Bachelor's Degree in Management
General Objectives of the Course
The Bachelor's Degree in Management (BDM) seeks to provide students with the skills necessary in order to perform management duties at private and public organizations. With the skills acquired in the degree in management, students will also be ready to proceed to a postgraduate program (2nd cycle) in any of the specialized fields of management. According to its core scientific structure, the degree provides students with knowledge in the most relevant fields of management, as well as a range of essential knowledge in social and technical areas, such as economics, quantitative methods, law, history, and information systems. The Bachelor's Degree in Management also seeks to provide students with relevant personal development opportunities for working life, as well as promote the international mobility of students and teachers.Admission Requirements
National Call for Access and Entry to Higher Education (DGES):
Entry exam:
One of the following sets:
04 Economy
19 Mathematics A
19 Mathematics A
18 Portuguese
Application score: 95 points (0-200 scale)
Entry exams: 95 points (0-200 scale)
Calculation Formula:
Secondary school average: 50%
Entry exams: 50%
Other forms of access (UC-applicants):
- Change of Institution / Course Pair Schemes;
- Special Access Call for over 23-years-olds;
- Special Access Call for Holders of Other Higher Education Courses;
- Special Call for International Students.
This information does not exempt the consultation of the webpage of the Directorate General of Higher Education (DGES) and/or of the Applicants website. Please, visit the DGES and the Applicants websites
Professional Goals
Bachelor's graduates in Management have qualifications to exercise functions in several business fields, such as auditing and consulting, banking and insurance, finance, production and supply, human resources, marketing, teaching, and researchMode of Study
Full- or part-time attendance, presence required in daytime scheduleTeaching / Evaluation language(s)
Portuguese and EnglishExamination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
Since assessment is a pedagogical activity closely associated with teaching, it is intended to evaluate the skills and knowledge acquired by students; their ability to think critically, enunciate and solve problems; as well as their command of written and oral presentation. The teaching and learning philosophy of the course favours periodic assessment, under the terms defined in the Academic Regulations of the University of Coimbra (RAUC), article 109. In this sense, the following are possible elements of assessment: oral presentations in class; written or practical work, the completion of projects, individual or group, which may have to be defended orally, in a maximum of three elements. The classification of each student, for each curricular unit, is translated into a whole value between 0 and 20 points and those students that obtain a minimum final classification of 10 points are considered approved. Whenever the assessment of a curricular unit includes more than one element of assessment, the final mark is calculated from the marks obtained in each element of assessment, through a formula made public by the annual sheet of the curricular unit, according to article 109, paragraph 6, of the RAUC.Learning Objectives and Intended Skills
The students:1. Acquire knowledge and specific skills of technical nature, related to the functional areas of management, not neglecting the systemic vision of organizations. 2. Acquire a set of knowledge of transversal nature for the activity of a manager, including, in addition to the management area, the areas of quantitative methods, economics, law and information systems. 3. Be able to interpret problematic situations, make decisions in contexts of uncertainty and risk, plan strategies and assume organizational responsibilities, always bearing in mind the ethics and social responsibility of organizations. 4. Develop a set of soft skills and entrepreneurial skills, essential for informed citizenship and decision-making in diverse environments, in an international context and in constant change. 5. Have the possibility of acquiring more in-depth knowledge in specific topics, with a view to a future specialization.
Course Coordinator(s)
Paulo Miguel Marques Gama Gonçalves
ECTS Departmental Coordinator(s)
António Manuel Portugal Duarte
Recognition of Prior Learning
Recognition of prior learning is carried out in accordance with the Academic Regulation of the University of Coimbra and the Regulation on Prior Training and Professional Experience Credits of the University of Coimbra.Qualification Requirements and Regulations
DL 74/2006, de 24 de marçoGraduation Requirements
Successful Completion of 180 ECTS credits, which are shared among 144 ECTS credits concerning mandatory curricular units and 36 ECTS credits concerning optional curricular units. The optional curricular units are of two types: non-conditioned and conditioned. The non-conditioned optional curricular units may be chosen from among an interdisciplinary set of 1st Cycle curricular units that are offered at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC). From among the 4 non-conditioned optional curricular units provided for in the studies programme (24 ECTS credits), the students must (mandatorily) chose optional curricular units that make a total of 12 ECTS credits (minimum number) in the field of Management. In addition, the Bachelor’s Degree Course in Management offers students the possibility of attending 2 curricular units in Portuguese or in English (Marketing and Business Strategy) which are offered as conditioned optional curricular units (12 ECTS credits).
Access to Further Studies
Bachelor's graduates in Management have competences for applying to a 2nd cycle studies.Study Programme
Course Type
1st Cycle Studies
DGES Code: 9147
Qualification Awarded: Bachelor's Degree
Duration: 3 Year(s)
ECTS Credits: 180.0
Call for Applications
- Course/institution transfer
- Holders of Other Higher Education Degrees
- Over 23-year-olds
- Readmission
- Special Contest for International Students (Bachelor's Degree and Integrated Master's Degree Courses)
- 1st Semester
Start date: 08-09-2025
End date: 13-12-2025 - 2nd Semester
Start date: 02-02-2026
End date: 21-05-2026
- Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior
- 2023-07-31 a 2029-07-31
- Direcção Geral de Ensino Superior
Nº Registo: R/A-Cr 32/2023
- 2023-07-13