Master in Systemic Clinical and Health Psychology

General Objectives of the Course

Considering the good practices and attractivity of the former Systemic and Family Psychotherapy course (Clinical and Health Psychology), the main theoretical, clinical and research objectives of this study cycle are:
Develop an understanding of human being as part of a system of relations in constant interaction and evolution;
Assess and understand psychopathological situations from an ecosystemic and relational perspective;
Analyse the use of the systemic model in different contexts and modalities of family, marital, individual and community intervention;
Develop a broad view of the problems (e.g., emotional, behavioural, relational) which considers the interaction between the individual and the systems involved (e.g., marital, family, school, health, social services, mandated clients);
Offer specialised training in clinical psychology and health studies, and fields of work based on a systemic approach;
Develop methodological and research skills, keeping a systemic perspective in mind.

Admission Requirements

The following are eligible to apply to the MCF: a) Holders of a bachelor's degree or its equivalent in Psychology; b)Holders of a degree in Psychology by a foreign institution, awarded after a first-cycle study structured according to the
principles of the Bologna Process by a participating country; c) Holders of a degree by a foreign institution, recognised as fulfilling the objectives of a bachelor's degree in Psychology; d) Applicants with a relevant academic or professional
CV recognised as having the necessary skills and abilities to undertake a Master's level course.

Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.

Professional Goals

Access to a professional internship supervised by the Portuguese Psychologists Association and subsequent enrollment in said association, mandatory for the exercise of the profession. Psychological practice, namely individual, couple, family and community psychotherapeutic intervention. In terms of employability, systemic psychologists will be able to work with different audiences in different clinical and health contexts, such as support services for children (e.g., DAC, schools, promotion and protection services), adults (mental health units, rehabilitation and/or mental), families (family therapy centers, CFSPC,) and/or elderly (homes, long-term care units), primary/secondary health care (health centers, family health units, specialized health services and mental health) and social and community services (municipalities, community projects, involuntary clients mandated/judicial contexts).

Mode of Study


Teaching / Evaluation language(s)


Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

As assessment is a pedagogical activity inseparable from the teaching process, its aim is to establish the students' competencies and knowledge, their critical sense, ability to recognize and resolve problems, as well as their written and oral presentation skills. Students may only register for exams for classes they are currently registered for under the terms of number 6 of article 4 of the University of Coimbra Pedagogical Policy. The following are examples of assessment items: Oral or written exams, written or practical work, individual and group projects that may require an oral defense, as well as class participation. Assessment for each class may include one or more of the above-mentioned items. Grading is based on a scale of 0 to 20 and a grade of 10 is required to pass (the only exception is the 2nd year/2nd semester Seminar on Systemic Research and data Analysis). Whenever assessment includes more than one item, the final grade is calculated by considering the relative weight of each item according to a formula published in the course outline under the terms of number 2 of article 7 of the UC Pedagogical Policy.

Learning Objectives and Intended Skills

Showing thorough knowledge regarding the theoretical foundations of the systemic model;
Identifying/applying the main models of systemic thinking and intervention;
Knowing/applying principles and concepts of ecosystemic psychopathology to clinical problems and situations;
Knowing how to make a systemic assessment in accordance with the original request, while respecting the systemic complexity;
Working in a team, while making use of systemic skills;
Developing self-development tools and promoting self-reflection in clinical practice;
Building professional identities as clinical and health systemic psychologists;
Training students to promote their profiles as systemic researchers;
Describing and critically evaluating scientific output;
Identifying research problems and objectives, and acquiring skills to develop research projects;
Applying the code of ethics, both in terms of evaluation and therapeutic practice and research.

Course Coordinator(s)

Ana Paula Pais Rodrigues Fonseca Relvas

Luciana Maria Lopes Sotero

Maria João Rama Seabra Santos

Maria Madalena Santos Torres Veiga Carvalho

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of prior learning is carried out in accordance with the Academic Regulation of the University of Coimbra.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

The present study cycle gives the master degree according to the principles in DL 74/2006, of March 24, in its current wording, republished in DL 65/2018, of 16 and August.

Graduation Requirements

Successful completion of a set of curricular units totaling 120 ECTS, which also include the completion of internship reports and a dissertation, both with public discussion.

Access to Further Studies

PhD degree studies

Study Programme

Psicologia Clínica Sistémica e da Saúde

Academic year

Course Type
2nd Cycle Studies - Continuity Master Programme

DGES Code: MB87

Qualification Awarded: Mestre

Duration: 2 Year(s)

ECTS Credits: 120.0

Category: Continuity second cycle


Call for Applications


1st Semester
Start date: 08-09-2025
End date: 13-12-2025
2nd Semester
Start date: 02-02-2026
End date: 21-05-2026


Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior
2020-07-31 a 2026-07-31
Direcção Geral de Ensino Superior

Nº Registo: R/A-Cr 34/2021

