Specialization Course on Protection against rural fires

General Objectives of the Course

The course syllabus will enable the student to acquire knowledge and sensitivity
that will allow them to develop prevention and emergency plans related to wildfires, primarily aimed at protecting communities/populations and critical and strategic elements. The curricular unit will culminate in a practical exercise analyzing the hazard of structural damage using real fire events, including the design and analysis of the effectiveness of self-protection measures.

Admission Requirements

Elements with a first degree.

Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.

Mode of Study


Teaching / Evaluation language(s)


Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

40% from the problem solving exercises and 60% from the synthesis work provided, being both evaluated in a range between 0 and 20 values.

Learning Objectives and Intended Skills

- Regulations, guidelines, standards, and existing planning related
to PCIR (Integrated WildfFire Management Plan)
- Construction standards in Portugal and their relationship with the risk of fire spread from rural fires: ignition potential, vulnerability, and best construction practices, as well as the organization of the surrounding space
- Identification and assessment of the hazard and risk of wildfire spread at the WUI and to built heritage: structural conditions and fire behavior
- Exposure of buildings and infrastructural components to wildfires based on the characteristics of the region and the area of implementation
- Characteristics of WUI to increase fire safety and the fire spread to built heritage
- Individual and collective safety in wildfires: self-protection measures, equipment, and protective infrastructures
- Understanding and identification of weather conditions influencing fire behavior that could potentially affect citizens and property, and their relation to the issuance of warnings, alerts, and emergency communications.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

Rules of creation and operation of non-degree courses at the University of Coimbra

Graduation Requirements

40% from the problem solving exercises and 60% from the synthesis work provided, being both evaluated in a range between 0 and 20 values.

Study Programme

Protection of people and assets

Academic year

Course Type
Non Degree Course

Qualification Awarded: Diploma/Certificate

Duration: 1 Trimester(s)

ECTS Credits: 2.0


Call for Applications
