Multilateral Master’s Degree in Lifelong Well-being and Healthy Ageing

Entidades parceiras: Université de Poitiers, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Universidad de Salamanca - USAL, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Turun Kristillinen Opisto, Università degli studi di Pavia

General Objectives of the Course

- To provide students with relevant theoretical and methodological tools for action on key issues and subjects that are part of lifelong good health and wellbeing as a dynamic and ever-changing field of study and research in today's world.
- To prepare experts capable of identifying the main problems affecting lifelong good health and wellbeing.
-To provide experts with practical resources and instruments that enable an effective intervention in urban environments

Admission Requirements

The successful completion of the Degree Programme requires the student to obtain minimum 120 ECTS from the Degree Programme courses, including a positive evaluation of the Master’s Thesis or internship.
The student is obliged to obtain a minimum of 120 ECTS during the four semesters of the Degree Programme and at the same time to successfully pass all the obligatory courses that are part of the study curricula of the Degree Programme at each Consortium Institution. The Degree Programme structure is described in the Programme Handbook (Annex 1 - and can be revised, in writing, with the agreement of all the parties, during the operation of the Degree Programme respecting the national accreditation requirements.

Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.

Professional Goals

The professional goals of the welfare track include: Scientific researcher at national and international universities and research institutions; Adviser and consultant in social welfare fields; Community care and welfare rights officer; Lifelong well-being and healthy ageing advisor / counsellor.

Mode of Study

Face to Face, daytime

Teaching / Evaluation language(s)

Portuguese and English

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

: The examination and assessment of students of the Degree Programme, including assessment methods and criteria, grading, the conversion table for grades, access to information on grading, resits and re-assessments, functional disorders and handicaps, unfair practice and fraud are regulated by each Consortium Institution according to common rules and in compliance with local regulations
All modules are weighted according to the ECTS system and in conformity to national regulations. Consortium Institutions accept differences in national regulations among them concerning awarding ECTS credits and they recognise the number of ECTS credits awarded by Consortium Institutions for the degree programme without further conversion.
Each Consortium Institution awards marks based on its own grading system according to common rules. The Master Thesis evaluation (or internship evaluation) defence takes place at the Fourth Semester University at the end of the Fourth semester in accordance with its own regulation and shall be evaluated by the Master Thesis Evaluation Committee

Learning Objectives and Intended Skills

With the multilateral Master’s Degree in Lifelong Well-being and Healthy Ageing it is intended that students acquire skills in the area of social sciences and health, allowing them to:l
- Collect, process and analyze information on living conditions, healthy aging and population health.
- Analyze the importance of place and context as a risk factor for healthy aging and well-being;
- Evaluate and plan strategies to promote physical and mental well-being and health, taking into account the physical, socio-economic and cultural conditions of the populations;
- Manage ethical problems in the community (eg municipal councils) and health services, respecting the precautionary measures associated with the promotion of health and well-being throughout life;
- Assess the health impacts resulting from the implementation of public policy measures and actions;
- Organize responses and instruments to mitigate unfair and avoidable inequalities.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

DL 74/2006, de 24 de março

Access to Further Studies

Students with the Degree may apply for doctoral programs.

Study Programme


Academic year

Course Type
2nd Cycle Studies - Lifelong Learning Master Programme

Qualification Awarded: Mestre

Duration: 4 Semester(s)

ECTS Credits: 120.0

Category: Lifelong training second cycle


Call for Applications


Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior
2023-07-31 a 2029-07-30
Direcção Geral de Ensino Superior
