and constitution 1 03220584 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal procedural law 1 03012369 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal procedural law and constitution 1 03220590 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Effects or consequences of liability - controversial aspects 1 03014871 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Encoding and legal culture 1 03220469 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Fiducia 1 03012342 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Financial System 1 03012402 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Fundamentals of liability: evolution and current situation 1 03014860 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
General contract terms 1 03220486 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
History of Portuguese Law 1 03220431 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Industrial property law 1 03220527 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Intellectual Property and Competition 1 03012375 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International European and Global Responsibility 1 03220573 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International Trade 1 03220516 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International contracts and arbitration 1 03220549 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Law and Literature - from the new hermeneutics to deconstruction, from communitarist narrativism to the jurisprudence of principles 1 03220442 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Legal argument - from theoria to praxis 1 03220458 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Management and Accountability 1 03220562 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Nomos, Repúblic and Constitution 1 03020854 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Penal Law and Mutual Recognition in the European Union 1 03016247 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Reform of liability in Europe I. European Projects 1 03012386 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Reform of liability in Europe II. National Projects 1 03012397 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Roman Law 1 03220420 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The Evidence in Criminal Proceedings 1 03013590 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The civil and European integration 1 03220505 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The responsibility in societies 1 03220538 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Tolerance, Human Rights and Juridicity 1 03020860 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Computer Law 1 03016264 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Constitution and criminal law 1 03015282 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Crisis, Public Administration, Citizenship 1 03016208 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Financial System: between risk and uncertainty. Social, legal and economic challenges in a globalized world 1 03016180 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Industrial Property in Case Law 1 03015328 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the Books and Law in Action in Strict Liability 1 03011269 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Medical Liability 1 03020187 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Medical Liability (civil and criminal) 1 03016236 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
New Directions for Civil Procedure 1 03007710 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Public and private enforcement of Competition Law 1 03015339 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Risks and Challenges in Civil Justice in the 21st Century 1 03019272 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Risks and Challenges of Civil Procedure in the 21st Century 1 03016281 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
SME governance 1 03016137 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Social Challenges and Risk regarding Principles of Tort Law 1 03016115 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Issue of Alternatives to the Law 1 03016225 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Social and Economic Rights on the Booksand in Action 1 03015293 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Transnational Penal Law 1 03016253 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Business innovation 1 03016163 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Company law Case-law 1 03015345 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Evidence in the Law as Judgment and as Narrative: Dogmatic and Methodological Perspectives 1 03016090 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Health Public Law 1 03016219 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Human Rights in Globalization 1 03016174 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Humanization of International Law 1 03016148 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International and European Family Law - Comparative Perspectives on Current Issues 1 03021564 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International and European Family Law - Comparative Perspectives on Current Issues 1 03022884 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International trade; economic, legal and social challenges in a globalized world 1 03016109 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Internationalization of SME 1 03016307 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in Action in Arbitration 1 03015350 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in action in long-term and relational contrats 1 03015271 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in action through international courts 1 03015317 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the Books and Law in Action in the Law of Damage 1 03011518 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the books and Law in action in the Regulatory State 1 03015306 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Penal Law and Mutual Recognition in the European Union 1 03016270 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
SME financing: risk and transparency 1 03016126 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Social Sustainability and Citizenship 1 03016191 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Roman Origins of the Portuguese and Brazilian Law of Obligations 1 03015520 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Tolerance and Law 1 03016318 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Uncertainty and tort law: causation and damages 1 03016152 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis Project in Procedure Law Sciences 2 03023088 Annual Compulsory PROC 60.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis in Procedure Law Sciences 3 03018172 MULTIANNUAL Compulsory PROC 180.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Governance in Commercial Companies 03019245 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Groups and Inter-Business Cooperation 03019283 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Principles and Hard Cases 03019261 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Trademarks and Patents in the European Union 03019250 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0

Procedure Law Sciences – PhD without course option

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis in Legal and Procedural Science 1 03012809 MULTIANNUAL Compulsory PROC 300.0

