Master in Timber Construction

General Objectives of the Course

The course intends to create a training offer in the fields of Timber Engineering specifically in transmitting advanced knowledge in the area of forest products, with specific emphasis on timber and on its connection with Structural Engineering and Architecture, not only in the design and construction of new structures but also in the conservation and rehabilitation of existing ones. Although the formation basic on Timber Structures has been offered for more than 20 years, in this and in other Portuguese Universities, the competencies and knowledge acquired do not reach the level required to address the practical issues with increasing levels of risk and
complexity. To this end, it is also intended to transmit advanced knowledge in the topics of modelling, ecological practices and sustainability and the combination of materials to create timber composite structures.

Admission Requirements

Candidates will be evaluated and sorted based on the following classification items: academic, professional and competency. For this, the curricular training (in the field of Civil Engineering, Architecture, Forestry or other related areas) and the professional experience (minimum of 5 years) will be considered.

Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.

Professional Goals

In this Master Course, it is expected that the students who attend it are already in the labour market, so their perspective is not that of beginning a new professional area but rather seeking for advanced knowledge to improve their competitiveness in this specific area of expertise. The paradigm of timber construction in Portugal is changing, based not only on its characteristics as a material (natural, renewable and ecological), contributing to the sustainability of the sector, but also by the growing offer of wood products with structural capacity. On the other hand, the rehabilitation market continues to expand in Portugal, with the buildings usually having structures made of this material (floors, roofs, for example).
This paradigm shift requires continuous and advanced training. Thus, it is expected that the training of these students represents a bet on the qualification of human capital with activity in these sectors.

Mode of Study


Teaching / Evaluation language(s)

Portuguese language

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Each unit of the course defines its evaluation rules. The final mark in every unit will be defined in the range 0 to 20; the lower mark to obtain the approval in each unit is 10.

Learning Objectives and Intended Skills

The students should acquire knowledge and skills that allow them:
- To know and to understand the fundamental concepts on the basis of the design and computation of timber structures;
- To design and compute timber structures according to the European regulations aiming to obtain structurally efficient structures, aesthetically pleasing and showing concern for an ecological and sustainable construction;
- To apply conservation and rehabilitation techniques to pre-existing timber structures;
- To apply draw and detailing concepts of wooden solutions, including BIM;
- To evaluate the behaviour of timber structures concerning specific actions such as the earthquake;
- To apply timber combined with other materials to obtain composite structures aiming at taking full advantage of the behaviour of the materials involved;
- To develop research skills in the areas covered by the various disciplines available.

Course Coordinator(s)

Alfredo Manuel Pereira Geraldes Dias

ECTS Departmental Coordinator(s)

João Pedro Simões Cândido Martins

Recognition of Prior Learning

If requested by the student, the course coordinator, supported by the Scientific
Committee, and the academic regulation from UC, will evaluate the possibility of crediting the relevant prior learning (professional or academic), always maintaining the obligation of approval in the mandatory unit of the course and in the Project.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

The Master's degree is awarded according to the Portuguese Law DL 74/2006, published in the official journal on the 24th of March of 2006, with the subsequent amendments, Portaria 782/2009 published in the official journal on the 23th of July of 2009

Graduation Requirements

To obtain the Master's degree the student must obtain approval in all the curricular
units of the mandatory part of the course (6 ECTS) and in the optional units (24 ECTS) of the edition. Additionally, the student must obtain approval in the Project (30 ECTS).

Access to Further Studies

By attributing the Master Degree, this course allows access to third cycle studies, limited to the specific requirements established by each of these courses.

Study Programme

Civil Engineering

Academic year

Course Type
2nd Cycle Studies - Advanced Specialisation Master Programme

DGES Code: MD87

Qualification Awarded: Mestre

Duration: 2 Semester(s)

ECTS Credits: 60.0

Category: Advanced specialization second cycle


Call for Applications


1st Semester
Start date: 08-09-2025
End date: 13-12-2025
2nd Semester
Start date: 02-02-2026
End date: 21-05-2026


Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior
2022-07-31 a 2028-07-30
Direcção Geral de Ensino Superior

Nº Registo: R/A-Cr 214/2022

