Specialization Course - Ethics in Healthcare
General Objectives of the Course
This course aims to provide knowledge and skills in the field of Health CareEthics and Bioethics to all those engaged in clinical practice, health care and Health Sciences Research.
The program covers not only cross-cutting issues in health care and research, as well as the most current and pertinent themes of health care ethics and research, as well as other broader issues such as demography, economics, and biolaw. We thus have a complete and appealing proposal for all those engaged in clinical activity, general health care and research.
Admission Requirements
1. The course is intended for physicians, dentists, nurses, researchers and other professionals in the area of Health Sciences.The applicants must have Bachelor's degree, Master Degree or PhD in Health Sciences;
2.The Commission may consider applicants holding a graduation or master degree that present an adequate academic or professional curriculum.
Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.
Mode of Study
Face-to-faceTeaching / Evaluation language(s)
Portuguese languageExamination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
The evaluation of curricular unit 2 will be carried out through a written evaluation test and the presentation of a monograph, written for the purpose of its publication, in the form of a case report, review article or opinion article, obeying the rules of the selected journal. In curricular units 1 and 3 the evaluation will be done only by written test.Curricular Units 1 and 3: Assessment test - 100%; Course Unit 2: Assessment Test - 50% and Monography - 50%. The final classification (sum of the classifications of the 3 curricular units) will be: Fit if ≤16 values; Apt with distinction if> 16 values. The presence in the totality of the sessions (of the 3 curricular units) confers a value of bonus in the final evaluation of the course.
Learning Objectives and Intended Skills
This specialization course aims to promote the developmentof analytical and reflection skills in a multidisciplinary thematic context in which concrete daily situations, both in health care institutions and in research centers, often require ethical deliberation.
Course Coordinator(s)
Isabel Margarida Figueiredo Silvestre
Recognition of Prior Learning
The recognition of prior learning is carried out according to the Credits for Previous Learning and Work Experience Policy of the University of Coimbra.Qualification Requirements and Regulations
Rules of creation and operation of non-degree courses at the University of Coimbra.Study Programme
Course Type
Non Degree Course
Qualification Awarded: Diploma/Certificate
Duration: 270 HORAS
ECTS Credits: 10.0