DELE Examination Preparation Course - Advanced level

General Objectives of the Course

Preparation Course for DELE Exam - Higher level provides training for students who are interested in independently submit to examination for B2 DELE (Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language B2) at the headquarters of the Instituto Cervantes.
Preparation Course for DELE Exam - intermediate level follows a communicative approach following the pedagogical model published by Instituto Cervantes to prepare for the DELE exam. It consists of seven teaching units (DU) exploring the functional, grammatical, lexical and cultural content which has been set by Cervantes Institute as a Curriculum Plan for this level. Each PC develops a general topic around which various activities are held for developing the different communicative skills (listening, reading comprehension, writing and oral expression and interaction). The aim is for students to achieve the objectives set by the Cervantes Institute to successfully pass the said examination

Admission Requirements

Applicants must be aged 16 years or over.

Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.

Mode of Study


Teaching / Evaluation language(s)


Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Preparation Course for DELE Exam - Higher level follows a continuous evaluation, in which each student is monitored by the teacher, there is no test or final evaluation, since this course is designed to prepare the student to in an independent manner, pass DELE exam at Instituto Cervantes.

Learning Objectives and Intended Skills

According to the Curriculum Plan of the Cervantes Institute, students with competence C2 in Spanish as a foreign language must fulfill the following objectives:
• Possess enough linguistic and non-linguistic competences and knowledge of spoken Spanish to handle all situations, even in unforeseen ones, in which one may be involved;
• Being able to express accurately and easily being capable of transmitting subtle meanings;
• Moving into different linguistic registers and have a good mastery of idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms;
• Within particularly sensitive or complex situations, know how to deal with communication difficulties so skillfully and discretion that interlocutor would hardly perceives them;
• Having enough language skills to understand the implications of a contract or an administrative document, inquiring about areas of work different from one’s own, making subtle evaluations of a proposal, describing no visible symptoms of a disease, face professional unusual situations, etc..
• Having a good mastery of idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms to enjoy the connotative levels of meaning;
• Be aware of sociolinguistic and sociocultural implications used by a native speaker and react accordingly;
• Be able to communicate effectively among Spanish speakers and their community of origin, taking into account socio-cultural and sociolinguistic differences;
• Being able to understand any interlocutor, even on complex and specialized matters or abstract subjects which are beyond one’s field of expertise, where, if necessary, by using an accent that is not standard;
• Talk comfortably and appropriately in all situations of social and personal life. Be able to formulate thoughts precisely, emphasize and deal with ambiguity;
• Fully participate in academic work or in the academic life without great disadvantage compared to native speakers.
• Be able to understand any text, transmitted verbally or in writing, received either directly or by retransmission;;
• Be able to understand any kind of speech, even at the very fast pace used by native speakers, both in face to face conversations as relayed speeches;
• Understand specialized lectures and presentations although they contain a high level of colloquialisms, regionalisms or unknown terminology;
• In terms of written language, being able to understand and critically interpreting any text, including abstract and complex structure texts, and literary and non-literary texts with many colloquial expressions. Being able to appreciate subtle distinctions of style and meaning, either implicit or explicit;

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

Regulation n.º 339/2012, published in Official Gazette no. 152, 2. Grade, August 7th (Regulation of Creation and Operation of non-degree courses at the UC).

Graduation Requirements

As a rule, continuous assessment is the preferential regime to assess our students’ knowledge which requires 75% attendance and completion of two assessment tests. Other elements such as class participation, homework and tasks performed throughout the course, are also taken into account for evaluation. At the end of each level, students can request the corresponding certificate, if the course has been successfully completed.

Study Programme

DELE Examination Preparation Course - Advance level

Academic year

Course Type
Non Degree Course

Qualification Awarded: Diploma/Certificate

Duration: 40 HORAS

ECTS Credits: 2.0

Price : 130.0


Call for Applications
