Master’s Degree Education Sciences

General Objectives of the Course

The Master in Educational Sciences has as main objectives to provide students with training that makes them capable of: (a) Design, plan, develop and evaluate programmes and educational acts, formal or non-formal, that best serve personal needs and those of the communities and contexts where individuals interact; (b) Characterise, describe and understand educational facts occurring in any context, with any type of people, considered either as a group or individually; c) Developing all activities related to educational mediation processes throughout life, namely those aimed at the (re)construction of personal and professional identities; d) Taking responsibility for the management of Education and Training projects and programmes; e) Participating in the Administration and Management of Education and Training Systems and Organizations, at central, regional and local level.

Admission Requirements

a) holders of a Bachelor’s degree or legally equivalent qualification in Educational Sciences or Education;
b) holders of a foreign academic degree corresponding to the 1st cycle of studies in Educational Sciences, or in other similar fields, organized in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process and from an adhering country to this Process;
c) holders of a foreign higher level academic degree in Education which is recognized as meeting the objectives of this Bachelor’s degree in Educational Sciences by the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences;
d) holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum vitae which is recognized as attesting the capacity to accomplish this cycle of studies by the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences;
e) candidates, who have not successfully accomplished the course in its previous editions, may be admitted as supernumerary students.

Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.

Professional Goals

Masters in Educational Sciences are qualified to work in the following areas or services:
Education Institutions; Schools and Municipalities; Institutions for Special Education Needs; Ministry of Education Departments; Regional Education Boards; Research in Educational Sciences.

Mode of Study

The course is delivered in full time or part time attendance and daytime schedule.

Teaching / Evaluation language(s)


Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

As assessment is a pedagogical activity inseparable from the teaching process, its aim is to establish the students' competencies and knowledge, their critical sense, ability to recognize and resolve problems, as well as their written and oral presentation skills. Students may only register for exams for classes they are currently registered for under the terms of number 6 of article 4 of the University of Coimbra Pedagogical Policy. The following are examples of assessment items: Oral or written exams, written or practical work, individual and group projects that may require an oral defense, as well as class participation. Assessment for each class may include one or more of the above mentioned items. Grading is based on a scale of 0 to 20 and a grade of 10 is required to pass. Whenever assessment includes more than one item, the final grade is calculated by taking into account the relative weight of each item according to a formula published in the course outline under the terms of number 2 of article 7 of the UC Pedagogical Policy.

Learning Objectives and Intended Skills

- Create advanced skills in the areas of production and analysis of information;
- Create skills for research in Information Science;
- Create critical reading skills essential to the comprehension and intervention in the areas of production, analysis and communication of information;
- Create competencies for the creation, management and execution of projects;
The skills listed above, generic and specific, will enable students to continue their education in a 3rd cycle.

Course Coordinator(s)

Joaquim Luis Medeiros Alcoforado

ECTS Departmental Coordinator(s)

Bruno Cecílio de Sousa

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of prior learning is carried out in accordance with the Academic Regulation of the University of Coimbra.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

The legal framework for the qualification is established by Decree Law no. 74/2006, 24th March, amended by DL no. 107/2008, 25th June; Ordinance no. 782/2009, 23rd July.

Graduation Requirements

The study plan comprises compulsory and elective curricular units, a seminar, an internship and the writing and defence of an internship report.
Access to each field of the internship is held by ranking students according to the following selection criteria:
Final Average obtained in the 1st cycle course, mark obtained in compulsory curricular units in this field, average of the marks obtained in curricular units in the first academic year of this Master’s Degree, number of accomplished ECTS.

Access to Further Studies

The qualification gives access to a higher level training, namely third cycle studies.

Study Programme

Education Sciences

Academic year

Course Type
2nd Cycle Studies - Continuity Master Programme

DGES Code: 6031

Qualification Awarded: Mestre

Duration: 2 Year(s)

ECTS Credits: 120.0

Category: Continuity second cycle


Call for Applications


1st Semester
Start date: 08-09-2025
End date: 13-12-2025
2nd Semester
Start date: 02-02-2026
End date: 21-05-2026


Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior
2021-07-31 a 2027-07-30
Conselho Científico-Pedagógico de Formação Contínua

Nº Registo: CCPFC/ACC-87638/16

2016-06-06 a 2019-06-06
Direcção Geral de Ensino Superior

Nº Registo: R/A-Ef 1683/2011/AL03

