Doctoral Programme in Sociology of the State, Law and Justice

General Objectives of the Course

The Doctoral Programme in Sociology of the State, Law and Justice has the following main goals: 1. provide students with an innovative curriculum in the field of
sociology of the state, law and justice, through which they can analyse law and its rationalities as social fact; 2. develop interdisciplinary academic excellence in
the field of sociology of the state, law and justice; 3. promote the use of innovative research methodologies and critical knowledge leading to the development
and democratisation of societies.

Admission Requirements

The following individuals can apply to the doctoral programme: a) masters’ holders or legal equivalent in social sciences or humanities; b) first degree holder,
with a particularly relevant academic or scientific curriculum attesting to the capacity to carry out this studies cycle (assessment of that path will be conducted
by a scientific commission designed by the doctoral programme’s coordinators); c) holders of an particularly relevant academic or scientific curriculum attesting
to the capacity to carry out this studies cycle (assessment of that path will be conducted by a scientific commission designed by the doctoral programme’s
coordinators). Apart from academic and/or professional credentials, the candidate must present: a) a letter of motivation showing why the candidate is qualified
for the programme; b) a proposal of the research topics he/she wishes to develop and conduct within the framework of his/her thesis; c) two letters of

Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.

Professional Goals

Lecturing at university (university professors); research in interdisciplinary studies (researchers); higher and medium level advanced training for public and private senior professionals in the areas covered by this programme (trainers); definition of public policies (consultants and policy makers); specialised journalism (journalists); public administration, including municipalities (senior civil servants); administration and performing of qualified functions within the third sector (third sector highly qualified professionals).

Mode of Study


Teaching / Evaluation language(s)


Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Assessment, a pedagogical activity which is inextricable from teaching, aims at measuring the skills and knowledge acquired by students, their ability to think critically and to identify and resolve problems, as well as their capacity in written and spoken presentations. The assessment stage will take students registered in the corresponding academic year's curricular units and therefore registered in those examinations, when needed, in accordance with no. 6, article 4 of the Pedagogical Regulation of the University of Coimbra (Regulamento Pedagógico da Universidade de Coimbra - RPUC). The following are considered assessment instruments: written or practical essays, as well as individual or group projects that might have to be orally defended and class participation. The assessment of each curricular unit may include one or more of the previously mentioned assessment instruments. Each student's classification in each curricular unit is translated into an integer value between 0 and 20. The students approved will be those obtaining a minimum final classification of 10. Whenever a curricular unit's assessment comprises more than one assessment instrument, the final value is calculated from the classification obtained in each assessment instrument using a formula made public by the annual curricular unit sheet, in accordance with RPUC, article 7, no. 2. The thesis is assessed in accordance with Academic Regulation of the University of Coimbra (Regulamento Académico da Universidade de Coimbra).

Learning Objectives and Intended Skills

The students concluding the doctoral programme will have:
1. substantial knowledge on the sociological, political and legal theories; legal and social institutions and practices; social, political, economic and cultural
aspects of law and justice in the context of interaction with the state and society;
2. the capacity to analyse different contexts and their diversities, namely in Europe, Africa, Latin-America and Asia;
3. skills to understand and participate in public debates involving law(s) and justice(s) theories and practices stemming from local, national, regional and global
4. mastery of the interdisciplinary research techniques and methods in the field of the state, law and justice in society, in particular, and human and social sciences in general; and
5. ability to train people conducting research in sociology of the state, law and justice, including research-action projects.

Course Coordinator(s)

Daniel Gameiro Francisco

João António Fernandes Pedroso

ECTS Departmental Coordinator(s)

António Manuel Portugal Duarte

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of prior learning is carried out in accordance with the Academic Regulation of the University of Coimbra.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

The qualification is framed in Decree-Law no. 74/2006, dated March 24, in the drafting of Decree-Law no. 63/2016

Graduation Requirements

In order to obtain the academic degree, students must obtain 240 ECTS, equivalent to full approval in all curricular units, including the one corresponding to the completion and public defence of the doctoral thesis.

Access to Further Studies

After completion of the doctoral programme, the PhD holders will be able to access a post-doctoral programme, namely in social sciences.

Study Programme

Sociologia do Estado, do Direito e da Justiça

Academic year

Course Type
3rd Cycle Studies

DGES Code: 5967

Qualification Awarded: Doutor

Duration: 4 Year(s)

ECTS Credits: 240.0

Annual Fee: 2000.0


Call for Applications


Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior
2020-07-31 a 2026-07-30
Direcção Geral de Ensino Superior

Nº Registo: R/A-Cr 104/2020

