Master’s degree in Modern Culture, Literature, and Languages

General Objectives of the Course

This 2nd cycle program has the following general goals:
a) to expand, develop and deepen, in an sustained and critical manner, the knowledge and skills obtained in the 1st cycle;
b) to develop knowledge and skills (work tools; specific and broader knowledge; reflection, research, and self-learning skills) that provide the student with the necessary autonomy for conducting projects and research work, or to perform professional activities in the areas in which they obtained qualification, and also using in a critical and suitable way the tools that will enable them to adapt to similar activities or other.

Admission Requirements

a) a First degree, or its legal equivalent; b) a degree from a foreign institution of higher educationobtained after a Bachelors’ degree organized according to the principles of the Bologna Process by a state which has subscribed to the Process; c) a degree from a foreign institution of higher education officially recognized fulfilling the requirements of a Bachelor’s degree; d) an educational, academic or professional cv that is recognized as attesting to the candidate’s capacity to carry out this program.

Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.

Professional Goals

Officers in public and private administration; education and teaching, editorial market; audio-visual and media professionals; translations; office management; cultural area professionals.

Mode of Study

Daytime, full-time and face-to-face

Teaching / Evaluation language(s)

Portuguese, German, Spanish, French, English and Italian

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Because assessment is a pedagogical activity inseparable from learning, their critical stance/perspective, capacity to expose and solve problems it aims at ascertain the skills and knowledge acquired by the students, as well their mastery of written and oral exposition. Assessment items are defined in each curricular unit form and include the following examples: written assignments, oral presentations, commentaries, individual or group projects, assiduity and in-class participation. Each student’s mark in each curricular unit translate into an integer value between 0 and 20 and the pass mark is 10. Whenever assessment in a curricular unit comprises more than one item, the final mark is calculated from those obtained in each assessment item by means of a formula explained in the curricular unit form, according to the terms established in nr. 2, article 7, of the internal pedagogical regulations (RPUC). The student’s final mark is the result of a formula which includes both the curricular component and the viva.

Learning Objectives and Intended Skills

—knowledge of the critical movements and theoretical debates relevant to the topics of each course;
—ability to contextualize the main themes and problematics of each disciplinary field;
—ability to present arguments,formulate hypotheses, and apply fundamental theories issues and topics in their area of specialization;
—skillsin comparative analysis of issues and topics in literary and cultural studies;
—ability to reflect on issues of construction of cultural identities from a theoretical perspective;
—knowledge about the societies and cultures in their historical, political, social, literary and cultural dimensions;
—skillsin analysis and framing of new questions;
—development of a critical awareness in relation to the study-objects;
—solid knowledge of the working languages and mastery of the terminology of disciplinary areas;
—ability to learn autonomously and critically and to interact effectively.

Course Coordinator(s)

Maria de Fátima Gil Rodrigues da Silva

Maria José Florentino Mendes Canelo

ECTS Departmental Coordinator(s)

João Luís Jesus Fernandes

Susana Isabel Arsénio Nunes Costa Araújo

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of prior learning is carried out in accordance with the Academic Regulation of the University of Coimbra.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

The legal framework for the qualification is established by the decrees: Decree-Law nr 74/2006, 24th March, in its current wording; Ordinance nr 782/2009, 23rd July.

Graduation Requirements

Students must obtain a total of 120 ECTS, which include completion of all the 1st year seminars, the production of a thesis and approval in a compulsory viva.

Access to Further Studies

PhD degree studies.

Study Programme

Common core
Master’s degree in Modern Culture, Literature, and Languages
Areas of expertise
English and American Studies
Modern Literatures and Cultures

Academic year

Course Type
2nd Cycle Studies - Continuity Master Programme

DGES Code: M794

Qualification Awarded: Mestre

Duration: 2 Year(s)

ECTS Credits: 120.0

Category: Continuity second cycle


Call for Applications


1st Semester
Start date: 08-09-2025
End date: 13-12-2025
2nd Semester
Start date: 02-02-2026
End date: 21-05-2026


Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior
2021-07-31 a 2027-07-30
Direcção Geral de Ensino Superior

Nº Registo: R/A-Cr 15/2015

