Doctoral Programme in Economics
General Objectives of the Course
The Doctoral Programme in Economics aims at providing advanced scientific training in economic analysis. Doctoral graduates in Economics should be able to perform highly demanding tasks and to adapt to new micro- and macroeconomic contexts. The Doctoral Programme in Economics is taught by doctorate professors who advise students on the choice of their dissertation’s topic and guide them during research. Students will be integrated in regular research activities at the Faculty. Since 2009/2010, the Doctoral Programme has been offered together with the School of Economics and Management at the University of Minho.Admission Requirements
1- Applicants for admission to the Doctoral Programme in Economics must be:
a) Holders of a master's degree or legal equivalent, namely holders of a Master's degree in Economics with a Very Good classification or equivalent rank or holders of a master's degree in other fields, with a Very Good classification or equivalent rank, or holders of a bachelor's degree with Very Good classification or equivalent rank in the school part of master's in Economics or related fields;
b) Holders of a bachelor's degree in the fields referred to in sub-paragraph a), holders of a particularly relevant academic or scientific curriculum that is recognized as attesting capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the Academic Board of the Faculty of Economics;
c) Holders of a scholarly, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognized as attesting to the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the Academic Board of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra.
2 - The recognition referred to in subparagraphs b) and c) of paragraph 1 only allows access to the cycle of studies leading to a PhD Degree and does not grant its holder the recognition or equivalence to a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree.
Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.
Professional Goals
Doctoral graduates in Economics have qualifications to exercise functions in several business fields, such as auditing and consulting, banking and insurance, studies and planning, teaching and research, namely in central, regional and local public administration, public bodies, and national and international companies and organizations.Mode of Study
Full-time attendance, presence required in daytime schedule. Teaching sessions will take place on FridayTeaching / Evaluation language(s)
EnglishExamination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
As assessment is a pedagogical activity inseparable from the teaching process, its aim is to establish the students' competencies and knowledge, their critical sense, ability to recognize and resolve problems, as well as their written and oral presentation skills. Students may only register for exams for classes they are currently registered for under the terms of number 6 of article 4 of the University of Coimbra Pedagogical Policy. The following are examples of assessment items: Oral or written exams, written or practical work, individual and group projects that may require an oral defense, as well as class participation. Assessment for each class may include one or more of the above mentioned items. Grading is based on a scale of 0 to 20 and a grade of 10 is required to pass. Whenever the grade comprises more than one item, the final grade is calculated by taking into account the relative weight of each item according a formula published in the course outline under the terms of number 2 of article 7 of the UC Pedagogical Policy.Learning Objectives and Intended Skills
The Ph.D. programme aims at providing the students with the skills required for full integration in the globalized job market. In particular, by the end of the programme, we expect students to be able to:Integrate new knowledge, handle complex problems and formulate judgements;
Command the competencies, skills and research methods required in economic analysis;
Develop learning and research skills that will allow them to conduct autonomous work of a scientific nature in economics;
Identify limitations and weaknesses of economic theory, which can be used to foster original ideas;
Demonstrate the ability to conceive, project, adapt and carry out relevant scientific research, while complying with the standards of economic integrity;
Pursue original research work that pushes forward the frontiers of science; and Communicate in a clear way the results of a research project.
Course Coordinator(s)
Paulino Maria Freitas Teixeira
Tiago Miguel Guterres Neves Sequeira
ECTS Departmental Coordinator(s)
António Manuel Portugal Duarte
Recognition of Prior Learning
Recognition of prior learning is carried out in accordance with the Academic Regulation of the University of Coimbra.Qualification Requirements and Regulations
The legal framework for the qualification is established by the decrees: Decree-Law nr 74/2006, 24th March, in its current wording.Graduation Requirements
At the end of the first year, composed by eight mandatory units of study, the student must undergo an exam on the main subjects taught during the first two semesters. Approval in this exam must be obtained for admission to the second year. In the third semester, the candidate must attend and obtain approval in the unit of study Thesis Proposal, and also submit a dissertation project, whose successful defence is required for subsequent dissertation development. The dissertation will then be defended in a public examination. This programme leads to a doctoral degree in Economics by the University of Coimbra.
Access to Further Studies
Doctoral graduates will be able to access post-doctoral programmes, namely in the field of Economics.Study Programme
Course Type
3rd Cycle Studies
DGES Code: 9339
Qualification Awarded: Doutor
Duration: 4 Year(s)
ECTS Credits: 240.0
Annual Fee: 2750.0
Call for Applications
- 1st Semester
Start date: 08-09-2025
End date: 13-12-2025 - 2nd Semester
Start date: 02-02-2026
End date: 21-05-2026
- Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior
- 2020-07-31 a 2026-07-30
- Direcção Geral de Ensino Superior
Nº Registo: R/A-Ef 1597/2011/AL01
- 2021-03-29