Advanced Specialisation Course - Postdoctoral studies in Sports Sciences

General Objectives of the Course

This course aims at the promotion and the consolidation scientific and academic relationships with universities and research centers from Portuguese-speaking countries, Spain and South American countries.
It will fill a gap in the advanced training in Sports Sciences, assuming itself as the first, in the scientific area, to be created in our country.
Once approved, the FCDEF-UC will be the only university higher education institution in Portugal that will offer this type of training increasingly sought after by foreign doctorates from all over the world, but mainly from Portuguese-speaking countries and from the countries of the official Spanish language (Spain and Central and South American countries), with which FCEDF-UC is significantly increasing relations. - the formation and / or deepening of multidisciplinary competences, aptitudes and research methods, in objects of study that integrate Physical Education, Physical Activity, Sports Training, Adapted Physical Activity or Sports Management in its multiple social expressions and developing them in the context of advanced training, in which self-learning and problem-solving capacities are articulated with advanced research skills, using multi-method and interdisciplinary research processes and contributing significantly to the advancement of knowledge in the study themes.
- to refine and expand upon skills in the areas of analytic thinking, research techniques, public presentation, and professional writing.
- to learn new specific techniques or approaches.
- to develop the skill set required to find novel high impact areas of investigation and obtain resources to pursue answers to these questions.

Admission Requirements


Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.

Mode of Study


Teaching / Evaluation language(s)

Portuguese/ English

Learning Objectives and Intended Skills

i) To problematize, design and develop research (or contribute to the development of projects already underway) in the Sport Sciences field; ii)To present new formulations or approaches to the problem under study and / or new or more current methods or methodologies.

Course Coordinator(s)

José Pedro Leitão Ferreira

Raul Agostinho Simões Martins

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of prior learning is carried out in accordance with the Academic Regulation of the University of Coimbra.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

Regulamento n.º 339/2012, publicado no Diário da República n.º 152, 2.ª série, de 7 de agosto (Regulation for the Creation and Operation of Non-Degree Courses in the UC)

Study Programme

Physical Activity and Health
Physical Education
Special Educational Needs - Adapted Physical Activity
Sports Management
Sports Training

Academic year

Course Type
Non Degree Course

Qualification Awarded: Diploma/Certificate

Duration: 1 Semester(s)

ECTS Credits: 30.0


Call for Applications
