Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Training Course in History of the University of Coimbra
General Objectives of the Course
1. Promote the knowledge of the origins and evolution of the University from the Middle Ages up to the present times;2. Publicize the pedagogical models and the contents of university education in the aforementioned period;
3. Characterize academic life: rules, academic initiation rituals and the daily life of students and academic staff members;
4. Understand the link between the University and other national and foreign cultural and political institutions;
5. Highlight the importance of the University in the education of the ruling elites;
6. Highlight the creation and evolution of the scientific facilities and equipment of the University: Library; Botanical Garden, Chemical Laboratory, Astronomical Observatory, Museums, etc.;
7. Provide knowledge to allow the undertaking or furtherance of research activities on the History of the University of Coimbra.
Admission Requirements
Students must have a minimum command of the Portuguese language (written and oral understanding). The following admission requirements are also considered: Curriculum Vitae and letter of motivation
Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.
Mode of Study
E-learningTeaching / Evaluation language(s)
Portuguese LanguageExamination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
Qualitative (pass and fail)Learning Objectives and Intended Skills
1. Critical knowledge of the broad lines of the history of the UC in its relationship with society, culture and power;2. Identification of the contribution of university education towards the development of culture and science in the different ages of the History of Portugal;
3. Understanding of the specific academic life experiences that emerged and evolved in connection with the transformations of the university itself;
4. Highlight the centrality and key role of the University of Coimbra in the compliance of the Portuguese and Brazilian social elites until the 19th century;
5. Acquisition of a clear view on the meaning of the classification of the UC as tangible and intangible World Heritage;
6. Identification of the main heritage of the UC.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
Regulation n.º 339/2012, published in Official Gazette n.º 152, 2. Grade, August 7th (Regulation of Creation and Operation of Non Degree Courses at the UC)Graduation Requirements
Study Programme
Academic year
Course Type
Non Degree Course
Qualification Awarded: Diploma/Certificate
Duration: 67 HORAS
ECTS Credits: 2.5