Advanced course on Engineering for Intelligent Manufacturing

General Objectives of the Course

Engineering for Intelligent Manufacturing is one of the most transversal, integrative and collaborative areas, since it encompasses all actors of the production process, from manufacturing, to computational models and life cycle. In PhD in the area is essential the presence of various knowledge, from a Science and Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electronic and Computational Physics) to Economics and Management, for be sustained and sustainable. The course will create a bridge between scientific knowledge and industrial technologies, in order to create as appropriate interfaces for disruptive transformations that will occur in the short term in the manufacturing of components, in particular in the metal-mechanical industry. The objective is to provide professionals the resources to assume the role of R & D catalysts in an industrial environment, imbued with the new concepts / practices associated with the so-called 4th industrial revolution.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must have: a) A master's degree in Mechanical Engineering, or other appropriate training, namely in other Engineering or legal equivalent; b) A bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering or other appropriate training, namely in other Engineering, having a relevant academic or scientific curriculum, recognized by the scientific council of FCTUC , attesting the capacity to carry out the course; c) An academic, scientific or professional curriculum, recognized by the scientific council of FCTUC.

Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.

Mode of Study


Teaching / Evaluation language(s)

English and Portuguese

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

The grading of each student in each curricular unit (c.u.), is translated into an integer mark between 0 and 20; students who obtain a final mark equal or above 10 are considered approved. The student will be approved in the course when 24 ECTS are completed. The final grade of the course is calculated based on the average of the curricular units weighted by the number of ECTS.

Learning Objectives and Intended Skills

The course in Engineering for Intelligent Manufacturing aims to provide professionals, with a Bachelor or a Master degree in Engineering, advanced training in new manufacturing processes, including the challenges of designing components for digital manufacturing, depending on the materials selected, and of issues associated with productive robotics for application in Intelligent Factories.

Course Coordinator(s)

Ana Paula Betencourt Martins Amaro

Recognition of Prior Learning

Not applicable.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

Regulation n. 339/2012, published in Diário da República n. 152, 2.nd series, of August 7th (“Regulamento de Criação e Funcionamento de Cursos não Conferentes de Grau na Universidade de Coimbra”).

Study Programme

Engineering for Intelligent Manufacturing

Academic year

Course Type
Non Degree Course

Qualification Awarded: Diploma/Certificate

Duration: 1 Semester(s)

ECTS Credits: 24.0


Call for Applications
