Specialization Course in Cell Culture and Tissue Course

General Objectives of the Course

The cell culture course aims at developing specific skills and competences in in vitro cultures. This course aims to provide important tools in cell culture procedures for students, researchers and all professionals in the field of biomedical sciences, allowing the implementation of new approaches in their research projects. The program includes theoretical and practical foundations of cell and tissue culture techniques, divided into different curricular units that will provide knowledge from basic to advanced concepts, methods, techniques and applications in cell and tissue culture. In addition to this appealing training, the adoption of good practices in all procedures will be privileged.

Admission Requirements

All students, researchers and professionals in the areas of Medicine, Biomedical Laboratory Sciences, Biology, Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences and related areas are admitted to this course. The ranking of candidates will be based on the evaluation of the Curriculum Vitae and letter of motivation, within the deadlines set for registration.

Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.

Mode of Study


Teaching / Evaluation language(s)

Portuguese and English

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

The assessment will be carried out through the completion of an exam. The final classification will be assigned with a score from 0 to 20 values.

Learning Objectives and Intended Skills

At the end of this training the student should be able to perform basic procedures in the context of a culture room; to resolve problems arising from the methodology applied in cell and tissue culture; to apply the principles of biosafety; to identify techniques for cells immortalizing and establishing of primary cultures; to identify the methodologies suitable to respond to a scientific question, such as fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, genetic editing techniques and immunohistochemistry; and to select the best statistical tool to analyse experimental data.

Course Coordinator(s)

Maria Filomena Rabaça Roque Botelho

Recognition of Prior Learning

The recognition of prior learning is carried out according to the Academic Regulation of the University of Coimbra.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

Rules of creation and operation of non-degree courses at the University of Coimbra

Study Programme

Cultura de Células e Tecidos

Academic year

Course Type
Non Degree Course

Qualification Awarded: Diploma/Certificate

Duration: 135 HORAS

ECTS Credits: 5.0


Call for Applications
