Science Managment
General Objectives of the Course
To train researchers and technicians in the UC Group with tools and information in the areas of Research Management, Science and Technology, with a view to improving the performance of the UC R&D Unit Group and OUs by harmonizing concepts, procedures and behaviors.Admission Requirements
Target: Researchers, PhD students, technicians, managers or other collaborators identified by the UC Group R&D Units, the Organic Units or Administration Services of the University of Coimbra (supporting elements will be requested: CVitae and Candidate Motivation Letter and Letter Head of Coordinator / Director of UI&D or UC Group structure to show relevance to home institution.
Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.
Mode of Study
DaytimeTeaching / Evaluation language(s)
Portuguese languageLearning Objectives and Intended Skills
Teamwork, Organization and Planning, Communication, Analysis and Critical Sense, Ethics, Institutional Representation, Public Service Commitment, Change Management, Results Management, Pressure Tolerance and setbacks, Innovation, Knowledge Transfer.Course Coordinator(s)
Cláudia Margarida Gonçalves Cavadas
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
Rules of creation and operation of non-degree courses at the University of Coimbra.Study Programme
Course Type
Non Degree Course
Qualification Awarded: Diploma/Certificate
Duration: 81 HORAS
ECTS Credits: 3.0