Public Law – PhD with course option

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
General Seminar 1 03220013 1st Semester Compulsory LAW 15.0
Ancillary contracts 1 03012358 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Breach of contract 1 03220475 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Competition Law 1 03012476 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Constitution, policy and accountability 1 03220551 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Contracts lasting 1 03014936 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Contracts of relationship 1 03220497 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal law and constitution 1 03220584 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal procedural law 1 03012369 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Criminal procedural law and constitution 1 03220590 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Effects or consequences of liability - controversial aspects 1 03014871 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Encoding and legal culture 1 03220469 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Fiducia 1 03012342 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Financial System 1 03012402 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Fundamentals of liability: evolution and current situation 1 03014860 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
General contract terms 1 03220486 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
History of Portuguese Law 1 03220431 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Industrial property law 1 03220527 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Intellectual Property and Competition 1 03012375 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International European and Global Responsibility 1 03220573 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International Trade 1 03220516 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
International contracts and arbitration 1 03220549 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Law and Literature - from the new hermeneutics to deconstruction, from communitarist narrativism to the jurisprudence of principles 1 03220442 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Legal argument - from theoria to praxis 1 03220458 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Management and Accountability 1 03220562 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
New Directions for Civil Procedure 1 03007710 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Nomos, Repúblic and Constitution 1 03020854 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Penal Law and Mutual Recognition in the European Union 1 03016247 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Reform of liability in Europe I. European Projects 1 03012386 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Reform of liability in Europe II. National Projects 1 03012397 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Roman Law 1 03220420 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The Evidence in Criminal Proceedings 1 03013590 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The civil and European integration 1 03220505 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
The responsibility in societies 1 03220538 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Tolerance, Human Rights and Juridicity 1 03020860 Semestrial Elective * LAW 15.0
Computer Law 1 03016264 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Constitution and criminal law 1 03015282 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Crisis, Public Administration, Citizenship 1 03016208 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Financial System: between risk and uncertainty. Social, legal and economic challenges in a globalized world 1 03016180 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Industrial Property in Case Law 1 03015328 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the Books and Law in Action in Strict Liability 1 03011269 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Medical Liability 1 03020187 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Medical Liability (civil and criminal) 1 03016236 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Public and private enforcement of Competition Law 1 03015339 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Risks and Challenges of Civil Procedure in the 21st Century 1 03016281 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
SME governance 1 03016137 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Social Challenges and Risk regarding Principles of Tort Law 1 03016115 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Issue of Alternatives to the Law 1 03016225 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Social and Economic Rights on the Booksand in Action 1 03015293 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Transnational Penal Law 1 03016253 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Business innovation 1 03016163 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Company law Case-law 1 03015345 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Evidence in the Law as Judgment and as Narrative: Dogmatic and Methodological Perspectives 1 03016090 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Health Public Law 1 03016219 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Human Rights in Globalization 1 03016174 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Humanization of International Law 1 03016148 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International and European Family Law - Comparative Perspectives on Current Issues 1 03021564 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International and European Family Law - Comparative Perspectives on Current Issues 1 03022884 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
International trade; economic, legal and social challenges in a globalized world 1 03016109 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Internationalization of SME 1 03016307 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in Action in Arbitration 1 03015350 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in action in long-term and relational contrats 1 03015271 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law in action through international courts 1 03015317 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the Books and Law in Action in the Law of Damage 1 03011518 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Law on the books and Law in action in the Regulatory State 1 03015306 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Penal Law and Mutual Recognition in the European Union 1 03016270 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
SME financing: risk and transparency 1 03016126 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Social Sustainability and Citizenship 1 03016191 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
The Roman Origins of the Portuguese and Brazilian Law of Obligations 1 03015520 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Tolerance and Law 1 03016318 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Uncertainty and tort law: causation and damages 1 03016152 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis Project in Public Law 2 03023066 Annual Compulsory PUB 60.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis in Public Law 3 03018128 MULTIANNUAL Compulsory PUB 180.0
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Governance in Commercial Companies 03019245 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Risks and Challenges in Civil Justice in the 21st Century 03019272 1st Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Groups and Inter-Business Cooperation 03019283 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Principles and Hard Cases 03019261 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0
Trademarks and Patents in the European Union 03019250 2nd Semester Elective * LAW 15.0

Public Law – PhD without course option

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Thesis in Public Law 1 03012708 MULTIANNUAL Compulsory PUB 300.0

The optional course units are offered on a yearly basis, depending on the availability of the Organic Unit