PhD in Sustainable Energy Systems
Entidades parceiras: Universidade do Porto, Universidade de Lisboa
General Objectives of the Course
The Sustainable Energy Systems (SES/EfS) doctoral program is included in the Energy for Sustainability initiative (EfS) and aims at developing its student’s abilities to contribute to interdisciplinary interventions in areas such as the efficient use of energy, centralized or decentralized energy production, or the distribution of energy, always under a sustainable development perspective. Students that earn a PhD through this program have developed competences in the technological domains associated to these areas, as well as the domains of economics and the environment; they acquired capacities to analyze systems and their interrelations; they are able to develop research activities and tackle highly complex problems concerning the energy environment binomial, addressing topics such as the evaluation of system’s sustainability, using life-cycle models, materials flow analysis, decision support systems, market economics analyses, or market regulation mechanisms.Admission Requirements
Ph.D. program application requirements:
a) hold a master's degree or equivalent;
b) hold a bachelor's degree with a relevant academic or scientific curriculum, duly recognized by the PhD’s Coordination Committee and by the FCTUC's Scientific Committee, attesting the ability to carry out the course;
c) hold an academic, scientific or professional curriculum, duly recognized by the PhD’s Coordination Committee and by the FCTUC's Scientific Committee, attesting the ability to carry out the course.
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Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.
Professional Goals
Sustainability Departments at large companies, companies acting on the fields of Energy, Environment or Construction, Research and Development Departments, Design and Consulting companies, education, transportation companies, Urban Planning.Mode of Study
Full-timeTeaching / Evaluation language(s)
English/PortugueseExamination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
Given the fact that pedagogical assessment is inseparable from teaching, it is intended to ascertain competences and knowledge that students acquired, their critical thinking, their ability to point out and solve problems, as well as their written and oral expression. Students admitted to examination are those who are registered in the curricular units in the academic year in which the exams are carried out and, simultaneously, registered in those examinations, whenever this registration is necessary, in accordance with number 6, article 4 of the Pedagogical Regulation of the University of Coimbra.Examples of the assessment elements are the following: written or oral exam, tests, written or practical assignments, as well as individual or group projects that may have to be orally defended and students’ participation in classes. Assessment of each curricular unit may include one or more of the mentioned assessment elements.
The mark obtained by each student in each curricular unit consists of a whole number between 0 and 20 points and students who obtain the minimum final mark of 10 points are successfully assessed.
Whenever assessment of a curricular unit comprises more than one assessment element, the final mark is calculated on the basis of the marks students obtained in each assessment element by means of a formula that is made public in accordance with number 2, article 7 of the Pedagogical Regulation of the University of Coimbra.
Learning Objectives and Intended Skills
The Sustainable Energy Systems (SES/EfS) doctoral program at the University of Coimbra aims at developing its students' abilities to contribute to interdisciplinary interventions in areas such as the efficient use of energy, centralized or decentralized energy production, or the distribution of energy, always under a sustainable development perspective. Students that earn a PhD through this program have developed competences in the technological domains associated to these areas, as well as the domains of economics and the environment; they acquired capacities to analyze systems and their interrelations; they are able to develop research activities and tackle highly complex problems concerning the energy-environment binomial, addressing topics such as the evaluation of systems' sustainability, using life-cycle models, materials flow analysis, geographical information systems, market economics analyzes, or market regulation mechanisms.Course Coordinator(s)
Manuel Carlos Gameiro da Silva
ECTS Departmental Coordinator(s)
Telmo Miguel Pires Pinto
Recognition of Prior Learning
Recognition of prior learning is carried out in accordance with the Academic Regulation of the University of Coimbra.Qualification Requirements and Regulations
The SSE is composed of 4 years, in which students are asked to complete 240 ECTS, according to DL 74/2006, of 24 March, as amended by the DL 107/2008, of 25 June, by the DL 230/2009, of 14 September, and by the DL 115/2013, of 7 AugustGraduation Requirements
To earn the degree of Doctor in Energy for Sustainability it is necessary to successfully complete mandatory and elective courses totaling 60 ECTS credits, plus a PhD dissertation corresponding to 180 ECTS credits. YEAR 1: mandatory Curricular Units (CUs) totaling 30 credits (ECTS) plus 30 ECTS in elective CUs chosen among those offered by UC and the institutions with similar programs with which there is collaboration (UP and UL). The mandatory CUs provide the backbone of the curriculum, over which each student can design its own specialization preferences. All students gain a common background on sustainability, energy systems and environmental issues, but also the necessary tools to develop applied research work that leads to innovative products and services.
Access to Further Studies
Not applicable.Study Programme
Course Type
3rd Cycle Studies
DGES Code: 5271
Qualification Awarded: Doutor
Duration: 4 Year(s)
ECTS Credits: 240.0
Annual Fee: 2750.0
Call for Applications
- 1st Semester
Start date: 08-09-2025
End date: 13-12-2025 - 2nd Semester
Start date: 02-02-2026
End date: 21-05-2026
- Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior
- 2023-07-31 a 2025-07-30
- Direcção Geral de Ensino Superior
Nº Registo: R/A-Ef 1534/2011/AL01
- 2015-06-09